Tommy Targets Woke Generals
Exclusive: Sen. Tommy Tuberville to Oppose Woke Military Generals in Standoff with DOD
Alabama Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R) told Breitbart News in an exclusive statement on Thursday he plans to oppose specific military nominees in coming weeks, escalating his continuing standoff with the Biden Department of Defense.
I warned the Pentagon that I would hold their most senior nominees if they broke the law. They did it anyway, and forced my hand. Since then, Chuck Schumer and the Biden Administration have refused any serious negotiations, and so this situation has dragged on.
This has given me more time to look more closely into the background of some of these nominees, and I have deep concerns about some of them. I will continue this process of oversight and I will announce my opposition to specific nominees in the weeks ahead.
Tuberville began blocking confirmation after the Biden Pentagon said in February it would pay for the travel and accommodation for troops and their families to get abortions if they were based in a state where they could not get one. He and other Senate Republicans argue the policy violates the Hyde Amendment, which prohibits federal funds from paying for abortions except in the cases of rape, incest, or if the mother’s life is at risk.
Currently, there are more than 300 general officers nominated by the Biden administration whose promotions are awaiting confirmation.
Existing policies are not a factor, at least in the current recruitment crisis according to DOD spox.
Woke-ism Not to Blame for Army Shortfalls, Says Top Recruiting General
“That is not what I’m seeing,” says commanding general of U.S. Army Recruiting Command, as right-wing pundits target the military over anti-racism, anti-extremism, gender, and climate change policies.
Defense One
The Perfumed Princex cannot even define what woke admissions criteria mean, much less how they improve warfighting capabilities.
Congress Critter Gaetz grills Lieutenant General Clark, Superintendent of the Air Force Academy
CJCS nominee General Charles “CQ” Brown is under scrutiny for his dismal performance as Air Force Chief of Staff, and CNO nominee Admiral Lisa Franchett is on record as a DEI fan backing “Connectedness” whatever that may be.
This impasse is easily solved by individual vote, which would require each Senator to actually go on record. That’s the problem of course.
Category: Big Pentagon, Disposable Warriors, Points-and-Laughs
Recruiting wasn’t such a problem during the previous administration. Logic would dictate returning the last known working model and continue on that trajectory. Of course, we know the current regime wants NONE of that.
We weren’t backing a war in Europe, like a drunken poker player going all in on an inside straight either. The kiddies know how much the Dems like the war game. Gives their backers lots of daddy war bucks.
The last dem not to go into a new war, action or intervention was… geez not in the lifetime of anyone alive today.
Roll Tubby Roll!
“An’ Tommy ain’t a bloomin’ fool — you bet that Tommy sees!” –R. Kipling (see video)
I like the sound of drums rolling in the distance, unlike these politicians, elected and be-starred.
Wherefore the Warrior gone? Shall he only return when expedience weights the windmills’ lance?
Thumb? Naw fqqrs, palm, forearm and elbow I do bite at thee!!!
(sorry for the walk thru and blending of inglush & spainish lit)
Ya touched on Melville too.
Purely accidental and unseen by me.
It’s all derivative bullshit anyway. This story was much better than any remake:
That was a touching recital of “Tommy.” Best I’ve heard.
First time hearing. Very nice.
One of my favorite pieces by Kipling.
Here is one awaiting confirmation to be CG, 7th Inf Div (LI):
A career military intelligence officer with numerous combat deployments, including with the Army’s most elite special operations forces, has been selected for another trailblazing assignment.
If confirmed by the Senate, MG Michelle Schmidt ’92 will command the 7th Infantry Division at Joint Base Lewis-McChord, Washington, making her the first woman to lead one of the Army’s active-duty maneuver divisions.
She most recently was director of force development in the office of the deputy Army chief of staff for resources and plans, G-8. Her assignment to lead the 7th Infantry Division was announced in an Aug. 14 DoD news release.
Her selection comes after MG Laura Yeager became the first woman to assume command of a U.S. Army infantry division when she took command of the California National Guard’s 40th Infantry Division in 2019. Yeager is now retired.
A 1992 graduate of the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, New York, Schmidt began her career as a platoon leader in the 2nd Infantry Division in South Korea, according to an Army biography. She was a company commander in the 82nd Airborne Division, served as the intelligence officer for the division’s 504th Parachute Infantry Regiment and later for the division, and was the senior intelligence officer and squadron commander for 1st Special Operations Detachment-Delta.
Schmidt also was the intelligence brigade commander for Joint Special Operations Command, chief of staff for the 82nd Airborne Division, chief of the Initiatives Group for the vice chief of staff of the Army, director of intelligence for U.S. Special Operations Command and deputy commanding general of the 10th Mountain Division. Before being assigned to the Army G-8, she was director of operations for the Defense Intelligence Agency.
Red Six
Can one of you 11B types kindly explain to this 25W why a career Intel officer is selected to command an infantry division? I don’t understand. Draw me the picture.
Yeah, that’ll increase lethality.
To which side?
The very same reason an NROTC grad from Northwestern University’s Medill School of Journalism is nominated for Chief of Naval Operations.
Well, she was a company commander (what kind of company?), so evidently command of a unit of 200 is sufficient preparation to command a division of 15,000. I wonder how many male division commanders have only had company command. My guess is there are a few quietly pissed off male O7s with battalion and brigade command experience who didn’t get a division.
Female anatomy
“Squadron Commander in SOD-D”?!???
