Stupid people of the week

| October 21, 2023

Ontario officer faces criminal charges for alleged break-in, assault while on duty

An Ontario Provincial Police officer faces criminal charges following allegations she broke into her former boyfriend’s home while on duty.

“It was 15 minutes of terror. It was very scary. She was in full uniform, hand on her weapon most of the time,” claims Chantelle Stamcos.

Stamcos said she has lived in fear since the alleged incident happened over a year ago in September.

Stamcos said OPP Const. Amanda Farrell was upset her ex-boyfriend had moved on and entered their home using the door’s keypad and confronted the couple, yelling at Stamcos while on duty and in uniform, equipped with her weapons.

“We at one point had said, ‘If you don’t leave, we’re going to have to call the police,’ and she said, ‘I am the police,'” Stamcos said.

Weeks after the alleged incident, the officer claimed her former boyfriend had assaulted her months earlier while they dated. Charges were filed but later dropped.

An Ontario Provincial Police officer faces criminal charges following allegations she broke into her former boyfriend’s home while on duty.

“It was 15 minutes of terror. It was very scary. She was in full uniform, hand on her weapon most of the time,” claims Chantelle Stamcos.

Stamcos said she has lived in fear since the alleged incident happened over a year ago in September.

Stamcos said OPP Const. Amanda Farrell was upset her ex-boyfriend had moved on and entered their home using the door’s keypad and confronted the couple, yelling at Stamcos while on duty and in uniform, equipped with her weapons.

“We at one point had said, ‘If you don’t leave, we’re going to have to call the police,’ and she said, ‘I am the police,'” Stamcos said.

Weeks after the alleged incident, the officer claimed her former boyfriend had assaulted her months earlier while they dated. Charges were filed but later dropped.

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Following a police investigation months later, Farrell was charged with break-and-enter with intent to commit an indictable offence, assault, criminal harassment, mischief, and forcible confinement.

Since the charges were laid, Stamcos said she feels she’s been left in the dark.

“I was very worried because I kept asking the police, ‘Can you at least just tell me she had her weapon taken away? At least just tell me she’s not responding to calls in my area anymore,” Stamcos said, adding the alleged event has shaken her family and left her traumatized.

She said she wants to see justice served – even to those held to a higher standard.

CTV News reached out to the OPP for comment and was provided with this statement, “We cannot comment on the matter as it deals with intimate partner violence. As the matter is now before the courts, it would be inappropriate to comment.”

The OPP did confirm that the officer is not suspended but off on an unrelated leave.

“I just feel like people should know. I just feel like it’s not right that someone like that can carry a weapon and have that authority and be a police officer. I don’t think that’s who the police would want to have representing them, and I think people should know that that happened,” Stamcos concluded.

The accused is scheduled to make her next virtual court appearance on Friday.

The allegations against Farrell have not been tested in court.

Source; CTV News

Cops: Worker Burgled Home For Sex Doll

A funeral home worker responsible for transporting dead bodies in a Nebraska county is suspected of having an intimate encounter with a life-sized sex doll he found in the apartment of a deceased person, according to court records.

Investigators say Ryan Smith, 41, and a colleague were dispatched last week to a home at the Rock Creek Apartments in Omaha to collect the body of an individual who died there.

“Near the body on the bed was a very real life size” sex doll, an investigator reported.

Police allege that Smith subsequently called the property manager and claimed that the local sheriff had asked him to remove the sex doll “to collect swabs for biopsy.”

Smith’s “strange request” was denied by the manager, who later returned to the apartment to discover that Smith was inside the unit (which had been locked with a deadbolt and chain).

After Smith exited the home with his shirt untucked and his pants in “disarray,” the property manager called cops, who later busted Smith on a felony burglary charge. A post-arrest examination revealed the sex doll to be “sticky” and it appeared that “something had rubbed her inner thighs,” police noted.

A deputy collected the sex doll “so that I could have her processed for DNA.”

Pictured above, Smith was fired from his job with Mid America First Call, which, according to its website, specializes in “removals, transportation, embalming, cremations, and ship-outs.” (

Source; The Smoking Gun

DC firefighters slow to respond to truck fire outside firehouse

A pickup truck caught fire and came to a stop outside a firehouse in Northwest D.C. on Wednesday. But it was U.S. Secret Service officers who put the fire out, after D.C. firefighters took five minutes to respond to banging on their door.

