Friday FGS

| September 22, 2023

Chiappa 1873

Off-duty officer shot overnight at Cumberland County gas station after witnessing crime, intervening
An off-duty Dunn police officer was shot at a gas station in Cumberland County after he witnessed a crime and intervened.

By Gilbert Baez, WRAL Fayetteville reporter and Lora Lavigne, WRAL anchor/reporter

An off-duty Dunn police officer was shot on Tuesday night at a gas station in Cumberland County.

Investigators say the officer tried to intervene in an apparent domestic dispute.

He saw a man and woman around 10 p.m. Tuesday arguing outside a gas station at 7805 Ramsey St.

Investigators said the man was first to fire and shot several rounds into the building, hitting the officer. However, the officer managed to return fire. Investigators said he shot the man and the woman ran away.

Dunn Police Chief Cary Jackson said the officer was doing well after receiving treatment at the hospital.

The man whom the officer shot was in critical condition, but investigators told WRAL News that he would likely face charges once he is well enough to do so.

Multiple bullet holes could be seen in the gas station windows, which are boarded up.

“The disturbance started inside the store, and then went outside,” said Cumberland County Sheriff’s Office spokesperson Mickey Locklear. “The off-duty officer was still inside the store, and that’s where the gunfire was exchanged.”

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Suspected robber who allegedly pistol-whipped store clerk stopped in his tracks by armed good Samaritan: cops
Armed good Samaritan holds robbery suspect at gunpoint until police arrive

By Emma Colton Fox News
A suspected robber accused of pistol-whipping a Family Dollar clerk while trying to steal a stack of cash was thwarted by an armed witness, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, police records show.

Nicolas Richard Lee Deas, 20, of Fort Lauderdale, and another man reportedly approached a Family Dollar employee Sept. 13 around 10 p.m. as staff closed for the day, Local 10 News reported.

Deas reportedly claimed to the employee he left his cellphone in the store and needed to run in quickly to grab it. The employee let Deas and the other man inside, but the situation quickly devolved into chaos.

“Give me the money, or I will kill you,” Deas told the employee, according to a Fort Lauderdale Police arrest report.

The employee walked the pair to the store’s safe, where the suspects stuffed $1,200 in cash into a bag. Deas pistol-whipped the employee in the neck and elbow, according to the police report.

Unbeknownst to Deas and his accomplice, a neighboring store owner in the shopping complex heard the disturbance and jumped into action.

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Fox News

Good guys with guns again. Thanks Gun Bunny.

When we assumed the Soldier, we did not lay aside the Citizen.
George Washington

Category: Feel Good Stories, Guest Link

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President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

The two most dreaded words that any cop doesn’t want to hear, “Domestic Dispute”.


Good times.


Is that Chef in the bow? And did he ever get his mangoes?


Part of that whole “Prepare” thing that The Gun Bunny harps on constantly is, Be armed, concealed,! Another part is that whole Situational Awareness/be ready to act. Pro tip to bad guys…an LEO is NEVER “off duty”…and they shoot back.

History is replete with examples of “Citizen Soldiers” defeating the most powerful militaries in the world. Seeing that happen here, again, is a very real possibility.

FTA…”Defensive Capability: —
Buy 1,000 rounds of .22LR in a bucket, fling the bucket at your assailant, and run like hell. If you are going after a RattleHeadedCopperMocasin, bring a gun, not a Puma.” Ok, I laffed way yonder too hard at that. The article writer was as rough on that pot metal POS as The Gun Bunny is on plasticized abominations…or as rough as (GO) Army will be on (BEAT) Navy come the 2nd weekend in December.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Yeah. I read the same attitude into that review.
I’m thinking that High Point would make a better 22LR revolver……that is, IF High Point made 22LR revolvers.



Democrat Senator Bob Menendez and his wife are indicted for ‘accepting $400,000 in gold bars and cash from mob-linked New Jersey developer in return for favors – and giving Egyptian businessman highly sensitive U.S. information (LINK)

Time after time this turd of a human escapes by the thinest of hairs.

I was starting to think SDNY was incapable of justice-ing.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

(late to the party – sometimes it takes awhile for the synapses to fire on all cylinders…..)

The Cumberland Country police officer was shot, but he’s not Dunn for….