Jellyfish looking aerial object floating over military base in Iraq

| January 15, 2024

An aerostat, a blimp like balloon hovering over a base in Iraq, captured video of what is described as an Unknown Aerial Phenomenon (UAP). The UAP looked like a giant jellyfish flying over the base. They tracked it until it traveled far enough to shrink and disappear from view as a result of distance. Did the base capture something constructed by human or alien intelligence, or is this camera trickery or video editing?

From News Nation:

Investigative journalist Jeremy Corbell released the video earlier this week of a jellyfish-looking object over a military base.

A marine who spoke with NewsNation said those on the base never called it the “jellyfish” but nicknamed it the “spaghetti monster.”

The marine, Michael Cincoski, was an intelligence surveillance recognizance tactical controller at the base in Iraq in 2018.

He says initial reports that the video was taken that year are incorrect and that the object was spotted near the base at the end of 2017.

When Cincoski arrived in 2018, he says he was shown the full video and that soldiers weren’t sure what to make of it.

Cincoski says the video was taken from an aerostat, a big balloon that looks like a blimp and was over the base. It has cameras on it to keep a lookout for threats.

“Toward the end, it seemingly continued off into the distance,” Cincoski said. “It got smaller and smaller. It got seemingly far enough away where they could not see it anymore — whether it dropped into the water or it just continued over the lake, because there is a lake next to the base we were at. At no point in the video can you see it drop into the lake or shoot into the sky like there have been some claims. That never happened.”

Truth, or fiction? News Nation has additional information, and video of the “flying jellyfish”, here, here, and here.

Category: Iraq, Terror War

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It’s a drone. Not that complicated.

RGR 4-78

I don’t know, NASA has returned to earth many moon samples and samples from an asteroid? Maybe something got loose. 😉


Every man has to have a dream.

RGR 4-78

How the hell are we ever going to get the loonitics up in arms if you won’t play along. Another perfectly good conspiracy theory shot to s%&t.


Intelligence surveillance recognizance tactical controller? Wouldn’t it be easier to just say spook?

I wonder if the military nomenclature would be insurt control 😏


Solved it.


Powerline killers

Forest Bondurant

Thats what I was thinking. At first glance, the object looks like a clump of mylar balloons, except for that I dont think Iraqis celebrate that way.





Old tanker

No mention about it being tracked electronically or even if it could be detected by electronic means other than visual. Did it show up on radar? What altitude was it, what speed. what primary direction and was it purely a windward travel or what?


They had one of those blimps at Al-asad when I was there. I called it the “Eye of Sauron.” Never saw any flying jellyfish though…



Amateur Historian


We have plenty of UAPs right here in the District of Criminals. Useless Asshole Pedophiles.

Who had confirmed “Space Alien Sightings” as the next big thing?

Nothing to see here, citizen…Move along!


Gotta be more than a few holes in it.


Mother Wheel, looking for Mitt Romney.

RGR 4-78

And Mitt’s brother from another mother John Skerry.


Looks more like a robot than a jellyfish.

Skivvy Stacker

When I saw the words “spaghetti monster”, I knew it was either a hoax, or something being misidentified.


Meh….it’s a drone im a ghillie suit.


It’s a djinn.


Maybe it’s Dennis “Hollywood” Chevalier, our very own Blobfish! He finally did a mission in the Middle East. 🤣


Looks like a bunch of condoms joined together inflated with hydrogen

RGR 4-78

All it would take is a little prick to knock it down.