Honduran stand-off

| September 24, 2009

The constitutional government of Honduras finds itself more isolated from the rest of the world every day. With ousted president Zelaya sequestered in the Brazillian embassy and the the US State Department screaming in their ear, the de facto government has offered several options to settle the differences between the opposition and their own Constitution. In fact yesterday, the Micheletti government offered up another option;

Mr. Micheletti offered to hold direct talks with Mr. Zelaya if the ousted president recognized the validity of elections scheduled for Nov. 29. Mr. Zelaya declined the offer, calling it “manipulation.”

A simple offer, a simple solution to the stand off – but Zelaya knowing he has the backing of the US State Department and the OAS in direct contradiction to the principles of the Honduran Constitution, he sees no need to concede even on iota in any direction. Even the UN has turned against Honduras;

Adding to pressure on Mr. Micheletti’s government, the U.N. temporarily suspended cooperation with Honduras’s election commission ahead of the November poll, saying conditions weren’t in place for a credible vote.

Yeah, I remember the concerns that the UN had for elections in Iran and Argentina, too. They almost broke their own necks trying to look the other way during post-election violence in Tehran and when a suitcase load of cash was discovered on it’s way from Chavez’ government to Christine Kirschner’s campaign chest.

One 65-year-old has been reported killed in Honduras and that death can be laid at the feet of the Zelaya, our own State Department, the Brazilian government, Hugo Chavez, the OAS and the UN – all complicit in violating Honduras own Constitution to force them to accept an illegitmate president.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Foreign Policy, Hugo Chavez

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