USAF to court martial another general for sex assault

| December 20, 2023

I ask you, is this the face of a man who would do anything untoward?

The Air Force is, for the second time in three years, sending a general officer to a court martial. This time it’s Major General Phillip Stewart. He’s going up on a long list of charges, even one of which would be considered career ending if not worthy of Leavenworth. Sounds like the general was living life like an E-3 with a month left before his ETS.

Air Force Times has the scoop;

The charges, levied in September, center on a string of purported malfeasance earlier this year, according to a partially redacted charge sheet obtained by Air Force Times.

Stewart allegedly penetrated a woman’s vulva with his mouth and penis without her consent on multiple occasions while visiting Altus in mid-April, the charge sheet said.

During the same trip, Stewart allegedly violated Air Force rules by piloting an unnamed aircraft less than 12 hours after consuming alcohol. Altus is a training hub for pilots, refueling boom operators, maintainers and other aircrew across the mobility enterprise.

Stewart is also accused of inviting someone to spend the night alone with him in his private hotel room while on official travel to Colorado in March, having sex with someone other than his spouse in Oklahoma in April and pursuing an unprofessional relationship from March 6 to May 9 — the same day he was fired from his job as 19th Air Force commander amid an investigation into his misconduct.

He was reassigned to a lower-level staff role at Air Education and Training Command headquarters in San Antonio.

Stewart could incur a minimum sentence of dismissal or dishonorable discharge, or up to 66 years in confinement and forfeiture of pay.

More at the source, including his defense attorney’s protestations that this is a railroading. “Seems like a phenomenal waste of time, when you’ve got a judge saying, ‘Don’t even take this case to court martial,’ and the sexual assault charge is essentially dead on arrival,” He says.

Category: Air Force, Crime, Dick Stepping, General Whackos

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USMC Steve

Sounds more like a very poorly behaved Boatswain’s Mate in Hong Kong.

Skivvy Stacker

But the kind of Marine you’d want next to you in a fire fight…


Damn. That is the very definition of a “shit-eating grin”. 🤣


Close, according to the article.

A Proud Infidel®™

He’s grinning like an Opossum eating shit out of a hairbrush!


Didn’t he play Judith’s new husband on Two and a Half Men?


He sounds like a fun guy.




So does a mushroom. 😉


I prefer my pilots sober when flying. It’s very unprofessional . I could care less where he shoves his show, but if you are going to start defying gravity you need your wits about you.


I’m sorry my sarcasm slipped past you.


He said/she said? “… without her consent on multiple occasions…” How many times did he do it with her consent? “Not tonight, Sir, I have a headache!” Or did Mon’ General’ fly into a danger zone, thinking with his wrong head, into a danger zone, cooking his own goose, and put his career on ice, man? Was he getting a good tone and took the shot?

If you are indeed guilty, General Giggles, I hope the pu$$y was worth throwing away your career. Was it Miller Time…tastes great and less filling? Gotta wonder what the probable now Ex-Mrs. General has to say.


Well, if he gets a dismissal she’ll have plenty to say considering that she’d end up with nothing in terms of his pension. 🤣🤣


She says “I want half!”


…plus the house and the kids, even if she cheated with the entire Dallas Cowboys’ offensive line every time they were in town.

Bank on that. He done stepped in it.

A Proud Infidel®™

He done stirred the pot, flicked the spoon in the air, and now he’s-gotta lick the spoon, walls, ceiling, floor and fan that he flipped the shit into!


Some people make their karma, some just have bad days (vidya)…

This idiot didn’t just make some, he stewed in the broth after going back for seconds.

May justice prevail!


Looked like someone was going too fast for conditions. They were already in a skid it looks like before launching off bridge.

Hope all were ok.


The description said just injuries. I hope so also.

We’ve all gotten ahead of traction at some point.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

I’ve driven through snow that was packed and slick enough that, even though I was going slow, I lost traction and was sliding doughnuts in the middle of a three lane highway. Almost hit the center barricade. Fortunately, traffic was light enough that I wasn’t hit. After I stopped, I was able to regain traction and continue driving…..albeit even SLOWER then before.


Remember and keep the eleventh commandment.

Thou shalt not boink the hired help.


Guys have 2 heads, but only enough blood to operate one at a time.

It bet it’s a frosty time in his house right about now.

Green Thumb

What a fucking clown.


Did Biden have a 3rd son?


Railroading, how? Were other, more popular folk doing worse sh*t and going unpunished? Or did somebody just legitimately complain about him being a lecher? Enquiring minds want to know!

Hack Stone

“The State Trooper can’t pull over all of the speeders, you just happen to be the one taking it for the team this time.”

Enquiring minds would be interested in learning how many careers he killed when personnel came before him charged similar allegations.

Hack Stone

He can always get on staff with Senator Ben Cardin. Word on the street is that he needs someone to pack the Senate.


Senate… is that what they’re calling it now?


