Community of tiny homes available for homeless veterans

| August 19, 2023

A village consisting of tiny homes emerged in Longmont, Colorado. The organization, Veterans Community Project, made this community possible. A group of combat veterans got together and founded this organization to help fellow veterans mitigate the challenges they face. What started off in Kansas City ended up being replicated in other cities.

From KDVR Fox 31:

“The success rate they were seeing with vets moving from the villages into permanent housing was 85%, which is more than double the national average,” Seybold said.

The village will be made up of 26 tiny homes. Single residency homes will be 240 square feet and family homes that can sleep up to seven people will be 340 square feet.

Each home is designed specifically for veterans.

“Windows are offset so you’re not peering in your neighbor’s home. Walls are a little thicker so it’s quiet, and then the layout and design of the furniture itself allows the vet’s back to be against the wall and all entrances and everything visible,” Seybold said.

The village also includes a 3,000-square-foot community center that will host work programs, resume building, art therapy and on-site case managers whom veterans will meet with weekly.

KDVR Fox 31provides additional details here.

Category: Veterans in the news, Veterans Issues

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This all kinda sounds a little plantationy to me.

I’m just glad the state will have to hire more workers to {checks notes} help with VCP’s grift operation (link FY 2020 Form 990):

Notable expenses

Executive compensation $546,712  – 14.3%

Other salaries and wages $1,134,180 – 29.8%

Will their victims be first in line for CO’s social credit score/eat zee bugs/hydrocarbon-free/Fedcoin control experiment?

Provided to piss off any self-described ‘liberals’ we have here:


I’d forgotten that song.
Appropo, tho’


It’s an inversion really, one where “the people… [that] go to the university… doctors… lawyers [a]nd business executives” stuff the rabble into boxes.

The irony of it all, an idiot with 6-figures in student loan debt managing the case of some Vet with no debt and untold dollars in tuition funding or other unrealized benefits.

The indentured fool also needs case load to justify their job and to keep the taxes-supplied salary rolling in.

I wish there was a phrase for this…(link)

We get what we ‘pay’ for.


“Single residency homes will be 240 square feet and family homes that can sleep up to seven people will be 340 square feet.”

240 Square Feet= Single Residence.

340 Square Feet= Family Home That Can “Sleep Up” To SEVEN PEOPLE.

What am I missing?



These jail cells identify as TARDISes? TARDISi? TARDISies?

fab tardis fore.jpg

That’s over three times the 110 square foot USAREUR minimum, for old Germany hands.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

Close the door Doctor and lets get the fuck out of here , I see the Daleks coming down the street…..






340 / 7 = 48.5 sq ft per person…and no separate common area. Gonna get hot and miserable in there quick.


Could we have a cat?


That’s a mighty calm mountain lion.


A 20′ by 24′ garage is 480 square feet. I don’t think this is going to work.


An invitation to a frat party apparently. My 2 car garage is bigger than than 340 Sq feet, and it only holds cars and tool boxes. Lawn equipment and other yard tools, ladders, Christmas decorations are stored in a 12×18 shed.

Sadly, I have outgrown them both.


The CHU I shared with a soldier aboard Bagram AB was a standard 8’ x 20’ shipping container – 160 sq ft. Of course, we didn’t have a kitchen or a bathroom either, so these mini homes have that going for them.


Which is nice.

Just in case you didn’t know this entire scene was improvised by Bill Murray.

Gunga le Gunga


“Each home is designed specifically for veterans.”

“Windows are offset so you’re not peering in your neighbor’s home. Walls are a little thicker so it’s quiet, and then the layout and design of the furniture itself allows the vet’s back to be against the wall and all entrances and everything visible…”


IMHO, this sounds as if the ninja family and other TAH members are being stereotyped.

“Vet’s back to be against the wall…”

Seriously? Really? What about some of us whose lives were threaten by a SCUD?

“…so you’re not peering in your neighbor’s house ..”

????? Where did THAT come from? How in blue blazes does THAT pertain to a Veteran?

“Walls are a little thicker so it’s quiet…”

Quiet from what? 24/7 Generators ruuning? 24/7 Noise from living on a compound?

Oh, we forgot.

