Navy Sinks Houthi Gunboats

| December 31, 2023

US Navy sinks 3 Houthi boats attacking merchant ship in Red Sea, US says

U.S. Navy helicopters returned fire and and sank three small boats carrying Houthi militants in the Red Sea on Sunday, after U.S. warships responded to a distress call from a merchant vessel, military officials said.

A Maersk container ship, the Singapore-flagged Hangzhou, issued a distress call at about 6:30 a.m. local time, U.S. Central Command said in a statement on Sunday. The merchant vessel said four small boats were attacking it.

“The small boats, originating from Houthi-controlled areas in Yemen, fired crew-served and small-arms weapons at the Maersk Hangzhou, getting to within 20 meters of the vessel, and attempted to board the vessel,” Central Command said.

Helicopters from two U.S. ships — the USS Eisenhower and the USS Gravely — responded and issued verbal calls to the small boats, U.S. officials said.

While the helicopters were “in the process of issuing verbal calls to the small boats, the small boats fired upon the U.S. helicopters with crew served weapons and small arms,” Central Command said.


National Security Council spox John Kirby apologized on “Good Morning America” and asked the Houthis to please stop the attacks.  Someone should remind the ex-Admiral that enforcing Freedom of Navigation is why we have a Navy in the first place.

Hat tip to Mick for the head’s up.


Category: Foreign Policy, Navy, WTF?

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John Kirby is such a little pussy. Every single time I see that pathetic shill on TV I feel rage build.


One might call him a typical modern-day flag officer. RADM Chegwidden would wipe the floor with him.


Anybody guess what Bull Halsey would do in this situation?

Skivvy Stacker

He would have apologized…for not sinking them sooner.

Commissioner Wretched

After giving him the most merciless dressing-down he’d ever received. Chegwidden for President! (I liked that character a lot.)


He did make Admiral but I doubt it was through his leaderhip abilities.


It’s ok to use the word “cocksucker” here. It’s a designated TAH safe space.


If I have any sensibilities left, they ain’t exactly delicate.


He showed his bravery by foregoing the knee pads. Any time, any place, any surface.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

It sounds like Kirby and his brand spanking new 1000 year 4th Reich administration are following in the steps of
Neville Chamberlain’s appeasment policy.


Snack time.

Amateur Historian

Heh, we should try and figure out how to develop the technology so we can control Great White Sharks. That would make naval warfare more interesting and terrifying 😉


With frikkin’ Lasers!

Amateur Historian



Norks be workin’ on it:
comment image


Good, finally. We should bomb their missile launch sites and other key sh*t on land they don’t want to lose, too.


I cooked some black-eyed peas just a few days ago, so I thought about the Houthi anthem:
The Black Eyed Peas – Boom Boom Pow (Official Music Video) (


I’ll see your black eyed peas and raise you a baked ham, turnip greens, skillet of cornbread, pot of rice, bacon infused cat heads, dressing, and peach cobbler. Plus the House Wine…Sweet Iced Tea. The dinner bell for the Firebase Magnolia’s New Year’s Day feast will peal at 1230 hours, 1 January 2024. Y’all c’mon, plenty for all. Invite your Mooselm friends. They like ham, right?

Waaaay yonder past time to bring the dam dam down on the source of these bastards. GO NAVY (yes, I said it!) Get you some!


I’m banned from ham for the time being. Smoked a 25 or so pound whole ham when my son and his now-fiancé came down for Halloween, then baked a spiral-cut glazed ham for Thanksgiving. We got turkeys last year, so this year we got spiral cut hams for the holidays, compliments of Johnny Morris (and tax write-offs), of course after we’d eaten 30+ pounds of the stuff. I asked the Misses about just donating ours but she insisted that we accept it and put it in the freezer, neglecting to mention that she’s hammed out (and pizza’d, and hotdogged, and damn near every other fooded out). 😄

Turnip greens (or mustard greens, or any other greens for that matter) sound good. I just did cornbread a couple of nights ago to go with what was going to be Brunswick stew. I forgot tomatoes, so it became a hybrid which I guess is best labeled as gumbo. Fitting given my location. Chicken thighs and breasts, pork sirloin steaks, chicken stock, tomato paste, okra, lima beans, corn, peas, onion, garlic, gumbo vegetable mix, and a can each of Rotel Chili Fixins’ and Blue Runner Jambalaya Base.

