Potential fourth Donald Trump indictment in the hopper

| August 8, 2023

Skeleton, waiting for the Department of Justice to take on Biden crime and corruption.jpg

The Fulton County Courthouse, in Georgia, is seeing increased security. Fani Willis, District Attorney, has Trump under investigation for attempting to get an election official to do his job. However, the nature of the investigation, and the pending indictment, centers on claims that he tried to “overturn” the election. Specifically, violations of the Georgia Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act.

From Fox News:

Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis is investigating Trump for his efforts to overturn Georgia’s 2020 election results, and she has indicated she will make an announcement sometime this month.

Officers from multiple police departments were present outside the courthouse Tuesday, along with a bomb-sniffing dog for media vehicles, according to NBC News.

The street outside the courthouse has also been closed off with barriers.

Willis notified area judges and law enforcement in May that she planned to present her case to a grand jury in the first half of August.

“I respectfully request that judges not schedule trials and in person hearings during the weeks beginning Monday, August 7 and Monday, August 14,” Willis wrote in a letter to the chief district judge, according to NBC.

If the grand jury hands down an indictment, it will be the fourth for the former president and the second related to the 2020 election. Trump currently faces charges for making hush payments to a porn star, mishandling classified documents, and attempting to overturn the 2020 election in Washington, D.C.

Fox News has additional information here.

Category: Democrats, Donald Trump

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Whenever Hunter does bad stuff Trump gets indicted.


Alternatively, both Hunter and The Donald are such assholes that every day brings a new and terrible thing into the news cycle?


Trump’s brand of assholery is better.
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Last edited 1 year ago by Anonymous


OIP (30).jpg

Trump’s indictment on the Classified docs debacle dropped three months. How many decades will be until the Biden classified docs debacle drops? Because leaving a bunch of top secret documents in a closet somewhere and all over creation seems a bit worse to me.


Well they are stored next to his corvette. Apparently a garage is more secure than maralago. Trump should have invested more in garages.


That was only some of them.


Others were at a Chicom-funded think tank, etc.


They just appointed a special counsel to investigate Hunter– expect Trump to get indicted at least two or three more times.

Last edited 1 year ago by Anonymous
jeff LPH 3 63-66

What you said is all over the place like peanut butter and sounds like a chess/checker game.


Trump’s assholery is just obnoxious; Hunter’s is destructive. It is objectively better. That’s all over the place?


They are both criminals.

Stop hero worshipping pieces of shit.


Fully agree, you are a criminally stupid piece of shit.

I may have misread that but IDGAF, here’s a meme for you.


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Maybe someone would understand this one?


So, when DJT gets elected again are you going to need to be medicated even more severely? I don’t like Biden or pretty much any democrat anymore but most normal people just get on with their lives and find ways to be happy, you crazy people need drugs and therapy and are still miserable when things don’t go their way. I don’t know you but maybe you should get a life and stop being a nut job.


Who would you consider worthy to hold title of (less than) peice of shit.

Who do you feel would be better?



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President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Nope. The DildoCrat LibTards are neve gonna “got him”. But they ARE doing their best to tie PDJT in knots (both time and money) with “lawfare”.
SMOD, where art thou?!


They remind me of “Boss Hogg” from the “Dukes of Hazzard”….


With the DOJ effectively being Sheriff Rosco P. Coltrane.

Last edited 1 year ago by fm2176
A Proud Infidel®™

IMO today’s DOJ makes Barney Fife look like Chuck Norris.


Expect the Lavrentiy Beria of the site to check in and attempt dazzle us with Clarence Darrow-like brilliance about how its “so obvious” while denying his daddies in the Pedo Party didn’t tried and over turn the 2016 election for 4 years. Never forget Chuck Schumer’s threat that they’ll get you 6 different ways to Sunday. Every time a corrupt judge bangs their gavel, thousands of Trump voters are born.

Commissar Pooper's Narcissism

I would, but the last time I tried to do that, I got my ass beat as if I just tried to steal a garbage bin full of merchandise at a convenience store. 


It’s only election denial and a criminal act if Republicans do it. See also “classified documents”.


Wasn’t it Hillary who advised Joe not to concede if he lost? Isn’t that basically what Donald’s being accused of?

Hmm, as Donald has said concerning his taxes, which also applies here, I’m just following the rules as laid out by the constitution (election) and taxes (congress).

Beating them about their head with their own rules. Exposing them for the frauds and shysters they are.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

Double standard going on.


It was okay when Al Gore did it.


Dem… OK
Rep…. not ok


Ah, but of course!