Good thing our uniform pants have button flys! Keeps all these GOs from zipping themselves up, since their junk tends to be out, more than in.


Isn’t non-consensual penetration the definition of rape, which used to be a capital crime?


I’m sure some lib on tic tok could explain what is/isn’t considered rape now days.


Yup… UCMJ Art. 80 is “punishable by death or as the court martial may direct,” as I recall.


Somebody read that ribbon rack for us, eh? I spot the good ole NDSM in the middle and after that I’d have to do research.


Joined/entered active duty between Gulf War I ending and 31 AUG 1995 (NDSM #1) and went to a bunch over overseas missions in the 1990s (AFEM) to included Kosovo (original NATO Medal). Then 9/11 (NDSM #2) and he did Operation Eagle Assist on AWACS patrolling our airspace per Article 5 (Eagle Assist NATO Medal), deployed to OIF I (GWOTEM before the Iraq Campaign Medal) and the Afghanistan (Afghan Campaign Medal). (He’s got his NATO Medals screwed-up… you only wear your first, plus a svc star for additional award, and the separate NATO Eagle Assist Medal goes after it. He should have the NATO Medal [Kosovo, not original because that was Bosnia] plus bronze svc star for Afghanistan.)

Last edited 8 months ago by Anonymous
Prior Service

Well, if guilty, let’s hope he goes down hard. (No pun intended.) If NOT guilty, let’s hope he doesn’t get railroaded. That is, let’s hope for fair and impartial military justice regardless of rank.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

He should have kept his rocket in his pocket as nyc Guardian Angel Curtis Sliwa used to say on the AM radio. Radio, Hmmm,, think I’ll listen to 12 year old Richard Laham and the tempo tones singing “On Your Radio” 1957 on the Acme label.


This fucking dude would have made an exemplary pilot for the good ol’ Lolita Express. Too bad business closed before he could join.


Hey, here’s how he sees himself:


Fat Leonard


For army & air force generals who eff up, the 2-star rank seems to be where the vast majority self-destruct their careers. Going back about 30 years there have been a dozen or so active major generals that got cashiered out at a reduced rank (commonly colonel), but IIRC only one – a air force MG was court martialed about a year ago (the USAF never court martialed a general officer for first 75 years of its existence). A couple of retired army MGs were recalled to active duty to face CM. Both were found guilty of charges w/ one reduced to brigadier & the other to 2LT.


Grazioplene pleaded guilty to one charge of aggravated sexual battery in exchange for 20 years of probation. As part of the plea deal, he was also released from prison after being incarcerated for 18 months. James and Ann Marie Grazioplene remain married.

In June 2021, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin determined that the last rank Grazioplene satisfactorily served in was second lieutenant. He then demoted Grazioplene to that rank, reducing his retirement pay.


So …. is she still married to the 2LT?


He should’ve had more prison time.
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Last edited 8 months ago by Anonymous

So long as everyone E-6 and below has to get retrained on SHARP via six-hour PowerPoint presentation, I’m fine with what this generally stupid person has allegedly done. Sarcasm, of course. He’ll have his day in court, and I suspect alcohol was involved with the alleged penetration. The military views an intoxicated person as being incapable of giving consent, so it’s entirely possible she was into it, and then stepped forward to report this heinous crime when something happened (he didn’t cater to her demands, she found out he was being charged for other stuff and felt the need to dogpile, etc.). We’ll see. Time and again, senior officers and NCOs get a feeling of superiority, where they are above the standards imposed on their subordinates. One of the best Soldiers I had was an E-2 for over two years. He’d been at a party and a fellow Soldier’s wife accused him of SA after they’d been drinking. By the time I took over the squad, he’d missed Afghanistan, all of his former peers were E-4s and E-5s with CIBs, and he had a routine of work, gym, home. He was married with kids, and his wife had stayed in CA after the accusation. Long story short, I have no idea if the accusation was substantiated. He was going through the court system and the alleged victim had moved out-of-state and wasn’t cooperating. The charges were finally dismissed, at which point he got promoted to PFC and we were trying to send him to Air Assault School to start catching up in his career. Then it came down that he was to be chaptered. Company leadership tried fighting it but were quickly shut down, so the packet went up. Next thing you know, someone at Division (probably the CG or an ADC) wanted to make an example and court martial him. Months went by, his ETS date passed, he was denied leave to see his kids for Christmas, and he finally got his day. Two counts of SA: “Not Guilty”. He’s got a common Hispanic name, but I think I’ll… Read more »

Skivvy Stacker

I ask you, is this the face of a man who would do anything untoward?”

He doesn’t look like the kind of man who would KNOW how to do anything…..period.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

“I ask you, is this the face of a man who would do anything untoward?”

It looks like the face of someone who needs a fucking throat punch and some time in PITA prison…

Veritas Omnia Vincit

I’ll add that since he’s being prosecuted he must have pissed in somebody’s soup on his way up and that individual is really happy to now return the favor…because usually these pricks get a walk and retirement pension.