I try to follow recipes but almost always just use them as a rough guideline. I doubt I’ve ever made the same pot of chili twice, but the family doesn’t complain.


Recipes? What are these “recipes” that you speak of? I just add various ingredients together until the Spirits of my Ancestors whisper “That’s enough, Child.”

I neglected to make mention (not wanting to gloat too much) of the beef beast rump orast (ht2 Ex-PH2), with Yukon Golds & carrots that are percurlating lowly in the Crockett Pot, the formerly finned and feathered fellows that will be air fryed in my brand new ninja Air Fryer that was gifted to me. Some of my Guests for Dinner have dietary restrictions on certain food groups, so I always have a big variety of choices. No one goes away hungry…or empty handed. The smarter ones know to fetch along a “toting privileges” container for the leftovers. No telling what else may show up to go on the table. Southern Cooking, makes you good looking!


True enough, there’s nothing like good southern cooking. Now that she’s of age, I try to seduce Greta Thunberg with my outdoor cooking using gas, pellets, charcoal, and good old-fashioned wood. No idea why I typed that, but it’s staying on these pages for posterity. Might as well, I’ve said worse in my time…

Working where I do, I get a hefty discount on outdoor cooking implements. My Blackstone griddle and Cabela’s pellet smoker set me back a combined $250, and it’s time for another frying setup.

The recipes are very loose guidelines to ensure I don’t go overboard. I was joking about putting bananas, strawberries, and blueberries in the gumbo/stew/whatever and my kids believed me, because I’m known for mixing things up if I stray too far from the recipeservation. 😂

But, in celebration of a full 13 months of retirement, I may pick up some real fireworks of the sort they trust us with down here, along with some decent steaks. Louisiana got me good last year, with $4.99/lb. T-bones. Now, it’s $8.99/lb. for bottom round.

Last edited 6 months ago by fm2176

Welcome to retirement. It has been an enjoyable experience thus far, but I’m getting ready to go back to work for a couple months. Relatively easy work/money, not married to my phone is the biggest plus.


Same here. My phone is at hand, but not necessary for my job. I had around five months of terminal leave and TDY, so from late July until October of last year I sat around before taking my current job. I’m working on my LinkedIn and need to update the resume, but so far this is tolerable.

It’s quite the transition going from Soldier to civilian.


Calling you both and raising one each boom. 4 of a kind wins, boom boom boom boom.


I was just getting used to “sleeping in” as it were. Was getting comfortable getting up at 630, 700a.

Then they moved the clocks back 😢


I see your black eyed peas,, and raise you a pat travers- boom boom out go the lights


Ah, fuck all you guy guys. I’m gonna string bet the fuck out of this. I’ll see everything that’s out there and raise you THIS:

I did see that SFC D threw down a Royal Flush, but mine is a Royal Flush in SPADES!

*Rakes in ALL the chips*


I think I like that better than the original!


It’s not without its charms! Remnant of my days as a college radio DJ 30 years ago. WOUI, 88.9 FM! With its powerful 50 watt transmitter that basically covered the campus and a couple of blocks west of the Dan Ryan Expressway!


Very polite of them to let the fourth suicide boat escape.
It will be back with a different crew after they hang the survivors.


I was looking for the “/s” tag on the John Kirby line.

You gotta be friggin’ kidding. That spineless shill needs to be keel-hauled.


I’m pleasantly surprised that the helicopter pilots haven’t been reprimanded or worse for defending themselves.

