Sunday FGS

| September 3, 2023

Stevens 301

Police: Man injured, 1 detained following shooting at Fort Lauderdale auto body shop

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. – Police are investigating a shooting that left one man hospitalized in Fort Lauderdale Thursday morning.

It happened just before 9 a.m. at an auto body shop located near the 900 NW 10th Terrace.

Fort Lauderdale police said crews arrived to find a man suffering from injuries.

Authorities said Fort Lauderdale Fire Rescue transported the man to Broward Health Medical Center, where he suffered non-life-threatening injuries.

Police said the shooter remained at the scene and was detained for questioning.

Paul Williams, who works in the area, told Local 10 News…

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Local 10 News

The military don’t start wars. Politicians start wars.
William Westmoreland

Category: Feel Good Stories, Guest Link

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Home boi found himself in need of a body shop. Don’t think that his ding will buff right out.

May and or may not be an old school Stevens Single Shottie, in 12 gg, close to hand.

Testify, Westy!

Ms Ginger Thang brings to mind a ZZ Song…”🎶She’s got legs🎶“… Wonder if she knows how to use them? Carpet match the drapes?

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

That boy ain’t got no couth.

Artillery. Bringing dignity to what would otherwise be nothing but a vulgar brawl.
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[…] This ain’t Hell… has your feel good stories, and more during the week. […]

The Pirates Cove


I just bought a Stevens last week. Damned things are made in China nowadays like most of my power tools, but when I came in to find the price had dropped to $179 I decided I’d buy it for the oldest kid instead of going through the hassles of printing a new price tag. 😁

As for the Westmoreland quote, damn, he was a man of his times, and like GEN Schwartzkopf, a fellow Rakkasan. Like him or not, respect him or not, Milley hasn’t started a war. He might pander to utter nonsense and be craptastic as a “senior leader”, but it takes a Bush, Obama, Trump, or Biden to start a war. Okay, I take that back, from my understanding Trump didn’t start, or escalate, a war. Hmmm…maybe that’s why he’s so hated. Congress declares war, but we’ve learned that the CinC can authorize interventions and strikes that are basically the same. I guess the CinC and Congress can also both send billions of dollars in “aid”, in the form of cash and military support to Ukraine.

We’ll see where we end up with China and Russia. If our young men and women get tested on the battlefield against near-peers, I won’t even blame Austin. It’s solely on the shoulders of the Resident in the White House.

Back to Westmoreland. Commanding the forces in Vietnam during the buildup and serving as ACS during the height of the war, he knew more than anyone that it was our politicians, up to and including the President, that made the decisions which resulted in South Vietnam’s defeat. Had we played our cards differently, perhaps even pulled a Ukraine and offered monetary and materiel support, they might have persevered. Instead the RVN did what the Afghan government did some 46 years later, collapsing as soon as we pulled out.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

It’s all about the politicians making money on the munition companies stocks. No wars, stock prices fall.


Yep. My last local PCS was to PEO Soldier, to work as an Enlisted Advisor for the Integrated Visual Augmentation System (IVAS). Great leadership, outstanding Contractors and DA Civilians, but it was the epitome of the Military Industrial Complex. Almost every week we had congressional staffers or senior military leaders come for a product demonstration, Microsoft was sending bi-weekly software updates, and we had a team of people working on the $22B project. TDY was there for the taking (even as an E-7 I could just tell my COL and GS-15 I was going to an installation, and it would be approved in no time). I made a point of keeping a copy of Smedley Butler’s War is a Racket on my desk.


My dad gave me a pre-1950 Stevens .22/410 over and under with wood stock and the original single hammer in 1969 when I was 13. It was manufactured before 1950 when Savage bought Stevens I still have it.


I have one or two older Stevens shotguns passed down from my dad. I need to pull them out to inventory them.


“we’ve learned that the CinC can authorize interventions and strikes that are basically the same.” A real smart fella once observed that the body of an ‘advisor’ left sitting in the sun stinks just as bad as any other corpse.


Yep, the difference is in the honors rendered for the fallen, and the status given to survivors. I have nothing but respect for those who went through the gates of hell, regardless of whether or not they went as an Advisor; were sent for an intervention, strike, or other non-declared war; or take part in World War Four.

But, just as in the case of those who lost their lives in Korea post-1953, there’s a difference between the Service Members that our government recognizes as KIA and those that unfortunately lost their lives during “peacetime”. Same for the honors. Our CinCs all love bestowing decorations for valor on our Veterans’ decades after the deed was done. In my mind, it’s as much about Obama or Biden placing the Medal of Honor around an elderly Vet’s neck or presenting a Service Cross to a widow or child as it is about the Vets themselves.

Unlike many I’ve known, I made it to retirement with nothing more than the participation trophies that most of us Iraq/Afghanistan Vets got. The BS lies in the fact that many of my friends either didn’t make it back, went prematurely despite surviving their baptism and rebaptisms by fire, or took their own route, opting out early on their own terms. And still, it took 13 more sacrificial lambs to make a statement just over two years ago. We’re out of Afghanistan, officially. Whatever SOF or other assets we have there now will do what they’re told and, if necessary:

When you're wounded and left on Afghanistan's plains,
And the women come out to cut up what remains,
Jest roll to your rifle and blow out your brains 
An' go to your Gawd like a soldier.
Go, go, go like a soldier,
President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Love me some Kipling