(Armchair) General Clinton disputes McCrystal’s assessment

| September 22, 2009

Based on her eight years experience as a Senator, eight months as Secretary of State and eight years as First Lady, Hillary Clinton has decided that she has a better grasp of the situation in Afghanistan than General McChrystal (AFP Link);

In the interview, Clinton expressed “respect” for McChrystal’s assessment that the United States would likely lose the war in Afghanistan within a year without more US forces.

“But I can only tell you there are other assessments from very expert military analysts who have worked in counter-insurgencies that are the exact opposite,” she said.

Clinton’s remarks were the latest sign of resistance by the administration of President Barack Obama to a major escalation in the US commitment in Afghanistan without a lengthy internal review and debate.

Of course, this is how our new President tests the water – he throws out one of his cabinet to take the heat for (supposedly) their comments while he waffles in public trying to appear thoughtful. This is the Administration’s response to the leaked report that COB6 wrote about last night and McChrystal’s threat to resign if he doesn’t get the resources he needs to fight the war in Afghanistan.

From here, it looks like a case of dueling headlines. But this isn’t the first time Hillary hasn’t believed the generals is it?

Thanks to Bouhammer for the link.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden

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Oh, but remember, Jonn, she came under fire on one of her fact finding tours. That little fallacy gives her immeasurable insight into war and how to fight it.


So I’m curious…

“But I can only tell you there are other assessments from very expert military analysts who have worked in counter-insurgencies that are the exact opposite,”

Are these experts named, or is this another “I saw some people do/say some things to some other people and they were Republicans”

What a joke that family is.


This administration is trying it’s hardest to loose two wars in the shortest amount of time possible.

Kind of makes you wonder what would have happened if McClellen had beaten Lincoln, doesn’t it?


“But I can only tell you there are other assessments from very expert military analysts who have worked in counter-insurgencies that are the exact opposite,” she said.

I hate to tell you, Hill, but George Will is not an expert military analyst.

You know Robert McNamara supposedly had the best and the brightest advisors on counter-insurgency working for him.


Hildabeast, get back with us when you learn how to field strip and function check one of those icky-poo, skerry black M-16/M-4 thingies…