No doubt, there will be numerous Power Points assigned over this.


As soon as the news travels to St Croix Brandon will issue reprimands for those who’ve thwarted(temporarily) his Surrender at all Costs policies.


We need someone in 1600 Pennsylvania who has a bigger pair than anybody walking the face of the earth currently.

The only apology issued should be “we’re sorry they didn’t learn to swim better”. Or fly, or run, whatever the case may be.

A Proud Infidel®™

“We’re sorry, but please stop attacking, mmmmmkay?” says Kirby. What’s next, an apology to the Japanese for Pearl harbor?


Those boats were turned into submarines, right? A little dual use exercise, eh?

And John Kirby has always been a useless POS who would do or say anything to get ahead (both purposes). He had to come out from under Austin’s desk for that TV interview.

Prior Service

Good start. Now destroy their port, fuel, ammo, armories, barracks, headquarters, any and all launchers, lines of communication with Iran, commo facilities, any boats, and any people in or around any of the above.


Get some!
comment image

Amateur Historian

To the Houthis who complained about us sinking their boats and killing 10 of their own POS pirates, go pound water. Better yet, go drown yourselves and die. I will not shed a tear for those who engage in piracy. As for Kirby, how the hell is he able to stand so tall with no spine?


I hate all religious zealot militant groups.

Houthis piss me off more than most because they are so incomprehensible incoherent in their objectives and the means to achieve them.

Clearly just a cult of drones hijacked by Iran and whose leaders sold out to or are themselves Iranian operatives.

Weaponized nihilism bluntly pointed in the general direction of Iranian interests. Sometimes those interests are merely to disrupt the region.

I hope those fish flakes knew how to swim well enough to have time to realize they are doomed and nobody is going to save them.

Last edited 6 months ago by Commissar

What’re your feelings on non-religious militant groups?


Depends on what they are fighting for or against.


Truly. They both seem equally psychotic (detached from reality):
comment image


To be clear…most liberals that support Islam are not supporting the religious teachings but rather the right for people to be Muslim without harassment or persecution.


You mean the liberals chanting “from the river to the sea”?


No, they are dimwits chanting an anti-Semitic call to arms because they are into thinking they are merely standing against an apartheid regime.


Ahhh so they’re the wrong KIND of liberal, then? Aren’t they just supporting the rights of the Palestinian people, defending their right to exist without harassment?


Here’s a fine example. Headed for Time’s Square, for what I’m sure will be a “mostly peaceful protest”.


Wrong kind of liberal?

Let’s not get into an argument on which side has more idiots,

MAGA is going to be a national shame for the remainder of US history.

Trump is an obvious con artist and grifter – who has lost multiple time in civil court for his con and grifts. He is an Incompetent dipshit as president. Compromised. And a grasping wanna-be dictator. Yet he a cultlike following in a party that all future generations will regard with disdain and contempt.


I’d like you to give me one single dictatorial action made by Trump. When I think of dictatorial presidents, Obama and Biden rocket to the top of the list. They’re also the top of the cult-like followers list. I’m waiting for your examples. Whip out that empirical data and prove me wrong.


What didn’t you like about the Trump years? A mostly peaceful world, prosperity at home, business opportunities and good jobs coming back? And please explain why you think he’s a fascist with dictatorial tendencies, your side wants you take away free speech, and personal freedoms. Your side wants to punish dissent and demands conformity. Sorry I am one of those people that believes what I see and experience, in my opinion the left especially its new illiberal iteration of the democrat party is the biggest threat to democracy and our country.


Explain how Israel is an “apartheid regime.”

A Proud Infidel®™


Prior Service

That starts with: “you see? This is what apartheid REALLY means….”


Yikes! That’s gonna leave a mark for sure. The islam for gays part I mean.

Last edited 6 months ago by W2

Just verifying you’re still cool with antifa.


I am against fascism. Yes.

