SPLC and their evidence of Neo-Nazis in the military

| September 24, 2009

TSO and I have been telling you for months that the Southern Poverty Law Center is just making stuff up in regards to military members joining white supremacist organizations – well, a few weeks ago, they jumped the shark. Sonia Scherr wrote an article on the “Hate Watch” web page entitled; Leaked Neo-Nazi E-mails Show Contacts With Military Personnel. Their article is based on 629 leaked private emails posted on WikiLeaks between the National Socialist Movement and some members.

The first is from a guy who claims to be Army Sergeant Kyle Wrobel;

Among those who contacted NSM was an infantryman who identified himself as Kyle R. Wrobel. Writing from a hotmail contact, Wrobel told NSM that he was from Cleveland, Ohio. “i am a sergeant in the US Army infantry, currently serving my second combat tour to iraq,” he wrote on Jan. 17, 2008. “i vehemently support your cause, and want to become heavily involved. my wife and i both advocate and support the cause. i want a lifetime membership and want to become involved and do whatever i can as soon as possible.” […] Wrobel served for four years in the Army and was discharged in November 2008 as a specialist, according to an Army spokesman. The type of discharge is not public information, the spokesman said, though an acquaintance of Wrobel said it was honorable. (It’s unclear why Wrobel stated in his E-mail to the NSM that he was a sergeant, which is higher ranking than a specialist.)

So I checked on Military.com for a Kyle Wrobel in any military service and came up empty. The same for an AKO account;


There are probably several reasons he might not have an AKO account less than a year after after he was discharged. But I think it’s odd that I can’t find any record of him anywhere.

Ms. Scherr also quotes another military member as showing an interest in joining NSM. I won’t use his name, because I did confirm that he’s in the military – however, even SPLC admits that he didn’t join the neo-Nazis and I can’t find the actual emails in which he expresses an interest.

So let’s recap for a minute; SPLC tells the world that there’s a vast army of neo-Nazis getting their training from the US military. In their original report, they count about 300 – 300 who SAY they have been in the military. The SPLC finds TWO military members in email exchanges with neo-Nazis. One of whom, we can’t find a military record, the other never joined the Neo-Nazis.

Yeah, that’s some real evidence you’ve got there, SPLC.

Category: SPLC

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Dave Thul

Using the investigative and journalistic integrity standards demonstrated by SPLC, I have taken the liberty of writing their next article for them-

“Milbloggers confirm growing link between military and neo-nazis! From a recent post at This ain’t Hell-”

‘TSO and I have’ ‘jumped the shark’ ‘and’ ‘joined the Neo-Nazis.’

‘I have been telling you for months’ ‘that there’s a vast army of neo-Nazis getting their training from the US military.’

‘Army Sergeant Kyle Wrobel’ ‘was’ ‘another military member’ ‘showing an interest in joining NSM.’

‘Yeah’ ‘the Southern Poverty Law Center’ ‘has’ ‘some real evidence’ ‘in regards to military members joining white supremacist organizations ‘

Just a little creative editing and you have another SPLC report that confirms the DHS ‘veterans are terrorists’ report.

AW1 Tim

The Southern Poverty Law Center: Decades of exhortations and allegations unfettered by factual evidence.

I mean, seriously… these guys are through and through leftists, and there isn’t ANYONE on the left that I am familiar with who will allow facts to get in the way of their storyline.


I think the SPLC isn’t a bad organization in theory. However, the fact that their legal counsel on military matters is the National Lawyer’s Guild tells me that they are not getting the right info. For an organization that prides itself on research, one would think that at least one person involved with the SPLC will be at least a reservist or IRR to actually go and do the 30-second AKO research to verify a soldier.

I don’t know anybody who has registered with military.com so I don’t hold that against them. But honorably discharged soldiers usually remain on AKO for awhile, even for medboard, and especially after four year enlistment is up and they go to IRR.

I have to call “bull” on the “Army spokesman.” Something doesn’t add up here. But what this does tell me is that there must not be much of a neo-nazi problem in the military if the best they can come up with is a soldier who seems to have no existance when otherwise it would be easy to verify.


Seriously? SPLC and NLG are teamed up?
Officially or cross personnel?


Holy shit. (Don’t know that I buy the opinion editorial stuff, but if the fact part is accurate we do have staff cross over.)


The National Lawyers Guild was founded in 1936 by the Communist Party USA. The NLG is an active affiliate of the International Association of Democratic Lawyers, which served as a Soviet front group during the Cold War. The NLG defines its mission as an effort to: “unite lawyers, law students, legal workers, and jailhouse lawyers of America (to) function as an effective political and social force…to the end that human rights shall be regarded as more sacred than property interests.” In other words, their mission is to ‘deKulakize’ America in the name of social justice.

In 1999, NLG member Chip Berlet described a Guild ‘communist debate’ session: “The cacophony at some meetings (arises from) debates featuring…Leninist, Trotskyite, Stalinists…Maoist…Marxist, anarchists, libertarians and progressive independents…with multiple identities as lawyers, legal workers, labor organizers, tribal sovereignty activists, civil liberties and civil rights advocates, environmentalists, feminists, gay men and lesbians, and people of color.” Chip Berlet is an activist with Morris Dees Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), another communist front group and Open Borders member.


A leftist at your Southern Poverty Law Center recently smeared the Center for the Study of Popular Culture as a den of bigots. But who will earn a legitimate reputation as a real hate group if you continue to post his report?