It was indeed Hillary. At a later date, she posted on Twitter that Trump would not go quietly if he lost in 2020. I replied to her tweet reminding her that she told Biden not to concede under ANY circumstances (the luminaries on the left seemed to know the fix was in), and posted this ‘toon with an uncomplimentary epithet, which got me a lifetime Twitter ban.

hillary going quietly.png

Lifetime? Wow. I figured musk would have given a do over for all.



Trump reposted the above video on TruthSocial. Very Interesting said the little German on Laugh-In!


In the comments section, even some British are wishing they had Trump as their prime Minister.


They were supposed to get one with BoJo, but what a dud they got with him.


Yeah. Those morons opened the door and a whole lot of shit is about to be crammed in assholes.


I’m looking forward to watching the voir dire process on Rekieta Law’s stream. I think he had 100+k watching during Rittenhouse and 10s of thousands during in peach mint.

At least there will be lolz.

Grab a bev, put on a helmet and say your fucking prayers.

(I’m in a pondering raptor, aka Philosoraptor, mood tonite)

Last edited 1 year ago by Roh-Dog

Trump is an anomaly, never meant to be President, and an independently wealthy turncoat (former Democrat turned Republican) that is an outsider even in his current party. In other words, he doesn’t need the position to gain influence and money, like it seems that so many multi-millionaire career politicians have done. He also doesn’t care what establishment politicians think about his policies and opinions. Finally, he’s relatively unfiltered and not afraid to hurt feelings, when necessary, though he tends to do so in a light-hearted way.

We see the same names in politics across our nation’s history. We’ve had Adams’, Kennedys, and Roosevelts, and that’s just on the national level. There are many more at the state and local level who make it the “family business” to politic their way to fortune and success. In the past 40 years, Bush was VP, then President, followed by a Clinton, then another Bush, an Obama with Biden as VP, Trump, and now Biden is Chief Executive. In the meantime, a third Bush and second Clinton has run for office, and there are hopes/dreams/rumors/whatever that another Obama and maybe even a second Biden will run. I only ever hear about the Orange Man when it comes to Trumpster politicians, though. If any of his children eventually run, I’ll carefully watch to see if that family is trying to become legacy politicians like so many previous families.


Pray tell, who would be that second Biden? Surely not Hunter. “Doctor” Jill?


(In hushed tones) Beau.


But but but he died in Iraq


Yep, he fell into a burn pit, and toxic fumes killed him. They gave him an instantly deadly brain tumor.


Hmm, imagine how many Republicans would defect to Democrat party if Trump changed party’s.

Imagine how many democrats heads would explode.


Remember…he is not the ultimate target…We, The People are. And if you don’t believe or understand that, then you have just flat not been paying attention…Prepare

Remember this, too…

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Aaaand who was it that started the birth certificate shenanigans? Here’s a hint, it wasn’t Trump, and her name rhymes with Hillary Clinton.


You misspelled “Bitch”. Even Ray Charles can see what’s going on.

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I’m not going to even bother “fact-checking” this chart, because the events happened recently enough that I can remember the odd timeline. It is odd: controlled opposition media Fox brings up alleged Biden corruption, crimes, and such, all while less mainstream media is trying to get the point across that perhaps all is not as well as the major MSM players would have us believe. Before you know it, Evil Drumpf!, and CNN, MSNBC, NY Times, Washington Post, and other MSM sources have drowned out the “But Biden” crowd.


As well as Stevie Wonder, Helen Keller and Schroeder from peanuts who never looks up from his piano.


KoB and SFC D:

What we read was this…

Time came out with an article on 12 June 2008 that addressed BHO Birth certificate. They said it started with a National Review Online article:

“Will Obama’s Anti-Rumor Plan Work?”


“For more than a year, Obama relied on conventional means to confront the blogosphere’s superheated rumor mill–to little effect. The “fact-check” feature on his website, for instance, only seemed to spawn more, and wilder, rumors. A mention there of Obama’s birth certificate spurred National Review Online to demand that he produce it to dispel groundless reports that Obama was actually born in Kenya and therefore would be constitutionally ineligible to be President; that his middle name is not Hussein but Muhammad; and that his mother actually named him Barry. That National Review article in turn became fodder for cable television.”

Here is the National Review Online article that came out on 9 June 2008. They said reporters have asked for it and were denied, so THEY asked for his birth certificate as returning a favor in helping debunk BHO rumors.


“Having done some Obama-rumor debunking that got praise from Daily Kos (a sign of the apocalypse, no doubt), perhaps the Obama campaign could return the favor and help debunk a bunch of others with a simple step: Could they release a copy of his birth certificate?
Reporters have asked for it and been denied, and the state of Hawaii does not make such records public.
The campaign cited the birth certificate in their “Fact Check” on William Ayers, so presumably, someone in the campaign has access to it.”