Though some Antifa members are dipshits and too many anarchists and opportunistic sociopaths exist among Antifa groups.


All Antifa members are dipshits and would do the gene pool a great service by killing themselves. Communists are generally a miserably unhappy lot anyway.


Don’t deflect. You’re smart enough to understand antifa has absolutely nothing to with fighting fascism. So your cool with supporting anarchists, dipshits, and opportunistic sociopaths?


I know enough FIRST hand that most Antifa absolutely are about fighting fascism.

It also attracts nihilist, anarchists, opportunists, malignant narcissists, and accelerationists.

A Proud Infidel®™

OKAY THEN Pookums, then WHO are the ones calling for those who dissent with them to be beaten? Yes, the antifa pukes, they act JUST LIKE Hitler’s “Sturmabteilung”, the “Brown Shirts” who terrorized and intimidated ALL who dissented with the Nazi Party and its agenda. YOU and the antifa ARE the Nazis, you and your ilk are guilty as hell of psychological projection, YOU and your side PROJECT what you truly are onto those of us who don’t subscribe to your shit. Just stick to screeching your shit in deep blue State locales, because as soon as you and yours come fuck with those of us in Red State America who just want to be left alone, the remains of most of you will never be found, be forewarned.


Fighting fascism by shouting down any speech they disagree with, and threatening anyone they disagree with and being ideological zealots that call anyone they disagree with fascists. Good I got it they’re fascists calling themselves anti fascists, good way to try to disguise their true identity. I don’t think you are self aware enough to know that you are a fascist, or at least an authoritarian zealot who has such a high opinion of himself that you consider everyone else who doesn’t agree with you to be inferior or somehow morally corrupt. I don’t advocate violence but antifa calls it direct action and wholly supports it, they suppress any dissent from the crazy Marxist communist bullshit they believe in. Are you on the right side of history? Or are you just another useful tool that will be discarded after the goal of destroying what we are is accomplished? Do you want to live in the world that you are trying to create? Do you really think socialism / communism is capable of creating a better and more just society? It has failed miserably and killed millions of people. The quest for equity is in itself unjust because it fails to promote incentives to create and take risks, no reward no risk taking, no need for dedication, hard work and innovation. Your world can only exist with the threat of violence held over our heads, you are what you say you hate.


Are you saying there’s no reformation or detente?

Oh noes! The ‘anti’ Faschies might hunt me down?!

What am/are I/we to do?!

[7-8 problems call for 7-8 solutions]

/sarc/snark off

Take them at their word(s).

A Proud Infidel®™

History tells us that time and time again the “Useful Idiots” who espouse and inflict socialism get the bullet or blade after they’re no longer deemed useful and thrown into mass graves afterwards.


Fighting fascism by employing fascist tactics. Right.

Sounds a lot like fucking for virginity. You and your fellow travelers might want to hire a new director of marketing. You’re just not projecting the message you think you are.


Malignant narcissist, look in the mirror.


I’d start with looking into cement companies or companies that specialize in pouring concrete.


Wrong thread. Sorry!


Been there, done that, forgot to buy the t shirt.


BZ on the appropriate response to unfriendly fire. Now, what port did those boats depart from? Destroy it. Where were the arms and ammunition on those boats stored ashore? Destroy it. Where was the command and control center? Destroy it. Where were those Houthis trained? Destroy it…simple back azimuth calculations.


It’d be great to see a gaggle of BUFF’s fly over Yemen and the west coast of Iran and carpet bomb the shit out of everything that supports this idiocy. About 45 or 50 BUFFs ought to do it.

A Proud Infidel®™

I say simply NUKE the fleabag motherfuckers until their turf glows.

Skivvy Stacker

I hope Hooties sink like a rock.


Damn, what did Darius Rucker ever do to you?🤣


He was once scared by a Blowfish. Scarred him for life.


I remember a comedian back in the day that said he got thrown out of Sea World because he wanted to see the girl that trained the Blowfish 🎲🤣