Dear Morris Dees,

You’ve made yourself a national reputation as a fighter against hate groups. Recently, however, you released a report called “Into the Mainstream” by a leftwing conspiracy theorist named Chip Berlet, which purports to show how “right wing foundations and think tanks support efforts to make bigoted and discredited ideas respectable.” This report is so tendentious, so filled with transparent misrepresentations and smears that if you continue to post the report you will create for your Southern Poverty Law Center a well-earned reputation as a hate group itself.

I will deal only with the single paragraph, which devotes to the Center for the Study of Popular Culture but which in his estimation – and apparently yours – is enough to damn it as a Center for bigots. Berlet’s indictment of the Center – an organization with a proud history in fighting for equal rights for all American citizens – is based on three mangled statements taken from an ad opposing reparations for slavery 137 years after the fact. This ad was itself excerpted from an article written for the liberal/left magazine Salon.com (which I notice is not included in Berlet’s list of respectable bigots).



I so much want to defend the SPLC as I do think their work is justified and worthwhile. But on military matters, they can’t have any credibility if research and advising is coming from such a skewed group of people. This post is a perfect example I am sad to admit.

By the way, I just checked military.com for my DOD record and I don’t exist in their database. I do, however, exist on AKO in my current status. So, again, I am not putting too much stock in military.com as a primary source.


Bob- If you are active I don’t think it shows up yet.


It says on there that I was a black marine in 1968.

(name that movie)


They make up stuff because they KNOW neither their membership/supporters/readership nor MSM nor similary inclined government bureaucrats are going to question the source.


Honorable discharge from active duty. Currently in the reserve component. I did look for some others I served with who are not military.com members, and most were not listed, so I chalk it up as operator error or just not updated yet. Either way, it is a good research tool so long as it’s not solely relied upon.

But am blown away by the associations of the SPLC. I always held them in high regard. And although I am a somewhat anonymous blog commentor so insert hypocracy here, credibility means everything and they lost theirs with me due to such skewed and outright unknowledgable, agenda-driven direct connections and resources.


I was fairly fine with them until Potok came here and repeatedly tried to justify having The American Legion article listed under “Hatewatch” but assuring us that didn’t mean they were a hate group. That still smacks as intellectual dishonesty. I don’t mind people of a different political stripe (in fact prefer them at times) but they have to be honest. When I realized that AS actually BELIEVED the stuff she was saying, I actually got to like her. I don’t demand 100%, but damn dude.

SPLC is the same group that cited the Army Staff Sergeant who referred to his rank as “SSGT”…all I am saying is they need someone with a military background to check their stuff.

And yes, I volunteer. I would love to work for SPLC to verify all their military stuff. So what say you Potok, a limited SPLC-TAH partnership to root out actual racists in the military…


Sorry, Bob, but they lost what little credibility they ever had when they were found out to be the source for most of the DHS “research” against Vets. Their MO is to make wild accusations and find a miniscule shread of evidence that something may have occurred at some time, then they run with it as though it’s the tablets from the mount.

They are nothing but a bunch of fricken commies that in their current form, attempt to cloak themselves in importance based on how gullible the government and many people are.

They’re a bunch of bleeding heart, whining maggot, Nancy-boys that couldn’t get laid if they had a hundred dollar bill hanging out of their pants.



I agree completely. In fact, after reading this post I actually went to the SPLC Web site to see about volunteering to assist in their military-related work. That’s where I discovered and subsequently became dismayed by the NLG connection.

If you’re serious about helping them research the military in a credible manner, I’m willing to sign on (although not sure how receptive they may be). I include a working email address to my comments so feel free to contact.


I am absolutely serious, but we’ve offered in the past and they want nothing to do with us.

Dave Thul

The movie was Summer School, and the fact that you are quoting from a scene where Mark Harmon is wearing only Bermuda shorts and a pair of roller skates is vaguely disturbing.

The non fact checking ability of SPLC is nothing new for the left. Back in 2006, Powerline ran a letter from a Lt Tom Cotton, who left law school to join the Army and was serving in Baghdad. Critics said there was no such person. It took me all of 30 seconds to look him up on AKO.


TSO: That’s because you don’t bow at the alter of Marx


But LGF quotes SPLC extensively in his quest to prove that everyone else is racist.

/Awaits sh*tstorm



Marooned in Marin

Old Troooper: They couldn’t get laid, even in a morgue.


[…] TSO and I agree that this report has SPLC’s fingerprints all over it – like their wild goose chase for Neo Nazis in the military a few years back. “Gang infiltration of the military continues to pose a […]


The person who isn’t listed is real. And has associations with things that a man shouldn’t

Signal 30

If anything, SPLC is more of a terrorist organization than the NSM. Though the NSM may harbor some sick ideas, they are nothing more than a harmless, racist bunch of bigots. They are an extreme extreme right wing group who identifies themselves with the Nazi party of old. You think there are not literally thousands of members in the military who have and continue to identify with the Crips, Bloods, MS13 etc? Get real. How about we focus on the real things that matter and not some group of nonviolent, net-Nazis and paper pushers over some of the largest and most dangerous gangs in the world? There has never been one, not ONE instance of the NSM being linked to any crime or act of violence. They are a political party, nothing more.


SPLC and it stories are always extremely politically swayed and very innaccurate. I hope no one actually takes this seriously…do your research before you listen to one inherently biased and motivated source people…