Hillary Clinton suggests deprogramming Trump supporters

| October 7, 2023

Hillary Clinton, the same person that described a group of Republicans as “a basket of deplorables,” outdid herself during an interview. Clinton suggested deprograming Donald Trump’s supporters. Clinton looked back at a time where despite both sides doing what opposing politicians do, the GOP didn’t have its “tail of extremism.”

From Fox News:

Discussing the recent upheaval on Capitol Hill, Clinton contrasted what she called the “sane” part of the GOP caucus who helped prevent a government shutdown with the “cult” wing devoted to Trump.

“That’s the way it used to be,” Clinton told CNN’s Christiane Amanpour on Thursday. “I mean, we had very strong partisans in both parties in the past, and we had very bitter battles over all kinds of things… but there wasn’t this little tail of extremism, waving, you know, wagging the dog of the Republican Party as it is today. And sadly, so many of those extremists, those MAGA extremists take their marching orders from Donald Trump, who has no credibility left by any measure. He’s only in it for himself. He’s now defending himself in civil actions and criminal actions. And when do they break with him?”

Clinton continued, “Because at some point, you know, maybe there needs to be a formal deprogramming of the cult members, but something needs to happen.”

That remark appeared to amuse Amanpour, who could be seen gleefully reacting to Clinton.

The former presidential hopeful predicted that “sadly” Trump will be the 2024 nominee, but expressed confidence that President Biden would defeat him. Clinton was then asked how she has “processed” the reality that the man who defeated her in 2016 is seeking the White House again despite his legal battles.

“It’s a classic tale of an authoritarian populist who really has a grip on the emotional, psychological needs and desires of a portion of the population,” Clinton said. “And the base of the Republican Party, for whatever combination of reasons — and it is emotional and psychological — sees in him someone who speaks for them, and they are determined that they will continue to vote for him, attend his rallies, wear his merchandise because for whatever reason, he and his very negative, nasty form of politics resonates with them.”

Fox News provides additional information.

Category: Geezer Alert!, Good Idea Fairy, Politics, Society

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Old tanker

Goebbels would be proud of her and the dems control of the media

jeff LPH 3 63-66

Isn’t she related to the late but not forgotten Joseph Goebbels whom the gov. controlled NPR uses his techniches which are passed off to cnn/msnbc…..

A Proud Infidel®™

I wonder if he isn’t looking up from hell and laughing?

BlueCord Dad

Granny Mao Jackets has finally gone over the edge…


Sadly, I’d say there’s roughly 20-30% (at least) of the US population that agrees with her.

Doesn’t bode well for our country’s future.


Don’t forget that 20% of the US wanted to lock people up in camps who didn’t vax. “You and what Army”; I wondered.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

The 20-30% of those peeps are what my WFTL radio station calls low information voters most likely watch cnn/msnbc in a hypnotic state like they are listening to the late Joseph Goebbels seen in WW2 news Reels.

A Proud Infidel®™

They’re the same kind of people who in 1930’s Germany considered themselves the “Good Loyal Citizens” who ratted on their neighbors and everyone else to the SS.


Poor old Hillary, struggling to remain relevant. She should be in federal prison on multiple security related charges. Miserable twatwaffle.


You’re correct, she absolutely should be! I have a problem with the fact that the “powerful people” (government and celebrities) are getting away with anything and everything. I know it’s always been that way, but they used to better about hiding it. Now they do it in our face, laugh at us and dare us to try to do something/anything about it.

Where did our great republic go?


They’re no longer even attempting to hide it. The attitude is “what’re you gonna do about it, peasant?” As the man says, Prepare.


“She should be in federal prison on multiple security related charges”

That’s all that is left after the statute of limitations took care of the other charges.


She made the best case for the 2nd Amendment.

Come and try to reprogram me!

Way past time to fix bayonets, Earthquakes are just the founders rolling over in the grave in disgust!
FJB and FHRC with Rino dildo’s.

A Proud Infidel®™

D-rats hate the 2nd Amendment because they know damned well that armed Citizens WILL NOT calmy march into the boxcars like they want.


She not only stayed married to Bill,
she actively went after his female targets, victims, and accusers.

IF idiot Rudy Giuliani hadn’t created a New York scandal in 2000,
bailing on his US Senate campaign,
and opening the door for carpetbagger Hillary to win a US Senate seat,
her “career” would have dried up decades ago.

To this day, she wears her special horseblinders,
defending impeached husband Bill with “it’s all been litigated”.