News4’s Mark Segraves was sitting at a traffic light at Connecticut Avenue and Porter Street NW at about noon when a pickup truck driver came hauling up the street in the wrong direction, blasting his horn. He ran a red light and stopped near a fire station along Connecticut Avenue.

Cellphone video shows flames leaping from the truck.

The driver and a U.S. Secret Service uniformed officer began banging on the door of the firehouse and trying to get help.

When no one answered, the officer ran to his car, grabbed a fire extinguisher and started putting out the flames himself.

Within minutes, at least four Secret Service patrol cars stopped traffic on Connecticut Avenue and relayed more fire extinguishers to put out the fire.

After about five minutes, the doors of the firehouse finally opened and firefighters emerged. The flames were out, but the truck was still smoldering.

The driver of the truck confronted a firefighter and said they had been outside for minutes, banging on the door.

The firefighter replied that he should have rung the doorbell.

The doorbell is on the side of the building, in an alley, and no signage on the front indicates its location.

No one was injured, but the scene was tense and potentially dangerous.

Here’s what DC Fire and EMS said

Firefighters were in the very back of the firehouse and could not hear the banging on the door, a DC Fire and EMS spokesman said. The department will review what happened.

DC Fire and EMS said in a statement: “DC Fire and EMS would like to thank our law enforcement partners for their actions after witnessing the vehicle fire. Our department is conducting an investigation and upon preliminary review, all of our members in quarters were in the rear of the firehouse and initially unable to hear any knocking on the apparatus bay doors. Our stations are equipped with doorbells that will alert the firehouse and we’re looking in to adding and improving signage outside to direct citizens to doorbell locations. We remind citizens that our department averages 600 calls daily and our units may be out of the station responding to emergencies so if you’re experiencing an emergency to dial 9-1-1. We pride ourselves in swift and professional responses to all fire and medical emergencies.”

Source; NBC Washington

A former police officer is suspected of being a serial burglar behind 30 thefts at businesses across 3 states

A former Connecticut police officer is suspected of being a serial burglar and committing 30 or more thefts in three states, including the community he had patrolled until recently.

A newly unsealed warrant says former Glastonbury Police Officer Patrick Hemingway is believed to have targeted safes and cash registers at restaurants and businesses in Connecticut, Rhode Island and Massachusetts. The warrant, cited in multiple news reports and released Thursday, says surveillance videos show a suspect possibly resembling the former officer.

Hemingway, 37, was charged last month with computer crimes and making a false statement. A judge at his arraignment said more charges were expected.

In one surveillance video, a tall male wearing a mask, gloves and a hooded sweatshirt is seen holding a flashlight “in a tactical manner.” The suspect is also holding “a coiled, corded object to his left ear” that resembles the portable police radios used by the Glastonbury Police Department, the warrant said.

“Lock-picking tools” were used in some of the burglaries, according to the warrant. Hemingway left behind a bag that included a lock-picking tool kit when he resigned Sept. 1 from the Glastonbury Police Department, the warrant said. Cell phone data and images of a vehicle resembling one owned by Hemingway’s wife and spotted at multiple break-ins are also cited in the warrant.

As the burglary part of the investigation continues, Hemmingway is being held on a $1 million bond. His lawyer argued in court that the bond was too high.

“I’ve seen murder cases where the bond is that high,” James E. Sulick said.

“I want to withhold any comment until I’ve had a chance to review things with my client,” Sulick said Saturday. “And I just haven’t been able to do that yet.”

Hemingway was initially arrested as a fugitive from justice on Sept. 22 at a New Jersey airport where Sulick said he was studying to become a commercial pilot. He was extradited to Connecticut. The warrant for the computer crime, signed when Hemingway was in New Jersey, stems from allegations he misused a police database 80 times. According to the warrant, Sulick made 28 queries about his own vehicle from Feb. 26, 2019, as well as 19 queries about his wife’s vehicle from April 11, 2022 to Aug. 23, plus other queries.

“A possible explanation for Patrick running such information so frequently would have been to determine if he was being investigated by police,” the warrant said.

