Hunter Biden’s tax charges dismissed

| August 19, 2023

A federal judge in Delaware dismissed Hunter Biden’s tax charges, which were misdemeanors. The Justice Department appeared to be behind the move to dismiss these charges. However, Hunter Biden may stand trial related to a felony gun charge at a different location. Hunter Biden continues to be subject to investigation.

From Fox News:

Biden’s attorneys and Special Counsel David Weiss are still fighting over a diversion agreement concerning the felony charge that would allow him to avoid any jail time. Weiss has indicated he plans to potentially take Biden to trial in the future in either Washington, D.C., or California.

On Tuesday, Weiss strongly rejected claims by Biden’s legal team that his office “reneged” on the plea deal for President Biden’s son to resolve the federal tax and gun charges, while stressing that agreement was “not in effect.”

In a court filing, Weiss fired back at the Biden attorneys, which, over the weekend, filed a motion stating that “the parties have a valid and binding bilateral Diversion Agreement.”

He added that Biden “chose to plead not guilty at the hearing on July 26, 2023, and U.S. Probation declined to approve the proposed diversion agreement at that hearing. Thus, neither proposed agreement entered into effect.”

Weiss said that Biden “rejected these counterproposals on August 7, 2023.”

“Seeing that the parties were at an impasse, the Government informed the Defendant, in writing on August 9, 2023, that it was withdrawing the most recent version of its proposed plea and diversion agreements,” Weiss wrote in the filing. “That is why the Government has asked the Court to vacate its briefing order and has moved to dismiss the criminal tax information.”

Fox News provides the balance of the story here.

Category: Biden, Government Incompetence

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Must be nice.


Hunter Biden – Commits several felonies, charges dropped.

Donald Trump (and all his associates) – Makes some phone calls to Georgia, facing 100 years in prison.


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Hack Stone

Yeah, something like when you go to slay the King, you better make sure he is dead. No way a Democrat is going to win November 2024, and then it becomes payback time.

USMC Steve

They will simply rig this election too and that will be that. Only way they will learn to do things by the rules is to make some of them bleed.

A Proud Infidel®™

That’s a summons for the useful idiots to assemble, not realizing that the ones in the past who blindly followed their herders and handlers thinking they would join the elite ended up in gulags and mass graves, places they’re headed to as well.


Comrades, see the benefits of being a Party Member
gets, but Fellow Travelers still work in the Fields though!


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jeff LPH 3 63-66

A standard Double standard with the demoRats

A Proud Infidel®™

A further demonstration of what a WHOREHOUSE our so-called Justice System is today.

GOD HELP America.


But of course the charges were dismissed. Now the Bidens owe the judge a favor that may or may not be cashed in.

This is what the the elites and the powerful do. They watch each others back and everyone knows all the dirt on each other. One goes down they all go down.


Looking forward to that day. There will be a run on popcorn.


“Have dirt on your boss,” not dress like your boss, has been the new Dress for Success for years now.


Good to see the justice system is working as designed.

Hack Stone

So, we’re not doing the “Rich don’t pay their fair share of taxes” thing anymore?


But the Bidens are not rich, honest! Just honest, hard-working folks from Scranton….


Yeah, dontcha know? Joe is the son of a coal miner.

A Proud Infidel®™

As well as a Jewish Puerto Rican lesbian who went to Black Churches after Mass every Sunday!


Oh, his father that was pro-LGBTQMNOP in the late 50s or early 60s?


Joe is the jack of all schmoozer trades. Ain’t nobody he won’t try to bullshit.


As Sarah H. used to say, “See my shocked face.”



So, 230M American formerly-tax-paying Patriots can make that deal?

At the worst, We can be a nation of probationers!!

Hey Reb, I’m looking for one word, 7 letters, means ‘to make ready beforehand for a specific purpose, as for an event or occasion’.

fight club when.png

Fuck me! I was wrong, 128M income tax payers. (image below)

It’s illegal anyway, our duty is to ignore it.

oops 128M.png

You don’t want to be the 3rd monkey when the rain starts. Oh…LOOK…TRUMP!…in an alien space ship…spreading a virus…starting a war with RUSSIARUSSIARUSSIA…at this point, what difference does it make…RAAAAAAYYYCCISST…burn it all down, we’ll rule the ashes…



There he is!

The Chicomm’s ‘economy’ is hitting a brick wall.
We are waiting on another/more bank failure(s).

Ivermectin works.

The vaxxxxxine kills.

“When all else fails they take you to war” –Gerald Celente (and probably others, I just hear him say it a lot!)

Prepare.” <—–this!


It’s called “run out the clock” on the statute of limitations.
And when sponge brains doesn’t run for re-election, pardons after the sham on the 2024 elections


I’m just wondering how bad it’s going to get before they release the Epstien client list.


Notice that Comrade Beria doesn’t show his ugly puss when The Biden Crime Family aka Robert L. Peters Inc. LLC get preferential treatment.
When the Creepy Mr. Peters whispers into the mic ‘pay your fair share’ except his crack-head son doesn’t. Anybody here getting that same treatment?
Weiss is a family friend putting on a show. A Red State where Hunter has done business should put him and the corrupt Mr. Peters on trial just the like them Dems.


No Biden will ever see a jail cell, The old man will probably be re-elected or his proxy will, republicans are still all talk no balls. I still hope I’m wrong.


Republicans: Let’s have another hearing!
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That’s what it amounts too. All theatre no substance, they have their noses in the same trough the democrats do so they only rock the boat so much. All for show that’s why they all hate Trump.



g1f8ggF rinos.png

I would imagine if the above meme was posted to, say, Kevin McCarthy Twitter or Facebook or other social media he is a member of, there would be a 3am no knock surprise party at your house.


Where is the usual cast of characters, the orange man bad crew, coming to explain to us how this isn’t as bad we’re making it out to be.


And we’re all “cultists” for objecting to an obvious two-tiered justice system.


Our ancestors would be shooting by now.

USMC Steve

How exactly is owing the government over $100,000 in taxes that you intentionally defrauded the government out of a misdemeanor? Answer, it is not. Ask al Capone and a bunch of other folks about failure to pay federal income tax.


Somehow my comment on this didn’t take. The charges on Hunter had to be dismissed. Otherwise, the case would be subject to the court’s case management system and have to be moved forward to trial. The prosecutors requested it dismissed so they can pretend to be further investigating. That will last until after the election next year. In the meantime, all the D-rat officials and the “special counsel” will say they can’t say anything about this “ongoing investigation.”