The beginning of the article reads “A village of tiny homes in Longmont will help veterans who are experiencing HOMELESSNESS….”

Guess some of those homelessness Veterans who flunked outta Basic Training just could not handle those Drill SGTs yelling and screaming at them (at their face AND at their backs) as well as all that noise 24/7 while in training…and of course, they missed their privacy..






BTW, we are sick and tired of hearing about “Homeless Veteran..”

Majority of Vererans we know are NOT homeless. Turns out those “Veterans” who are “homeless” were kicked out of the Military because of drug/alcohol abuse, were defiant toward authority, had troubled lives before joining the Service (Jail time, Mental illness issues, etc).

There are others from different occupations that experience homelessness. Being a “Veteran” does not make one special or better than his/her fellow Americans.

Sadly, alot of homeless folks DON’T want help. Our city has shelters for them as well as programs to help them get on their feet. However, they are more content holding a sign at a street corner begging for money.

Have seen it too many times.


Don’t forget the bed-wetters, and those who committed crimes, civilian or military.


You nailed it and countersunk it ninja.


St louis has a guy named Larry Rice who tries to open an overnight shelter for homeless people. He has a ministry as well housed in the same building. Every winter, when he tries to open up for more homeless, the city puts the kibosh on his idea, and then complain that the homeless have nowhere to go, and they can’t afford to open more than they have. Larry Rice isn’t dependent on city funds but only by donations.

The city claims the shelter will attract undesirables. Seems to me they are rejecting what a gift horse is offering. Makes no sense to me.

A Proud Infidel®™

Sounds to me like politicians festering a current problem so they can grandstand on it come the next election, remember “Never let a perfectly good crisis go to waste”? Many politicians are evil to the point where they will let their locales burn to the ground just so they can rule over the ashes.


Oh, no, those “ticking timebomb” veterans– there should be some confine cosy space… /sarc
comment image

jeff LPH 3 63-66

Prisoner in his cell goes over to take a dump and all of a sudden, a bird pops out of the bowl and says to the con, don’t be alarmed, I’m not a stool pidgeon.


The resident punster strikes again.

Well played.

jeff LPH 3 63-66



I sleep better with a 15 or 30kw generator within earshot. But let that thing stutter one little bit…


On a different tack – that area north of Denver has at least one other nearby “little town” wherein multiple small houses are gathered into a nearly self-sufficient community in which most needs are within walking distance. Was a nice place when I was there.


They have a lot of homeless combat veterans in Longmont (pop. ~100,000), do they? That bit about being able to keep your back against the wall and observe all doors & windows makes me laugh. I’m surprised they don’t call it “tactical” housing and throw in a “kinetic” or two. They can call it “Rambo village”.

If that “house” in the picture is any indication of their expertise, count me out. That’s a helluva lot of water & sewer line to keep from freezing, and their water pressure probably isn’t too good. On the plus side, those stairs are a built-in fitness center–as long as you don’t fall. Imagine moving furniture into that place, and grocery shopping. And coming home after a few beers down at the Legion with your fellow “combat” vets promises to be very exciting, particularly in winter.


I would speculate that of those of us who are actually combat veterans who legitimately completed our terms of service, less than .2% have ever been homeless. Anyone here know of any legit combat veteran who has been homeless, ever? I bet not.


Thanks Ranger!

KoB!, rgr769. And I know an assload of Vets. One of them is an attention whore that wants to make sure everybody knows he was shot up in GW 1 and that “these pills are the ones I take to make sure I don’t kill myself and these are the ones that make sure I don’t kill someone else.” He’s changed jobs often, mainly cause he’s an arrogant prick, but I hooked him up with a over the road trucker gig that gives him the solitude he claims he wants. I also see, on my escort duties to the city, an assload of “vet, homeless, please help, God Bless” signs held up at the big intersections and/or interstate on ramps. I’ve busted a bunch of them when they couldn’t give the right answer to the TAH Handbook on being a good phony. Good Times!

