G-20 protesters get gassed

| September 25, 2009


Fox News is reporting that crowd control measures at the G-20 conference in Pittsburgh include tear gas and rubber bullets;

Police fired canisters of pepper spray and smoke and rubber bullets at marchers protesting the Group of 20 summit Thursday after anarchists responded to calls to disperse by rolling trash bins, throwing rocks and breaking windows.

Pittsburgh Police Chief Nate Harper said 17 to 19 protesters were arrested, and Mayor Luke Ravenstahl said swift police decisions resulted in minimal property damage. Officials said there were no reports of injuries.

Fox’s broadcast portion of the news reports the use of a sonic-type of device to disperse crowds.

I love the smell of whining moonbats in the morning;

“They threw it at me, and it just smoked,” Tabet said. “I started coughing at first … it made my throat itch.”

Tabet, who said he was not involved in the protests, said he later picked up the canister to keep as a souvenir.

Also stationed inside Bruce Hall was sophomore Kevin McMahon.

He was finishing a cigarette outside the residence hall when a police officer ordered him inside.

McMahon said he was upset with the demand.

“This is our residence hall,” he said. “This is where we pay to live every year. Of all the places to try and confine us and say that we’re being unlawful, how can it be in our own residence halls?”

Yeah, it’s the fault of the police that there are a bunch of immature little punks who want free reign to create all of the mayhem and chaos that’s in their black little hearts.

Another Pitt News link;

The protesters represent a variety of different causes. One sign reads, “You know it’s a radical time because our teacher is the Earth.” Another says, “Support anarchy” on one side and “Smack an anarchist” on the other.

Richard McKita, a 19-year-old Pitt freshman, said that he came to the protest because he liked the general spirit of what the protesters supported.

“We don’t like the idea that 20 very rich and powerful people are going to make the decisions,” he said.

Yeah, more responsible decisions would be made by twenty very poor and weak people.

Category: General Whackos

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Richard Mckitta- Get a life, or learn to hold your breath, there’s more CS where that came from you weasel.


They got gassed? With what? Sarin, Xyklon-B? They should just thank their lucky stars it wasn’t powdered CS, or they would really be hatin life.


“20 very rich and powerful people”

Uh, sweetheart, those are NATIONS, not people. And those 20 nations represent over 85 percent of world GDP, 80 percent of international trade, and 70 percent of the world’s population. Hardly “20 very rich and powerful people,” you mind-numbed little waif. Do be a dear and fetch me another Starbucks, won’t you? And I’m sure mommy and daddy aren’t the least bit upset you’re pissing away their hard earned money while you protest the very system that allows you to date rape and do keg stands on the weekends while preparing yourself for a fast-paced career in the fast-food industry.


Give me an open mandate and 20 troops and I’ll end violent protest forever. First act of violence, 30 cal bullet between the eyes, repeated as required. In the long run it would be much cheaper than trying to control the spoiled whining left wing babies.


“you mind-numbed little waif. Do be a dear and fetch me another Starbucks, won’t you? And I’m sure mommy and daddy aren’t the least bit upset you’re pissing away their hard earned money”
Sparky, he’s probably following in daddy’s footsteps. Only because he’s a male and, under normal circumstances, can’t comfort the class warriors who’re busy coughing and puking, like mom did way back when.
I was taught to fire the canister so that it dispersed in the air over the heads of the crowd, better coverage. And the chance we could drop the canister on some puke throwing a rock or bottle.