Support squadron maybe.
And 7th ID is a TDA, NOT and M-TOE division. It exists to provide ADCON to 2ID’s 2 Stryker Brigades at JBLM.
Sounds like it’s a check the block for DEI purposes.
IF it was an actual maneuver division, it would’ve went to a Combat Arms MG
I’m sure the fjb administration is just thrilled with Tommy Tuberville.
One of only a few willing to stick it to them.
Who’s willing to trust these nitwits with their kids lives? Not me, my family will sit out the next shitshow. Let the LGBTQLMNOP people fight it.
Yep. They hitched their wagon and now get to ride the ride.
I’d gladly burn my retirement to see them fail and, if pushed, so much more.
I wish our countrymen/women/otherkin would open up to the possibility they don’t give a F, because The They don’t.
What bothers me the most is I have always been a patriotic person I’ve always believed that I owed my country and community for the blessings that I have received being an American. What hurts me the most is the realization that our ruling class couldn’t care less about our country and that a significant portion of our population doesn’t give a shit either. I’m still patriotic and proud of what we were but disappointed and disillusioned by what we have become, I try to be hopeful but I realize that I grew up in a different country, a better country and our own people sold it out for a few shekels. I hope it’s not too late to recover but I’m also a realist and know that the corruption runs too deep and the lies have become for all intents and purposes reality. I have no answers and pray that we can come to our senses.
Yeah, it does hurt. The price of eternal vigilance is forever something-or-other.
That disconnect, between what this country should be and what is, stems from a lack of ability of many to understand the importance of Liberty and all the blessings that flow from it. Also, guilty are the earlier recipients of those blessings to teach the lesson of its importance. It’s two-fold yet even more complex than that still. At the end of the day, we all are to blame and here’s the shit sandwich, no mayo.
It’s time to eat.
It seems the younger generations have a bubbling of unity right under the surface. I hope they’ll start to realize that they truly have the power and with the innate skepticism that come with being American they are guided to a more prosperous future, one where the Founding’s Promise is honored even more intentionally.
The ruling class has been fucking us and lying for longer than most would like to acknowledge. And I fucking pray their hubris leaves bare their stupidity for all to see right here on the internet.
In the interim, much like the weather or shark week, what comes is unavoidable and is must-see tv. (I don’t agree entirely with what I just said, but it’s a point?)
If We can get the ticks and leaches off without pain, so be it.
If it devolves into a ‘Larsian paradise’, we had a great run.
If this thing gets fracas-i, stay the F out of the way.
Any way it happens, do your best. Have those around you do their best. And if success still eludes, who cares, honestly!
We are not of this world, just traveling thru.
Thank God Almighty.
(I hope this ramble makes sense, tireder than shit)
It does
-We- patriots are the majority.
Don’t buy the lies that the squawking shitheads represent even a large fraction. They are leveraging some key wins to demoralize and ruin. Because lying is all they have.
They lie.
Don’t buy.
While I agree with everything you said, my spidey senses detected something strange and red flags went up when you said “a few shekels”.
Is this some subtle anti- semite code?
Are you teh jewz haterz?
Did a jew with a big ding stole your girlfriend in high school?
Don’t be a retard. It’s a saying thats all, have had Jewish friends my whole life and staunchly support Israel. If you are Jewish and accidentally I offended you I apologize. If you’re just a dick trying to virtue signal go fuck yourself.
And by the way my high school girl friends father was Jewish. Don’t be a dick.
Well, I am Jewish and I am a dick, so kind of hard to pick one.
Also, why are you apologizing?
Grow a spine and offend people.
That’s what I do. All day.
Fuck political correctness. All furriners look the same to me. And I eat beef. No dicks though. That aint kosher. Where the hell is my lite beer?
I don’t go around trying to offend people because of their religion or race, I might even disagree with their political views but unless they are an asshole or a wack job communist like Lars I was raised to be respectful. I’m no liberal, I don’t virtue signal, and I speak my mind but also not a douche bag.
“I am Jewish”
Well, I guess you are indeed not a regular church goer or Sunday school student. On the other hand, the old testament is the same for both of us and I seem to recall it uses the word “shekel” (“dollars” weren’t invented yet), and I don’t think the OT is particularly anti-Semitic.
If you have never heard money referred to as “shekels” you really are a bit backward. Also obviously not a regular church goer or Sunday school student.
Go Coach!
Just watched that video again. Sure was fun seeing a general having to try to justify and explain the BS he imposes on his troops. Especially when it is revealed he knows nothing about said BS. Hopefully the general will be humiliated enough to find out what’s going on in his command under his name. Needs to happen more often.
The most recruiter demographic is saying “No thanks” to the military.
Is it because the military is too “woke”? Maybe.
A bigger factor might be a lack of focus/strategy/mission for the military.
Maybe a complete lack of accountability at higher levels? Seems like once you get stars, you’re untouchable. Except for a few blatant screaming examples that can’t be swept under the rug. Like the BG from the 82nd a few years back who was boinking his subordinates. And before you mention Petraeus, the CinC had to get rid of him.
So yeah, maybe focus on core missions, stop making your recruiting commercials look like United Colors of Benneton ads.
I know DoD was counting on DADT rejects and the LGBTQAIAFRD+ mafia to pump up the numbers but it ain’t gonna happen
Do you want to fix recruitment?
Stop giving free money to people that don’t do shit.