Last month, the Glastonbury Police Department issued a news release saying they had been alerted to the possibility that a former officer was a person of interest in a recent burglary and had contacted the Connecticut State Police Major Crimes unit because the investigation involved multiple jurisdictions. The officer was not named and the department said it would not comment further.

Source; Fortune


Category: "Teh Stoopid", Crime, Stupid Criminals, WTF?

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Pictured above, Smith was fired from his job with Mid America First Call, which, according to its website, specializes in “removals, transportation, embalming, cremations, and ship-outs.”

Oh hell no. My answer when I get asked what is wrong with people? A lot….


We implore these idjits to not take the term “How stupid can you be” as a challenge.

Heads on a swivel, Troops. They’re out there…and they breed.


I don’t know about Mr. Ryan Smith breeding. Between the sex doll and necrophilia not sure he can make it work.

A Proud Infidel®™

Like a part in the book of Darwin Awards, it explains how Smart People breed like pandas while the stupid breed like rabbits!


As covered by Idiocracy:


Rats do, don’t they!


Darwin Award, anyone?
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jeff LPH 3 63-66

Why didn’t the new 4th Reich secret service peeps just call 911

RGR 4-78



It’s always nice when someone you know personally makes SPotW. (I’m pretty sure this is the second time!)

Officer Indicted interstate felon Hemingway was an Infantryman and had switched over to Blackhawk pilot with the CTNG.

What makes a man do such things?

His meager starting salary as a certified LEO for GPD of at least $94k wasn’t adequate for his lifestyle, apparently.

Bon voyage, nozzle!

(is it me or does he have that “I’m about to be spread like mayonnaise” look in this mugshot? see below)


You seem to know some interesting people…🤔


Kiiiinda feel like you’re insinuating that somehow I’m the problem. /semi-sarc

As much as I generally agree with that theory, it pains and surprises the shit outta me that I ain’t.

Just have the luck(?) to intersect with a great many people. Some saints, some…, well…

The Vet community is a tiny pool in this country and continuously getting smaller. The receding waters have made the turds all more apparent.

TAH is the tip of the (turd remediation) spear!

Thank God for all the above!!


Just fuckin’ with ya’. I’ve known some sketchy characters over the years, my late brother being one of them. I’m usually the “voice of reason”, but everyone has that moment. I was just smart enough not to get caught when I crossed the line. And, in my defense, most of my peccadillos involved drinking and low-level hijinks.

Milo Mindbender

In any circumstance I where I am the “voice of reason”, we are in deep kimchi. In my defense I planted my “stupid plantation” before everyone carried an evidence recorder in their pocket. This is my only saving grave, no pictures, it didn’t happen.


The Guardian Angel whispers to The Roh-Dog…”Just do it…you’ll feel better!”


Prison, you know…
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A Proud Infidel®™

Ex-LEOs are considered lower than sex offenders in prison, thus he’ll have to spend his sentence in PC, “Punk Central” to those in General pop AND CO’s don’t like them either!


In my state the cops go their own prison unit at a maximum security gig, if they get prison instead of jail that is. The judges, DA’s and other corrupt officials go there to. Sometimes they let them out on work release to clean the courthouse they used to sit on the bench in.


Aaaah, good times!

Slow Joe

Damn. That’s some sex doll.
I was wrongly thinking inflatable.

Slow Joe

Nah. It is too creepy.
I searched for those sex dolls, and I can’t imagine that empty look for days.
On the other hand. You can store them in your closet when you are done.

Nah. Not interested.



Posable and only 1k bucks. However, not having to hear…”what? You’re done already?” might be worth it 🤔


WTF?! :O (Not my thing either.) Someone’ll add AI and lifelike movement by itself (Boston Robotics nerds, that’d be you) for M3GAN II: Barely Legal in real life pretty much (even creepier). No, just No.

Old tanker

Well I suppose the former funeral employee could have a defense that the dead guy wasn’t using the doll any more…


[…] This ain’t Hell… has stupid people of the week […]


Candidate for the next SPOTW.
BONUS – He claims to be a Marine veteran.
Then tangles with Colorado State Police.

>>> Marine Vet Finds Out Why Going Full SovCit After Hitting a Deer is a Bad Idea