Hamas supporters disrupting Pride parades

| July 1, 2024 | 12 Comments
Hamas supporters disrupting Pride parades

      Hmm, my 7AM column schedule didn’t happen. Wonder if Ed is trying to tell me something…. Seems ya just can’t win. The latest cause to warm the cockles (or maybe the sub-cockles) of liberal hearts is the poor desperate situation of the Gaza Palestinians. They elected Hamas, lived with them for years, […]

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NEWS FLASH – Maher makes sense

| April 24, 2024 | 24 Comments
NEWS FLASH – Maher makes sense

Leftist stalwart Bill Maher is apparently joining SEN Fetterman in bolting the Dem fold and again actually made sense on something. Comedian Bill Maher went on a blistering tirade against “woke” ideology, saying that Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis “wasn’t wrong” when he called out Disney for sexualizing children, and that liberals were willing to “overlook” […]

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(Eat my) Friday Shorts

| April 19, 2024 | 11 Comments
(Eat my) Friday Shorts

  Okay, I freely admit it – nothing of great social or political import today. So let the deep thinking occur in the other posts. Command. Where only (theoretically) the best and the brightest get to. Repeated command slots says you’re a rising star, a comer, someone who is going places. Now, what could be […]

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A student is told that ‘strait’ is ‘offensive’

| January 15, 2024 | 20 Comments
A student is told that ‘strait’ is ‘offensive’

A teacher handed out a worksheet to the students. The worksheet was a “Social Identity Wheel” that contained the following categories: racial, ethnic, gender, social economic status, physical, emotional or developmental disabilities, and sexual orientation. One of the students that wrote down “straight” was told to pick another term. The teacher described “straight” as “offensive.” […]

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Trans Health Department Admiral, “Wrong Puberty”

| July 22, 2023 | 40 Comments
Trans Health Department Admiral, “Wrong Puberty”

DHHS Admiral Rachel Levine and Friend ABC’s late night news program “Nightline” is pandering to the woke with their series entitled “Identity Denied: Trans in America.” In a recent installment the guest was Department of Health and Human Services assistant secretary Admiral Rachel Lavine, formerly Pennsylvania’s Health Secretary during the Covid debacle and also formerly […]

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Thursday shorts – Solar roof, drag shows, Oil Reserve

| July 20, 2023 | 24 Comments
Thursday shorts – Solar roof, drag shows, Oil Reserve

If you own a house, you probably read Elon Musk’s claim that Tesla was developing a home roof: each shingle is a little solar panel and he claimed the roof  costs would be comparable to a shingle roof. Uh, no. At first glance, the Solar Roof looks like a fairly normal roof, but if you […]

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City Council Fires HR for Pride Flag Display

| July 16, 2023 | 20 Comments
City Council Fires HR for Pride Flag Display

A Michigan town council recently passed a law allowing the display of only official flags on public buildings and banning any others. The local LGBTQ+ community took this as a personal affront, and two members of the Hamtramck Human Relations Commission decided to test the council’s resolve. Michigan: Muslim City Council Fires HR Commissioners for […]

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Cycling leads the way!

| July 15, 2023 | 22 Comments
Cycling leads the way!

Okay, I know some of you are typical ‘get the hell off the road’ mammoth-vehicle driving Neanderthals who can’t STAND to slow down for 10 seconds to pass a bike rider. That’s OK, some of my best friends – okay, acquaintances – well, people I have met and dislike – are like that. But occasionally, […]

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