Tuesday with the Libs of Tik Tok

| November 28, 2023

I need pre-teen children to know what gender I like to have sex with

“Chosen family”? Dq fuq?

“General” Hayden’s really been radicalized

She seems stable

Hypocracy? Never *cackles uncontrollably*

Supporting terrorism in public schools

She was “lost”

The religion of peace loves the trans community

Well, if it’s for the greater good

Stay classy Seattle

What a racist dick looks like

Category: Liberals suck, Libs of Tik Tok

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DeNiro complains the anti-Trump ranting was cut from his telaprompter speech at the Gotham Film Festival (likely because it had nothing to do with, you know, movies and such) and did it anyway:

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DeNiro hasn’t been relevant in my mind since Heat, the last DeNiro movie I recall watching. It’s sad, really, to see one of the last truly “great” actors suffer from TDS so bad. By “great”, I mean, the guy was the star of Taxi Driver and The Godfather Part II, and along with Pacino became virtually synonymous with mob movies, before broadening out a bit. Action stars of the ’80s got typecast, and today’s “stars” seem like mere shells lacking the glamor of their predecessors while surrounded by CGI on screen.

Now, he’s become a bitter old man, still aching over Trump’s four years in office and potential next four years. It’s no longer about the artistry or the storytelling of major Hollywood films, nor the accolades he and his peers earn and have earned, it’s about his disapproval of one man, Trump.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Not only does he have a severe case of TDS, he also apparently suffers from Little Man Syndrome. In spite of supposedly being approx 5′ 9″ without platform shoes, he likes to wear platform shoes to appear taller.

Sad…..so sad. He’s another once-great actor (in an ever growing list) that I will refuse to pay money to watch a movie, or even watch on TV. Let the actors and HollyWeird go broke.

Common sense is anathema to Hollywouldacouldashoulda. The days of Jimmy Stewart and Charles Bronson are long gone, with grounded and patriotic actors replaced by anti-freedom imposters slathered with makeup and green screened into fake sets.

Little Man Syndrome is a thing, but actors like Joe Pesci and Danny DeVito embrace their short stature, with the former making a career out of playing the short (in both stature and temper) semi-comic relief in a few movies he costarred in with DeNiro. (50) GoodFellas Tommy DeVito “Funny How?” – YouTube


DeNiro’s best and most true-to-life role recently was as Captain Shakespeare in “Stardust”.


I’m very proud of my country. But some of my fellow Americans just embarrass the shit out of me. And scare me.


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Last edited 1 year ago by Anonymous

I’ve said this before: social media will be a major contributor to the downfall of this country. It’s great to feel like your voice can be heard, but the little snippets of people dancing on TikTok or sharing their “contributions” to socio-political agendas really do nothing but further divide us. Alternative lifestyles are labeled as such for a reason: they are alternative to the norm. The vast majority of sane Americans really don’t care about your gender, sexuality, religion, political beliefs, etc. We just don’t want it forced in our faces, which I am pretty good about avoiding. Libs of TikTok (at least the weekly VG post) and a few YouTube channels are the only places where I see this sort of stuff because, well, I avoid all other social media.

For many, though, it (social media) is a way of life. Log into Twitter, scroll through some entertaining, if dumb, TikTok videos, and go down the rabbit hole that is the modern internet. I do it on YouTube, and the Shorts format is basically just YT’s version of TikTok, with many Shorts even having the latter’s logo from a previous upload there.

The problem, as I see it, is that teachers like the ones above are a very small group. I’m sure that for every LBGTQ “activist” teachers there are at least 100 LBGTQ teachers who keep their home lives private, and 1000s who simply go to the classroom to teach an approved curriculum. Social media, however, gives that minority a soapbox from which to shout their “stunning and brave” messages. It’s not about the kids to those types, it’s about them, and they’ll be damned if any haters are going to silence them.


Obligatory post…
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There’s also general population in prison.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

“The religion of peace loves the trans community”

No..don’t tell “it”. Just sell tickets to the show and sit back.
Maybe open a betting pool (how soon before “it’s” thrown from the roof? how far out will “it” fall”? how many times will “it” bounce? will “it” be wearing LGBTetc rainbow?)

Last edited 1 year ago by President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande
President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

“She seems stable”….misgender my entire family….

So? WHo cares? Be an ass once, you may be forgiven and allowed to sit with the adults.
Keep up with the asshattery, you’ll be kindly UNinvited to dinner, and requested to go home to rest & recover (and never be invited back again).

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

As for the Irish leadership…..their support of the illegals against their own native people is turning around to bite them in the ass. The leadership have lost control of the narrative, the people are seeing right through that tissue of blather and blarney.


Alan Dershowitz and every other lawyer in the country need to be lining up and competing to sue, pro bono, on behalf of what appears to be a 12-year-old kid slandered by “Deadspin”.


Where are Nick Sandmans lawyers. I think that was the kids name and they did pretty well for him.

Dave Hardin

DeNiro complains… yawn.

Prior Service

Every school session, no matter the grade, should look like this:
– take attendance
– pledge allegiance (start of day)
– review yesterday’s homework
– review today’s discussion of (select from: reading, writing, math, science, history, foreign language, art/music, or gym)
– answer questions
– assign reasonable amount of reading / homework.
– punish those who lack discipline (insert as/when necessary)
– release


Michael Hayden: did you mean “difference”? Since he’s smarter than most of the common-folk, he’s probably correct. However, there is a difference. The one on the left isn’t attacking others the way the one on the right’s side is for not believing the same.

To answer the question of who’s going to tell the non-binary, “she, her, them, him, whatever” who’s thinking of becoming Islamic, ; please, no one say anything!!!!!!


See left/libtard experts talk about evil guns… /sarc but not by much:

Last edited 1 year ago by Anonymous