Hey SPLC, where is our letter to “demand a retraction of the libelous statement”?

| September 22, 2009

I don’t know how the hell I missed this, but from way back in April:

Now, in a column this week criticizing a U.S. Department of Homeland Security report on right-wing extremism, Malkin has made another utterly erroneous assertion: “The SPLC,” she wrote, “has designated the venerable American Legion a ‘hate group’ for its stance on immigration enforcement.” The claim rapidly spread to right-wing sites on the Internet and elsewhere.

In fact, the SPLC has never listed the legion as a “hate group” nor put it on any other kind of list. Intelligence Project Director Mark Potok on Thursday wrote Malkin and her syndicate to demand a retraction of the libelous statement. “Your assertion … amounts to reckless disregard of the truth,” he stated in an E-mail sent early Thursday. As of Friday afternoon, however, the SPLC had received no response. Malkin’s columns appear in major newspapers nationwide and are also published online.

Then they even name us, but naturally, no link:

In addition to including the misinformation in her April 15 column titled “You Might Be a Radicalized Right-Wing Conservative if…,” Malkin also proclaims the same falsehood in an item she posted the previous day on her blog. In it, she links to another blog called “This ain’t hell,” which she appears to have relied on for her “facts” — never mind that the blog doesn’t even get the SPLC’s name right. “This ain’t hell,” in turn, links to an SPLC blog post that doesn’t come close to asserting that the legion is a hate group. Instead, the story points out numerous misstatements and myths in a legion report on immigration enforcement. The legion later issued an updated report from which the most egregious mistakes had been removed.

Let me show just one more time for Mr. Potok whence comes the assertion of Ms. Malkins:


Now, notice the prominent moniker of “HATEWATCH” and then underneath it an article about The American Legion. What if someone had a website entitled “Pedophile Alert: Keeping an Eye on Those who Would Make your Child a Catamite” and the first article was entitled to “SPLC is it again.”  Now, would you not be offended by that? 

I am on their email list now, and I have to tell you, everything they touch is full of half-truths and stuff taken out of context.  It’s astonishing.  Today they are lamenting that Joe Arpaio subpoenaed Acorn records. What part of “Law” is it that the Southern Poverty Law Center opposes? Even a group that was potentially willing to help smuggle in underage children as sex slaves is fine with them, because there is no money in going after their allies.

What a despicable group SPLC is.

Category: Politics

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I’m waiting for an apology from them for maintaining that Veterans were the new potential terrorists and that we are the ones that need to be watched. Well, it seems that the terror plot investigation, that is ongoing in New York and Colorado, doesn’t list any Veterans as suspects. Gee; I wonder why???

Besides that, the DHS needs to rethink who they get their research information from, since it is known that they relied heavily on SPLC (Super Pussy Liberal Chumps) for analysis in the debacle that is the “retracted” DHS report.

AW1 Tim

Oh, they’re still pushing the tired old meme that right-wing hate groups are on the rise because of the current POTUS. Even NatGeo has a new program out about “American Nazis” and claims it’s all starting up again because of the current POTUS. Guess who NatGeo goes to for interviews… wait for it…

Our old friends, the SPLC.

There’s money in those “wink wink nudge nudge” non-allegation allegations, and the SPLC is making certain that they get every damned penny they can lay their crapweasely little mitts on.


AW1 Tim…crapweasely…my kind of adjective,ROFLMAO…thanks,I needed that.

AW1 Tim

Anytime… I’ve got more, but a lot of them I couldn’t post here.. sigh.

Ask any sailor, though… 🙂


I’m posting this comment here in case it’s deemed “libelous” or “slanerous”.

Happy Birthday Jonn. You’re as hot today as you were the day I met you. AWESOME!