Yes morons, this video is 100 percent fake (Or Not)

| September 25, 2009

I wasn’t as clear as I should have been, so egg on my face.  I was picking out the non-military side of this, and as Confederate Yankee notes, there is option C, which I may be buying into, that this is Police, not military.

If so, WTF with the military type uniforms and stuff?  Whoever though this up is a moron.  Wear some damn police parkas or something.


Seriously, you guys buy into this thing? Anyone?

Mind you the fatigues aren’t right, the guy doesn’t have his shit bloused, and no one does this crap. Probably some stupid ass IVAW trick again.

Is Drudge jumping the shark or what? This is one step down from MacBeth in believability.

Best commenter ever, over at Hotair:

It’s the “Birthers” the guy they snatched has the original copy.

Cindy Munford on September 25, 2009 at 11:08 AM

I’m predicting that Charles Johnson blames Glenn Beck and his goons for this, and the kidnapped guy knew the real truth about Beck’s frog killing ways.

Jonn added:

The real police officer isn’t facing the crowd to protect the “arresting officers” like a trained officer would in those circumstances. He also has flex cuffs, yet the “protester” wasn’t cuffed. If the “arrestee” was being arrested, why would they allow him to keep his backpack as both “officers” entered the backseat with him? After a real cop had subdued the arrestee, the first thing they would have done is take his backpack away in the event he had a weapon. I’ve watched “Cops” enough to know that.

Now, let’s look at this arm band;


Does that look like an easily recognizable means of identification? Notice in the picture, the “arrestee” is grasping at the car door – that’s why he’d be flex-cuffed before they put him the car.

Since the real cops are in riot gear, why would these guys be in old Army uniforms? Has the PA National Guard been federalized? Do you honestly think these are real military personnel?

I’ve seen enough of these staged events to know that they probably coordinated with the police beforehand.

Category: General Whackos

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Damn, even a squid like me knows this is 110 percent BS.

Jonn Lilyea

The driver is wearing Hush Puppies, for Pete’s sake.


ROFLMAO–desert camo for the urban environment, Jonn?



Pittsburgh PD SWAT and SRU teams wear multicam which is the camo pattern worn by two of the three officers in this video.
It’s the Pittsburgh PD, not any US Army unit.



Doc Martens and sneakers. Standard issue?


I think I have a new winner

1) the rifle has orange reflective tape before the sight post. makes the source of flare easy to identify from the air.
2) the individual puting the assailent in the back of the car has reflective tape on his left sholder for easy identificaton from air.
3) they would not send armed individuals into? the crowed….IE dont give the enemy weapons.
4)when the camera pans to the left fully you can see a marked homeland security provided SUV.



The officer who’s driving the vehicle is wearing desert combat boots, not Hush Puppies. He just has his pants legs unbloused and it covers the majority of the boot.


509th Bob

Confederate Yankee agrees with 1SG B. I’m off mixed minds. The lack of head gear is the most significant omission I see, but the apparently uniformed police officer standing aside to let the vehicle pass suggests some validity that its a police vehicle. If it is police, its stupid to put them in woodland camoflauge in an urban environment.


Confederate Yankee has some real good screen caps of this. They might be real cops. That would explain why they were able to drive away with no trouble.


Also the orange tipped rifle could be a bean bag shotgun.

Jonn Lilyea

The real police officer isn’t facing the crowd to protect the “arresting officers” like a trained officer would in those circumstances. He also has flex cuffs, yet the “protester” wasn’t cuffed. If the “arrestee” was being arrested, why would they allow him to keep his backpack as both “officers” entered the backseat with him? After a real cop had subdued the arrestee, the first thing they would have done is take his backpack away in the event he had a weapon. I’ve watched “Cops” enough to know that.

Now, let’s look at this arm band;


Does that look like an easily recognizable means of identification? Notice in the picture, the “arrestee” is grasping at the car door – that’s why he’d be flex-cuffed before they put him the car.

Since the real cops are in riot gear, why would these guys be in old Army uniforms? Has the PA National Guard been federalized? Do you honestly think these are real military personnel?

I’ve seen enough of these staged events to know that they probably coordinated with the police beforehand.


TSO, Drudge will do anything for hits.


Orange tip on a shotgun definitly means “less lethal”. Many places use all orange furniture on dedicated “less lethal” shotguns.


509th Bob: The various SWAT teams around the country are always dressed in woodland BDU’s in any enviroment (I used to chuckle when I would see them on the news acting like no one could see them). Now, some of the SWAT teams have switch to the latest and greatest, but these guys obviously haven’t gotten the budget money for their upgrades, yet.


There is absolutely no way that National Guard troops would be making arrests. It would go completely against the ROE/RUF. And cops I would imagine would be easily identified as police and would have to read rights. My two cents for what it’s worth.


Ok, Jonn, since I have finally gotten down to reading your analysis, which makes perfect sense: if they’re not military (I never thought they were) and they’re not cops, then who are they?

Jonn Lilyea

Hippies creating some theater for the camera. Like I said, they probably coordinated their little play with the cops beforehand which is why the cops are milling around a few feet away.


Could be. They probably hired the burly types (we know hippies don’t work out to get that big) so they could stage this and maybe threw a few dead Presidents at the cops near by?

I do know, from the screen shot I saw, that every one of the “military” guys had different footgear from one another. One guy had Corcorans, another had current issue tan, which doesn’t go well with woodland BDUs. The guy with the current issue tan footgear also had his sleeves rolled, ala Jesse MacBeth.



