Poll: Bloggers’ Least Respected Conservatives

| September 25, 2009

This Ain’t Hell was asked by John Hawkins of Right Wing News to participate in a poll this last week in regards to who are our least favorite Conservatives. John asked 260 right of center blogs, 52 responded and he’s posted the results of his poll at “Right-Of-Center Bloggers Select Their Least Favorite People On The Right (2009 Edition)” .

Some of our choices were included in the results. In fact, only Stuart Rhodes, Adam Kokesh and Orley Taitz are missing.

Category: Bloggers

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That list gets a GO from my station.

I loved comparing the list and notice a few names that keep coming up. Cough…savage…cough…mccain…cough.

Hmmm, how strange that the people that the media love to hate are absent from the list. people like ohhh Palin.

Hmm sounds like the blog-o-sphere will continue to gain influence while the major media types will head to the hill with their hand out and requesting more restrictions on the internet.



How did Oily Titz not make the list? Wasn’t she our #2?