Bill Clinton the look.jpeg

Speaking of baggers and carpets,
where’s this one these days?

Huma Abedin wedding 10071001.jpg
A Proud Infidel®™

Yeah, it’s well-known that Das Hildebeast had a “Bimbo Eruption Squad” always ready to pounce on any Woman who accused “Blowjob Willie” of anything beginning with character assassination to the complicit media.

A Proud Infidel®™

Let’s not forget how the DNC’s sniveling lackeys in the mainstream media and Hollywierd came out screeching for “Blowjob Willie” to not be impeached, they were shitting in their pantyhose!


“it’s all been litigated”.

Not all of it, but what little has been litigated resulted in Willy’s disbarment, a perjury conviction, and the loss of a civil suit.


“I mean, we had very strong partisans in both parties in the past, and we had very bitter battles over all kinds of things… but there wasn’t this little tail of extremism, waving, you know, wagging the dog of the Republican Party as it is today.”

Exactly. That is why McCarthy was able to remain Speaker. Because all of the Democrats voted for him. They would never, ever vote with the extremists. The Democrats would never allow themselves to be that tail of the dog.

The irony is that we could end up with Donald Trump as Speaker. The Schadenfrude that would create would be epic.

Last edited 11 months ago by 5JC
jeff LPH 3 63-66

Someone mentioned that right now, the GOP is in a circuler firing squad position or should be called the circuler firing squad instead of the GOP…. The republicans whom are really democrats VS the Conservatives

A Proud Infidel®™

And most of the GOP is always ready to pull defeat from the jaws of victory!


“Gulag” has so many negative connotations.

Green Thumb



All letters should be capitalized. Just sayin.


And plural, if one includes the interviewer.


The epitome of a purely evil, power mad, money hungry skrunt that constantly attempts to keep herself in the limelight.



OIP (64).jpg
A Proud Infidel®™

Sounds like what they call “reeducation” in places like North Korea and China. Come to think of it weren’t Pol Pot’s killing fields used for “reeducation” as well? Just D-rats showing their true commie colors IMHO!


It’s not Fascism when progressives do it, you know! /sarc
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I can just imagine some “government officials” showing up on my front porch to tell me that they are “here to deprogram” me. First of all, I’m allowed to believe, feel, and think any damn way I desire!

All I can say is that they don’t think very much of the poor bastards they send to deprogram me. At least the first couple/few.


She’s not receiving the punishment I would like her to receive (imprisonment) but her knowing that she will never be POTUS and never keep her hillbilly husband faithful eats her up inside.

Every day, she secretly wishes for death’s sweet release but it won’t come. She will live to at least 100, as each year proves to be more miserable than the one before. No one except for those paid to be there will be present when she passes into eternal hellfire, and her funeral will be even more poorly attended than Mean Gene Okerlund’s.

A Proud Infidel®™

She won’t face the Law in this life, but she will surely face Justice in the next like Feinstein did.

Hack Stone

I for one, welcome our Democrat overlords. I’d like to remind them that as a trusted Director of Media Relations, I could be helpful in rounding up others to toil in their underground cobalt mines.


That was a great episode… to this day I warn folks who are about to open a bag of potato chips if they’re ruffled.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

Great RIMSHOT Deckie.


They would love to work in the mines for $2 a day if it means saving the planet. It’s like free exercise without having to pay for the gym. Look at this tike hauling some cobalt out of the mine. Later he will wonder how many gas turbines they can make with just that bag.

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Last edited 11 months ago by 5JC

It’s Sustainable, comrade– those troublesome Little People always keep having more children! /sarc
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A Proud Infidel®™

Whenever Bill and Hillary had sex, does anyone know why Hillary was always on top?

Because Bill can only fuck up.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

Why did Batista hate his wife

She used to sleep on a Castro.


Who’s gonna build the camps? Her? Her whiny followers?

A Proud Infidel®™

The ones who SAY they’re going to start a revolution while at least 98% of them can’t even start a lawnmower!


And some people still cannot understand why some of us voted for Trump.

Amateur Historian

Uhhhhh, no. They only deprograming that’ll work on me will involve an unmarked, mass grave.


I can swear I commented on this a couple of days ago. The realist in me knows that I probably clicked off of the page before posting. The paranoid conspiracist in me is trying to convince me that Hillary is pulling the strings behind TAH/VG.

Hasn’t this person been the subject of a “vast right-wing conspiracy” for over 25 years? I think she/they/zim should be deprogrammed.