I say again – the Pittsburgh PD SWAT team wears the type of camo uniforms you see in the video. The vehicle is a Crown Vic police cruiser. Jonn – when we’ve done riot control opns, you usually have a “snatch team”. The snatch team is responsible for grabbing any “organizers” that they can identify and removing them quickly – with shock and awe kind of tactics. This fits exactly into that scenario. They grab him up, scare the crowd, and flex cuff him later.

Not an Army unit, not a fake cop, not theater – three Pittsbugh SWAT guys doing a snatch team set-up on a demonstrator who is an influencer to the crowd.


Jonn Lilyea

I ain’t buyin’ it. They came up off the ground when the car pulled up – yet the arrestee wasn’t cuffed and still had his backpack. No time? Hardly.

Where’s the “shock and awe”?

There were no armed or uniformed officers between the crowd and the “arrest” – they were milling around almost uninterested.


Jonn –

Check admin email please.



Jonn, I think this 1SG B character looks more like someone who’s trying to seem like they’re in the military.

They make no sense, and sound dumber then a box of rocks. I wouldnt be surprised if “1SG B” was a member of IVAW. How about a fake valor investigation on him/her for claiming to be a First Sgt!!!

I mean, how many times has the national guard really done riot control operations that he can say “when we do snatch ops” like its an every day occurance???

The Sniper

I’m going with 1SG B on this one. As the camo guys are shuffling our hero into the back of the car you can see that they’re carrying (their BDU blouses ride up as they shove him in). Plus the uni looks like he’s in on the whole thing and has no problem waiving them through. Not military, but probably cops.


Hot Air has another picture. They are cops.

Jonn Lilyea

1SGB sends this picture;


Like I told him, it was either hippie theater or cop theater.

TSO phones in comment from the driving range: Whose stupid idea was that?


Still whats up with drudge?


Hey Anon –

Better to be a 1SG than a Ravenette. Go hug/kiss a tree.
Shake your pom-pom’s for us S******e.




Can tell by looking at the pictures, these men are not military since they are not wearing the current ACU uniforms. Also, they are wearing BDUs and their pants are not bloused properly.

Most of all, using the military is in violation of the Posse Comitatus Act.


I’m gonna go with this being the real deal. That was a text book detainment. You can see the uniformed police officers (far left)step up and provide cover for the detainment team. Does anyone know why he was being detained? From the looks of things he is at the front of the protest which probably means he did something to break the law. I’m sure the guys in the Crown Vic where standing buy, alomost like a Quick Reaction Force. Speed is on the police officers side, in a situation with that many people you need to move quick, get the detainee before the protesters realize what is going on and have a chance to retaliate. As far as the uniforms go, those guys have SWAT written all over them, who else has that much time to sit around in the gym and get that big? I’m sure they can wear whatever fatigues they want.


Whoa….I go off the radar for a day or two and come back to this?? Just cause someone calls you out I get thrown under the bus??

Come on B***z, a little respect for privacy….can we leave off last names??


All this is doing is stirring the pot, IMO. Using guys in camos, even if they are police? Nice way to put the conspiracy/Posse Commitatus folks in overdrive, Pittsburgh. Nice goin.


Well, TSO–look at it this way–your score wasn’t any worse than usual. I want a hamburger–no, a CHEESEBURGER!

was a dem not now

with the way G-8 looks, all assets are being used… so I go w/ local riot PD. it’s their city and they can do what they want to keep it from the anarchists far as I’m concerned…


Keep in mind the Hippies/VVAW have tried impersonation of troops before. The uniformed cip stnading by might have also been taken in too, presuming it was something official he didn’t know about. Until I hear something from the Pittsburgers, my money’s on impoersonators.


“that’s why he’d be flex-cuffed before they put him the car.”
My thought exactly. In Jonn Lilyea’s picture above (27), the protester on the ground is in plastic cuffs.


If you look closely at around the fourteen second mark it appears the “detained” is smiling and laughing about the whole incident. In my agency, when we do a jump and snatch, they are definitely restrained with some type of restraints on their wrists at the minimum before they are stuffed. And, they are not smiling as we stuff them.

Army Sergeant


I also go with likely PD, but why are police allowed to walk around in military uniforms? I am NOT okay with that.

The reason I say this is that, when we were marching at the DNC with the large crowd behind us, there was an incident when some police snatch-and-grabbed some guy from the crowd following behind. When they did so, from what I heard, there was no immediate cuffing, it was just a ‘get this guy, get this guy the hell out’. Taking the time to get them cuffed would be harder especially after the initial shock wore off.

The guy being grabbed might have been smiling because he saw the camera turn towards the car. Also, if it had been staged purely for theater, I guarantee the video would have been better.


AS: Police SWAT teams have been using BDUs for years, in every enviroment, for any reason. I guess they want to “blend in” to their enviroment?

So, it doesn’t surprise me that they are polic that don’t really have a standard dress code for their SWAT officers, because they all had different footgear, etc. Maybe thats their way of being the rebellious ones in the PD?


TSO – Golf? Really? You tore your self away from that video game?


Old Trooper, if the dept doesn’t buy the boots, the LEOs are free to buy whatever feels good on their feet. I wore Corcorans, Bates and finally, New Balance, in black, of course. If the dept buys, the boots all are the same.