But wait! It does not stop here!




This article on 2 May 2008 talked about “a chain e-mail that originates with a letter from American missionaries working in Kenya warns about Sen. Barack Obama’s ties to Kenya and its opposition party, encouraging readers “not to be taken in by those that are promoting him.”

“No Muhammed Or Mohammed in Obama’s Name”


“Among the many allegations is one about Obama’s name: “By the way. His true name is Barak Hussein Muhammed Obama. Won’t that sound sweet to our enemies as they swear him in on the Koran! God bless you.”

Politico then wrote this:

“We tried to obtain a copy of Obama’s birth certificate, but his campaign would not release it and the state of Hawaii does not make such records public. (UPDATE: On June 12, 2008, the Obama campaign e-mailed to PolitiFact a copy of the senator’s birth certificate. It confirms our findings. See it for yourself here.)”

And this came out in 2008:


So confusing…😉😎


Legal citizen or not, birth certificate or not, at the end of the day, this individual is a looter and a pillager. He is the worst enemy that Our Constitutional Republic has ever seen. The de monrat political machine anointed him as the “cool black dude” and gave him the mission to “fundamentally change the face of America”. They knew, in 2008, that Bitcherly was carrying way yonder too much baggage to be (s)elected , so she was shoved aside and promised that it would be “her turn in ’16”. The Rinos cooperated by fielding the weakest Rinos they could just to make it look good. Repeated that same mistake in 2012. Too many people not voting because they were fed up with the status quo and felt that their 0ne (1) vote wouldn’t make any difference. Those of us that have made a life’s work in the study of history know better. EVERY vote (should) count and many a time has one (1) vote made a difference. The demonrats have been buying votes for decades, no secret at all about that, and everyone thought that Trump had no chance at all in ’16. The demonrats made a strategic mistake in not counting on enough people being disgusted with career politicians and purely despising Bitchlary. I repeat, 2 things that Trump did accomplish was keeping her out of the WH and ripping the veil off of the Deep State. His own party turned on him because he WAS and outsider and they are as guilty as the demonrats.

I want to be sitting back watching as these career politicians attempt to get their ill gotten gains loaded camels thru the eye of that needle. I plan to be sharing loaves, fishes, and a drink of grapes with a Former Carpenter Friend of mine when it happens.





And All God’s Children’s Say:


🎵 “He’s Coming Back” 🎶

“To The Bride: Barry McGuire and The 2nd Chapter of Acts (Graybeard knows them..😉




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laurel hardy.gif

Several experts have opined that the document released by the Obamunists is bogus. For example, it lists Obama’s father’s race as “African.” In 1961, that is not a race. I would have said negro or Black. Also, a number of printed doc experts have opined that there are kerning issues with the printing, evidencing the document was created on a computer program.

A Proud Infidel®™

Amazing how libtard Soros-elected so-called “Prosecutors” gleefully ignore antifa pukes and their ilk trashing courthouses in blue locales while they do all they can to protect their fiefdoms anyplace going after Doanld Trump.


Out of the $37 MILLION that UpCucky Schmoozer’s PAC pulled in during the last 6 months, $16 MILLION of it came from Shitros.


Green Thumb

Third world shit.


If they’ll do this to him, imagine what’s in store for you.


Next time you are elected president, don’t try to be a despot and cling to power using fraudulent and completely manufactured claims of election fraud and you will be fine.

Last edited 1 year ago by Commissar

Biden has done more to limit my personal freedoms than any president in my lifetime. DJT advocates smaller government more personal freedoms and choices, lower taxes and less bureaucracy and regulations. How is that despotic? Seek professional help.


With all due respect, his reign was still horrid from a smaller/responsible gov perspective; fiat bumpstock ban, $~8 in currency printing, allowing civil rights curtailment during ‘a heath emergency’, continued operations in Syria, not firing the Generals who ‘lied’ to him about the illegal operations in Syria, failure to deport all the illegal aliens, etc.

I’m not disagreeing he was better than the other scumbags, just less awful in a couple ways.

I’m glad he didn’t lock up journalists cough0bummercoughBushcough like he insinuated he might, and Bribem will.

Giant Meteor 2024!


All I can say is my life was much better with Trump, I was getting great results with my investments, I was not being coerced into buying an electric car, I was free to choose my appliances, we could define men and women, I didn’t have to worry about being politically correct I had freedom of speech. I’m ok with tolerance of different lifestyle choices but now being forced into accepting and approval of mental illness as normal is insane, not to mention blaming everything bad on white men and making our country a laughing stock and our military a shadow of its former self by retreating in Afghanistan and handing Iraq to Iran and starting a forced indoctrination program. I was proud of our country under Trump, Biden has been a disaster and sadly may be re-elected. No president is perfect but DJT was the best in my lifetime by far.


