Tuesday with the Libs of Tik Tok

| October 17, 2023

Pep rallies have sure gotten…different

‘Peaceful’ Palestinians

And yet, Republicans are called Nazis

If you’re excusing evil, then you might be evil

Fucking Biden

Tlaib does get a “calming feeling” when she thinks about the Holocaust

Is it weird he’s only coherent when he’s talking to kids about their sexual preferences?

No shame

Men always make the best women

I’m sure Hamas would welcome her and all her…hardware…in the fight against Israel

Fucking Biden

I’ll take “Things That Never Happened” for $1000, Alex

What a racist, wannabe terrorist looks like


Oh look, another racist

They have said they’re coming for our kids

Category: Liberals suck, Libs of Tik Tok

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Somebody flush the toilet on San Francisco please…
The shit is really staring to smell…


Clown world.




Even a “Bird Brain” knows…

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Is that the sound of wood chippers spooling up I hear? If its not…it should be.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Beat me to it, Tox. Saw this the other day and went on the hunt to find it for this post. Alas, WRSA was acting hinky in the inherwebz today, just now started loading. Here’s my consolation prize post…

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The quote from the “revolutionary” is telling. He does not want peace. “… we have to believe that our identity is more important than the conditions that we live currently…”. It does not matter that you are safe secure, prosperous, happy, and free to do as you please, we must tear it all down and fight those who made it this way because we must be dominant. Sounds like they don’t want a melting pot, they want to conquer!


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This is how the terrorists win.


Every Tuesday, I am reminded that every liberal dipshit, asshat, terrorist, idiot, and malcontent is to be found on Twitter. At least, should the time come, it will be easy to find them by IP address and take care of them in an efficient, and orderly military manner.


Libs of Tik Tok provides a valuable service to those of us who lack the time and/or desire to delve into the depths of liberal lunacy.

The situation in Israel and the Gaza Strip is not a good one. People have been getting killed and subjected to what normal Americans would call torture and worse, but there’s a certain side that’s quick with the Big “N”-atsy Word who seem to be premature exaggerators. If you’re against the transmogrification of our youth, you’re a Brown Shirt. If you express sympathy for the Israelis, you’re SS. Orange Man Bad is literally Hitler. But stay silent peon! You know nothing about what the movement means or how we’ll accomplish our goals. As a heterosexual and educated White male, I’m a colonizer and denier of all of the atrocities our culture has inflicted on this world.

As for Mulvaney being “Woman of the Year”, that Bud brings Light to my life. Stunning, brave, and every bit as watered down and artificial as the beer brand it managed to topple. Speaking of topple, where’s “her” top? I seem to miss it, but then again, I’m not a bottom opener.

Now I need to vomit…dammit!

Last edited 1 year ago by fm2176

Well said fm. As a fellow heterosexual, white male with an education, I too am responsible for all of the ills of the world. I mean, after all, if it had not been for me and those like me, the entire world would now look like Africa, in all of its post-colonial glory.

Sarcasm is understood I hope.


But of course. The sarcasm has to drip heavily, and while this site is mostly like-minded, there are some places like YouTube where the snark is missed by all sides.

In Clown World, USA, men are accused of being transphobes for refusing to date transwomen, white knights for daring to treat real women with respect, incels and/or simps for acknowledging an attractive woman without necessarily wanting a relationship, and a slew of other terms designed to shame us into accepting some false sense of adulting. We’re the abusers when we don’t let children make life-altering decisions, we’re the oppressors when we allow others to decide for themselves, and we should be held liable for poor decisions made by those persons while ourselves are held accountable to a mixed justice system.

Take the average SJW Tik Tok or other “influencer” and replace them with (what used to be considered) a normal White male saying the same things about people they disagree with. They’ll be labeled as racist and intolerant really quick. Instead, the platform is full of “POCs” and “feminist women” of all colors, as well as the LBGTQ-types who just seek attention. “Our” demographic (“heterosexual” White males) is represented by people akin to a Soy Boy Malloy or San Fran Dan, ‘splain’ why we are wrong in all we do and say. Big Brad the Giga Chad is unwelcome because, well, he represents both toxic masculinity and Whiteness.

Damn, I hate going into rants that bring up race and gender a lot. It’s hard not to, though, when so many on the opposite side of the field use it as the primary reason to attack you and your beliefs.

Last edited 1 year ago by fm2176

…when so many on the opposite side of the field use it as the primary reason to attack you and your beliefs.

I’m sorry, they need a fking reason now?

They are simultaneously addicted and allergic to success, incapable of the sense of fulfillment it brings on a spiritual level, ergo, they will sink every boat in the harbor to strand us all in the city they have torn asunder.

These locusts have no higher brain functioning and we shouldn’t listen to their lamentations as anything other than the accidental orderings of specific vibrations formed of a foul instinct.

Last edited 1 year ago by Roh-Dog

Well, listening to their lamentations can be soothing for some of us. Look at the memes generated just from Lefties ree-ing along online after Trump’s election.

I bring up a certain someone often because they seem to be both addicted and allergic to success. This person got medically discharged from West Point, became a radical feminist, then started getting called out by his peers for what amounts to toxic masculinity…as a “feminist”. He became she, thus above reproach in the feminist community due to the powerup of being not only a “woman” but a transwoman. They still live around DC, have a decent income (obviously, given the cost of living up there), and are somewhat well-known, yet a perpetual victim and feeling personally attacked whenever someone asks–based on their outspokenness and visibility–about certain surgical procedures. Keep your personal life private and you don’t have to worry about people questioning your status as a “lesbian transwoman”. Funny, most of them are and never fully commit to their supposed gender.



I wonder how hard it was to keep a straight face 🤨


This Liberal ‘colonizer’ is “coming out”, Joe!

Everyone, I’m proud to announce my new gender: GOD-fearing, Constitution-loving, Free Market-proponent, Dark MAGA; straight male.

Well, as straight as one can be after 11 years of Infantrying.


Retards, bros. Retards all the way down.

Planned ARhood.jpg
Last edited 1 year ago by Roh-Dog

This right here
