Boomer’s Sunday

| December 31, 2023

Happy New Year, y’all.


Category: Guest Post, Humor, Schadenfreude

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So many good ones to choose from, but you can’t go wrong with far side cartoons.


The funny thing is…as I was scrolling through these great graphics I decided I would comment and say, “So many good ones…” – thanks for saving me the trouble, lol.

Among my favorites, “My Pronouns…….We the People.”

Happy New Year.


Larson never disappoints.
His “mountain goat” one is a long time favorite.

Skivvy Stacker

Fisher-Price Happy Hour Playset.

Yep. Had that when I was a toddler.
Turned me into an adult “toddler”.


I’m getting it for my grandson. A little grampa bonding time, if you will!🍺🍺🍺


Something for later when you have time.. several shorts that I don’t know how to edit down to just a couple. He is funny tho.

A Proud Infidel®™

Good stuff once again!


A New Year will soon be upon us. I’m curious to see what shenanigans ensue as 2024 matures. It’s going to be a pivotal year, what with our upcoming election and various states taking it upon themselves to deny a former President the opportunity to run for reelection. We also have our proxy wars, where we’re sending billions of dollars’ worth of aid to Ukraine and Israel, while our politicians push for more and more assistance to our “allies”. All the while, the borders are open for business, with who knows who crossing on a daily basis. Given our weak and ineffectual current government, which seems more focused on infighting, politics-driven persecution, and foreign conflicts than it does with maintaining order and security in our own country, I fully expect something major to occur in the coming months. We’ll experience another terrorist attack–or at the very least the FIB will divert one and be lauded as heroes–and/or we’ll have boots on the ground to “protect/spread democracy”.



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Vorpal Bunny!


Run away! Run away!
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Technically, rabbits aren’t rodents. Just sayin’.


Concerning that meme about walking 3000 miles through Mexico….


Soros-funded “NGOs” at work.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

“Five Reasons Why I Own A Firearm;
2 Fuck
3 You
4 That’s
5 Why”

There. Fixed it for ya. Yer welcome.


The Russians had a candidate removed from the running for president. It’s a good thing that Americans don’t stoop that low… No… Wait…


Buncha horsedookie…

For a country that [seemingly formerly] prided itself on the democratic process, we’re heading down a long and dark road. First, impeach a sitting president (who had already established himself as a wealthy and successful businessman) over dubious allegations, then impeach that same president for an unprecedented second time only a week prior to his term ending. Then, have multiple DAs indict the man for various allegations. Further, with less than a year before the presidential election, have multiple states decide to remove that very same former president from their ballots and, in some cases, disallow even a write-in vote.

Meanwhile, have an establishment politician who’s somehow enriched himself through over a half-century in national politics “win” the presidency and ignore every last substantiated and seemingly proven allegation of corruption against the Chosen One.

From what I’m seeing, if the election were held tomorrow with no interference, Trump would win in a landslide. But there’s 11 months to ensure a Trump victory will not happen, and that Republican also-rans will continue to get watered down and discredit each other.

It’s going to get even more interesting, and I’m curious to see where we go if our oldest president gets “reelected”. I don’t wish ill on anyone, even PINOs I feel are thoroughly corrupted, but I don’t exactly see Ol’ Joe making it through a second term.

Last edited 9 months ago by fm2176

What you mentioned above, what the Democrats and their allies are doing to Donald Trump only hints of what is going to happen on November 2024. The election fraud that’s going to occur then is going to make the election fraud in November 2020 look pale in comparison.

Should this projection pan out, we will be well on our way to following Venezuela’s footsteps. Their communist regime didn’t gain power through an armed revolution. Chavez, and later Maduro, and their allies leveraged election fraud to remain in power. They and their allies committed insurrection via election fraud and via other shenanigans. 

I followed the reporting that went on in that country, seeing what is happening in the US with our rigged elections is Déjà vu of what happened in Venezuela. Want to change the constitution? Rig enough elections at the federal and state level and you’d get enough politicians that would propose, vote, and ratify changes in the Constitution a la Venezuela. There goes the 2nd. There goes the Electoral College.

The left will naturally like the result of the fraud, and refuse to accept that election fraud occurred. Those who do acknowledge that election fraud occurred would turn the other direction thinking that it was just an exception against Trump… Not realizing that widespread election fraud will be here to stay and their vote will similarly be f*ed sometime in the future. 

The Venezuelans found this out the hard way. 


Spot on, thebesig. We saw the last semi fair, true election in this country in 2016. Watch.