All that being said, I’ve been a “homeless vet” several times due to divorce and not getting custody of the real estate (or the payment). Moved into a PO Box and made do with homesteading in a barn till I replaced the $ that disappeared from the joint bank accounts and found a place I could afford. Didn’t take too long once I didn’t have someone(s) bleeding me dry faster than I could earn it. Right now I’m living large with paid for houses, vehicles, prep supplies, and a fairly healthy bank balance. Lessons learned? Marriage is the leading cause of divorce and you can, and will, do whatever is needed…if you want to do it.

Stub out your camel, get off your ass, pick up a shovel, and go to work.

Deadbeats come in all shapes, sizes, races, creeds, and socio-economic background…so do Vets.


Burlington VT built no income (drug) pods in a low-income retirement age community. No plumbing in them but they have fancy porttapottys. Loads of fun.


How… quaint.

I bet if they’d dropped these behind an affluent high school there’d be bitching.
Won’t someone think of the children?!” —Karen McFuckface

Side note/rhetorical question: Was Vermont one of those many states that fucked the mom-n-pop landlord with eviction moratoriums?

Wish I had stats because I’d love to throw ‘personal property seizures by fiat’ versus ‘prevalence of not-housing feel good bullshit like this’ on a chart to see the relationship.


Well, you know school:


Checks next year’s fall color vacation list…. scratches Burlington from list.


Try NEK Vermont and white Mountain Forest, NH.
I still ride thru it every fall.

OIP (35).jpg

Nice. Really nice.

My chiropractor married a local gal he met in college. Both are chiropractors and he transplanted from New Hampshire. I ask him why all the time. Granted, his wife works in the same office, and I have met her. She is very much easy on the eyes. Oh yeah.

He has given me several option to choose from, as much away from tourists as possible.

A Proud Infidel®™

These “Tiny Homes” they talk about these days look an awful lot like what we called “Huts” or Shacks” back in the day. Maybe it’s brainwashing people into thinking that’s all they need in order to condition them to accept living in more crowded places?


Yeaaaaahhhh. No. 20 years of service and now 6 years into a career with the county. Never been homeless and none of the dudes I ran with over my career were even CLOSE to being homeless. Who’s gonna vet (pardon the pun) the people signing us to live here?

I already told the wife: if something (God forbid) happens to her after the kids move out, I’m buying a van and disappearing….


Great. I only had about twelve years service, including reserve service. But I have never collected unemployment benefits or welfare benefits. Every veteran I know has been gainfully employed or enrolled as a student since their military service.


Similar but different now going up in Harrisburg, PA.
A “community center” is to be built next to the tiny homes.

For anyone who knows this area,
these are being built in a flood zone area,
just south of PennDOT,
abandoned industrial scrub land
between the railroad tracks and the Susquehanna River.

It’s also in the direct flight path of take offs and landings
at Harrisburg Int’l Airport.
Good luck with sleep.

No shortage of folks showing up for photo ops on shovel day.

[GALLERY: Groundbreaking for Veterans Grove tiny home village for homeless vets | Jun 6, 2023]


Is this upriver from the old gas plant before the wheelbarrow factory?


The land donor has been buying up Harrisburg area decrepit land and building bargains for decades.
Fixed up some, flipped some, and stuck with some elephants, including this inaccessible patch of rough, likely with old industrial scrap and waste (oil) buried and or soaked into the ground.

BTW, that patch to the NORTH of PennDOT…
is the long standing civilian homeless hide out camp,
strewn with damaged tents, food trash,
piss and poop, mice, rats, and cats.,-76.8645054,1694m/data=!3m1!1e3?entry=ttu


Yep, we are still in the area. Across the river now. I’m originally from Steelton. I’m familiar with this mess. BTW the Elliot Fisher plant on Cameron St. made crypto stuff during WW2.

A Proud Infidel®™

Apparently lots of people showed up in front of the cameras to pat themselves on the back!


They only took action
AFTER the debacle of civilian homeless
under the center city Mulberry Street Bridge,
finally cleared out January 2023,
fenced off,
and (due to fence damage and new problems)
spaces under the bridge recently filled in with rocks and earth fill.

TV news video here.
[Barriers being erected around site of former Harrisburg homeless encampment]


Notice in the TV news video,
almost everyone kicked out from under the Mulberry Street Bridge showed up at the civilian homeless hide out camp on the north side of PennDOT.