Reason #18,203 I could never be in IVAW

| September 25, 2009

Mind you the first 18,202 are policy related, like actually liking our country, but WTF with all these guys hugging each other? If I am ever standing around with men draping their arms around each other, I am wondering why the TV in this gay bar is not on the Red Sox game.

It starts off with Gilligan and his lack of understanding how compasses and heavy masses of metal are a bad combination. This story still strikes me as bizarre, and ridiculous. I don’t know if it happened or not, but the odds of a faulty azimuth just happening to land on an Afghani village is just too singular for me to accept without proof. It would be roughly akin to firing a missile into the ocean and accidentally hitting a row boat.

Next we get John Turner who covered his 1970’s half mullet with a bright orange bandana. He served as an “automatic machinegunner.” You can never have enough automatic machinegunners, who can totally shoot more than the droves of semi-automatic and revolving machinegunners.

Next up, Reverend Yearwood. Best just ignore that one.

Then we get “This Land is Your Land” with acompanying hand holding etc. Totally creeps me out. And the back slapping of Millard had me fighting chunks back into my esophagus. And the singer’s tirade is absolutely weapons grade Awesomium. History is not made by CIA kingpins running dope. He speakum much troof to power people!

If the wheel of history is in IVAW’s hand, then I say, Please Spongebob, take the wheel.

No Longer a Monster from Displaced Films on Vimeo.

Category: Politics

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I always feel so dirty when I watch the videos put out by IVAW. Seriously I do. Like I need to talk a shower. I don’t know who they are paying to make these things but not only is the content sleazy (and I get that about IVAW) but the vidoes are just gross.

Doesn’t make me feel compassion. Makes me feel disgusted.

Son of Chesty

Is the end some kind of ritual mating dance?


I feel dirty too! Probably because I just watched a bunch of dirty hippies that thought it would be cool to enlist to get the GI Bill, then uh-oh I’ve actually have to go fight a war.

Army Sergeant

From what I’ve heard about the milblogger’s convention, you guys had just as much handholding etc as we did at ours.

Also, just because you don’t like hugs, TSO, is no reason other people can’t enjoy them.


Anonymous – I’m in IVAW. I was there while this video was being filmed. I said my piece at Winter Soldier. Does that make me a “dirty hippie?” Or does it make me a combat veteran that disagrees with the war?


definitely these guys should NOT have VOLUNTEERED to serve – they should have stayed at home in their mommies basement playing violent video games!!
what a disgrace to the male gender


Carolyn – I can’t believe I’m entertaining your nonsense, but on what basis are you making that comment? Just out of curiousity.


Jesse, I’m sorry brother , but these foolios are nothing but drama queens wanting attention for themselves. I too served in Iraq and I have my reservations about the war — but never in a million years would I ever lower myself to these shitbag’s standards. IVAW is a fraud.


Oh James Gilligan — he’s a sworn socialist , no joke, he brags about it. F*ck him

Army Sergeant

Look up Jesse’s testimony, I’m sure you’ll find it’s fairly solid. IVAW is not a fraud and anyone who can look at a picture of veterans partying after a stressful experience that they traveled thousands of miles in some cases for and say ‘dirty hippies, all of them’ probably has the kind of simple mind that leaves them counting beans on strings for money

Not everyone volunteered just for “the college money”. Which at the time was shitty, FYI.