Tuesday with the Libs of Tik Tok

| January 2, 2024

Trudeau’s Canada sounds…inclusive

I thought “Nobody celebrates abortions”


Why does this asshole still have a job?

The lack of the verb “are” is a big sign for me


Sexual dimorphism is white supremacy

Nothing like public education indoctrination into your Marxist, terrorist organization

You can’t make this shit up

She seems lovely

America bad

I’ve been out of the AF for 16 years, but apparently that’s a world away

Makes sense to me

Category: Liberals suck, Libs of Tik Tok

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It’s too early for this shit.



The chippah ain’t even warmed up yet!


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I try to be open minded, I really do. Problem is, dipshits like this keep trying to use my mind as a trash can with their lunatic shit. Not gonna happen. Don’t expect me to participate in your delusions.


We need a belt fed


Give them the “Kyle Kure”…

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Blessed Saint Kyle,
With scarce Fucking Around in my AO, I humbly ask you keep it that way, unless you see fit to guide myne hand to dispense Find Out as exemplified by you, our Dearest Kenosha Kid.


Can I just preemptively opt-in for your attempting making me a were/was?

Because that sounds… hot.

P*nis-o o plomo, y’all gender-hating ladies just need a mega dose of vitamin %====D lest ye tread into that there minefield.


Two words, “Greater Idaho”.


Better hurry, the Californication of Idaho is accelerating. Already lost Teton county and the Coeur d’Alene area is falling.


CDA was already full of white supremacists therefore it was right for the Democratic party.


The trans colonel just wants more choices from the weirdo buffet…
Absolutely NO FUCKING WAY I could work for or respect some nutjob like that…no way.


Would rather work for the trans-wannabe elf. She’d be better to go to war with.

Last edited 8 months ago by Anonymous

.– – ..-. —


I’m pretty sure that when a term pre-exists the internet, it cannot be properly termed “internet slang”.

It dates from at least the Vietnam era.


True that. Military predates Teh Internetz.


Yes but like the military, The internet was founded to promote white supremacy. It was built by white people, it is run by white people. Therefore it is inherently racist. Anybody who uses the internet is inherently racist.


Who invented the internet? Al Gore. Doesn’t get much whiter.


Beat me to it.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

I used to use that acronym all the time during radio comms, WHiskey-Tango-Foxtrot-Over (Oscar).


Just sayin’.

Last edited 8 months ago by Anonymous

Buckle up boys and girls (no in-between)! It’s only going to get worse.

We must respect our fellow Americans and other Westerners who make the stunning and brave decision to live their best lives as the person they feel they have always been. Maybe it’s just not reported on but notice that there aren’t many places outside of the US, Canada, and a handful of European countries that have (seemingly) massive numbers of transpeople.

The military trend is disturbing because of one key word in every outspoken LBGTQ advocate’s vocabulary: “identity”. The Army I joined was focused on building a collective identity: that of “Soldier”. We all had different backgrounds and joined with our own biases and beliefs, but over 14 weeks of training we became Soldiers. You continually hear the likes of MAJ “Rachel” Jones and Lt Col “Bree” Fram speak about their individual identities, not the branch of service they took an oath for and not their teammates.

Normalize deviant behavior and destroy traditional gender roles. Let the women act like weak men and the men pose as strong women. Destabilize us from within and watch as our children become less and less effectual. One day, our grandchildren will look at Ol’ Joe as the epitome of the strong leader who effected the Change he and Obama campaigned for; a relatively well-built heterosexual White male who was among the last of a dying breed. They’ll take off the VR headset to grab the soy lattes Door Dash just delivered from Starbucks via drone, double-check their next gender-affirming care appointment, and wonder what those loud noises are down the street, resting well knowing that CJCS Fram, CSA Jones, and SecDef Levine have their back under President Brinton. Meanwhile, the well-meaning Undocumented Immigrant cops will have teamed with the military forces that infiltrated our borders, providing them with the firearms seized during the last gun grab before welcoming the Chinese troops disembarking on our shores.

Last edited 8 months ago by fm2176

LtCol Bree Fram claims he’s a woman. His male-pattern baldness indicates otherwise. You can’t hide from your genes.


Out of the uniform he can. He can wear a wig. Used to be, men were required to wear wig in public to cover that nastyness up. Except now he can wear a girly wig.

He could totally be a 10 at 2. Then he can pick up some of his drunken airmen at the local hump and dump bar. By the time they find Mr Winky it’ll be too late.

Last edited 8 months ago by 5JC

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Reappropriated to be shared widely elswhere.

Old tanker

This stupidity is simply mind boggling


“Nonbinary tiktoker suggests she will take violent and deadly action against people who misgender her.“: I guess we may a problem if we ever were to meet, because I have no idea what the hell you are!

Sexual dimorphism is white supremacy: made up BS. Just throw history to the wind and make it all up. The only rule; all white people are bad and supremacist. Everything bad, real or imagined, is there fault!




I’ve always heard that violence begets violence. So it might be a good idea to size up whoever it is first. Unless it really is the hill she wants to die on.

RGR 4-78

You know, Mayorkas isn’t lying, our southern border is secure.

He just didn’t tell us it is being secured by the Mexican criminal cartels.


Stupid, lyin’, antisemitic diversity hire Harvard president resigns:


She has now officially made herself a victim and thinks that like Obi Wan, will come back with even more “force”.


She thinks.



President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

“…. in America you can also get your head cut off for being queer”
Show me! Show! Me! SHOW ME! One! F**KING! Time! That Has Happened! Insufferable twit.
Don’t get me wrong, it may (will) happen yet.
But it WON’T happen from Whitey.
When it happens, the beheadings will occur from the adherents of ‘Mo.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

I was being “narrow” minded , i.e., beheadings only.

Other methods can occur.
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One murder is too many, but I gotta say, that’s an awfully small genocide.


A lot of Filipinos on those lists. Anyone serve at Kandahar Air Field 2011-12? I can only guess that most of the “hot chicks” at a distance, with Adams Apples up close were – “chicks with dicks”! They were definitely from the Philippines!

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

“…. she will take violent and deadly action against people who misgender her.”
ROFLOL! I can’t wait to see that happen.
I want someone to have a cell phone camera, record & post that.
How about I go “gender neutral” on you by calling you “Turd”, or “Shit face”, or F**k up”. Ok by you? Too bad if it isn’t.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

The idea of there just being 2 genders: “man and woman” was invented by white people and is rooted in colonization”

Well, YOU’RE here, aren’t you?
Unless you’re an amoeba or other one-celled bacterium that reproduces by fission, any higher life form is reproduced from a male & female. Even an egg that is hatched from under a rock is created from a female laying an egg being fertilized by a male.




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Veritas Omnia Vincit

I’m becoming ever grateful that I have less time remaining than I’ve used up so far….

I read some of this shit and all I see is variations of this reality: “I’m not mentally ill, and to prove it I’m cutting off my dick”

We’ve really taken a turn for the worse here…what was once a nation of warriors becoming a nation of weak minded fools engaging every degenerate whim that crosses their fancy at any given moment. Our enemies are training killers we are training drag queens…what in the actual fuck is going on here.

Forest Bondurant.

Sick fucks.