Scary to think of, but very possible. It’s almost as though the Left and the media are in collusion with one another. How best to infringe on the 2A? Have mass shootings and use those as an excuse to gradually restrict our rights. How best to have mass shootings? Make the shooters famous by plastering their names and faces all over. “But why? Why, oh why would a seemingly harmless little angel target a school or other ‘Gun Free Zone’ and kill the innocent?” Well, we make them feel self-important and above everyone else, remove positivity from their lives, convince them they’re all outcasts that need to have their voices heard, and then overlook the obvious warning signals that just maybe they need some outside help and shouldn’t have access to guns. They gun down the innocent knowing that someone will remember their name. Hell, nearly 25 years later, I remember the names of the Columbine shooters, but I won’t give their cowardly and dusty skeletonized remains the satisfaction of typing them.

Off-kilter, perhaps, considering the comments I’m replying to, but mark my words, the MSM and establishment politicians will continue to collude with each other to in order to corrode our rights and freedoms while convincing us it’s for the “common good”. Biden’s a harmless old man, fighting against the malarkey that Trump tried committing in office, and Trump himself is a phallic spud dick-tater who deserves to be in prison or worse. Don’t believe me? Tune into CNN or MSNBC this evening for details. Want alternative sources? There’s Fox News, where you’ll be encapsulated by Nikki Haley’s foreign policy expertise and potential presidency. She’s sure to save our country more so than someone who actually kept us out of war.


And phuque that two faced rino skrunt, too….Prepare

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Plus, they are Pennsylvania ballots shipped in from New York. Who knew all those deceased Pennsylvanians voted in New York state?


The 2nd Amendment covers all bearable Arms.

Fuck you comma fetishes and prefatory clause obsessives.

Assault weapons ARE weapons of war and you should remember that, you illiberal shitstains.
Or, unass this country.

See, I’m prochoice af too!


That image is spot-on, but for the wrong reasons. Video games, phones, basically technology in general are all distractions that work. I’ll go ahead and lump even this site into that. Those of us here are mostly like-minded, almost entirely Vets who answered a call, and come from a few generations where we can distract ourselves just enough to vent our frustrations and find some common ground. No insult intended; we have training, guns, and memories of a time where we didn’t live online. Now, it’s a time-killer, and I’m sure we all get out and “touch grass”.

My kids’ generations are different. My son is the first in our family tree not to serve in the military. With militia musters going back to the mid-1600s, that’s quite the feat. But hey, he’s got his Xbox, plays World of Tanks, and even met his fiancé through Xbox Live. He has a few guns, but if he had to decide between those and online gaming, I question what his choice would be.

Give it a few decades and we’ll probably all be in the Matrix unless Cyberdyne Systems and Skynet have their way…


As of 12:01, in Illinois if you haven’t registered your weapons and attachments, you’re 1 fine away from being a felon. FJBP and FJB too while your at it.

Sorry, this is supposed to be the fun thread.


Great idea! Let’s use taxpayer-funded resources and bodies to make taxpayers register each and every one of their firearms, and then let’s criminalize those who don’t meet the deadline! That way, we can totally eradicate gun crime while letting our citizens know that their best interests are in mind. “Fear not Citizen, we’re from the government and are here to help!”

I never bought into the “register your POWs on post” thing. Then again, I never lived on-post, never (intentionally) brought my firearms on post, even to the public ranges, and made a habit of “selling” all of my guns whenever the occasional “we need serial numbers and details on all POWs, on or off post” came down. Seriously, that happened at Campbell in 2004 and again in The Old Guard around 2006 or so, before the Army itself put out an ALARACT (All-Army Action) Message stating that commanders were not authorized to request such information.

My private property is just that: private. If I choose to have legal firearms, store and handle them safely, and conduct myself as a law-abiding contributor to society at large, what business do government officials and their lackeys have knowing what I own?


They know which neighborhoods are the problem areas. Start there before rattling chains about the law abiding citizens. When they start there and show progress, then they can start with us, and then we’ll see if we’re interested in what they’re selling.


Let’s keep things loose,
Let’s keep things light!



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Can’t fight on an empty stomach: Have enough food, or know how to “Prepare” ‘long pork’ to hide the taste.

Working damn hard lately to stay away from playing the stupid game.
Population density matters.

“Everyone gets a vote on [electricity]” –Matt Bracken


MPS dropping another shipment here Tuesday. Lady Friend asked me if I had at least one (1) round for the population of my little ‘burg when I was teaching her how to load stripper clips. “No, I have at least three (3).”


Stripper clips…. is that another word for poles, and having at least 3 of them is just bragging 😁


I admit nothin’! Call my lawer.


Try this


Or this


This one it’s more like 23:56:20 (translated into proper clock language because I know my audience… allegedly…in my own mind)


Some asshat stole Christmas decorations from the front yard of my VFW, next year I should booby trap them.


We should get the band back together…


I’m in!