Agree with the sentiment, just personally living my interpretation of the American Ethos:

suspicion is a virtue as long as its object is the preservation of the public good, and as long as it stays within proper bounds: should it fall on me, I am contented: conscious rectitude is a powerful consolation. I trust there are many who think my professions for the public good to be real. Let your suspicion look to both sides. There are many on the other side, who possibly may have been persuaded to the necessity of these measures, which I conceive to be dangerous to your liberty. Guard with jealous attention the public liberty. Suspect every one who approaches that jewel. Unfortunately, nothing will preserve it but downright force. Whenever you give up that force, you are inevitably ruined. –Patrick Henry, Virginia Ratifying Convention

Be forever suspicious and relinquish not force!

gladstoned flyg.png

Smashing the unelected bureaucratic swamp state, limiting giveaway freebies and being as averse to sending kids off to war as anyone since General Smedley Butler (War is a Racket) is “despotic” in the leftard’s newspeak dictionary.


It’s far better to start as VP, and have your son peddle access and influence to China and the Ukraine. It’s still fraud and still illegal, but nobody will question it.


It’s all getting too fake and too gay.

If Georgia had just done their fucking job would we be in this mess? I’d suggest asking Penn’s Woods, or Michigan, or Arizona for advice but apparently those people are also retards.

Damn I hope you’re ready for the next part…

“Prepare.” –Artyman


Ga basically has rino figureheads in most State offices but the rank and file long time employees are deep state demonrats. Many of these rinos were demonrats until just a few years ago. Some believe that Kemp swapped the Senate seats for his Guv gig. The steal was on from the Metro Atl demonrats political machine that has been around for a long time. The shenanigans that went on in the metro area didn’t happen in the rural areas. The machine knew they could get away with it in the metro but not in the rural communities. My county is majority black 97% voters turnout and Trump got most of them.

The UniParty is alive and well. We saw the last true election in 2016. We will not vote our way out of this mess.

MPS and SGA made another delivery to Firebase Magnolia today.



The corruption will continue until it can’t.

The folks only exist because of favors that come back around to further feather their nests.

Just like Cosa Rostra, someone doesn’t get made whole, or one person gets pinched, the thing unravels as rats look for life rafts.

The truth is out there and I’ve got a feeling She’ll see the light.

Ain’t gonna be pretty.

“Prepare.” and then some!


It’s just Maricopa county that’s gone full retard. The rest don’t matter. If you can sway or steal Maricopa, you carry the election.


Trump is almost certainly getting charged with some of the countless cases of wire fraud and misuse of campaign funds he committed due to his false campaign fundraising for personal profit.

Campaign law gives politicians plenty of loopholes to convert campaign funds to personal use. So most of his fraud will likely be given a pass. However, Trump raised $250M to use in a legal fund to “fight the stolen election”. He didn’t use the funds for that. Because he knew the election wasn’t fucking stolen and he knew his supporters were a bunch of dipshit rubes he could fleece for the last few months in office.

He is also likely about to be charged with another document handling case in NJ. The reason some of the charges happened in Florida was because his accomplices only committed those crimes in Florida.

Trump committed his own document crimes in New Jersey.

So he is likely going to be federally charged again in DC, and also in New Jersey.


Hey fellas, this soulless AI bot is correct! G-d-Emperor Trump didn’t use those legal funds to ‘fight the stolen election’!

It’s almost like he wasn’t given a venue to do so…

So if the IRS refuses to deposit my check when I pay my taxes, did I pay my taxes?

Fucking illiberal fuckface weirdo

For a anarchocommiegimmedatter you’re fashy gloating pretty hard

remember Lars.jpg

There were 61 cases filed in various districts over the election “fraud”.

They lost 60.

Trump didn’t use the money her raised for any of them.

Not only were they given the opportunity to present evidence, court records show judges frustrated judges demanded they present evidence.

The cases had no legal merit. And most of the filings made outright and provably false claims.

The cases were filed not to fight the election results…but to create an appearance that there was something wrong with the election. They were fraudulent cases.

So most of the lawyers involved have been or are being sanctioned. Some disbarred.

And during all these sanction proceeding all these lawyers had to do was present SOME evidence that their claims had SOME shred of merit and they would not have faced sanctions.

None of them have ever done that. They have all defended their actions using other excuses. But NONE have shown that there was any merit to the actual cases.

Also, Fox News would have saved itself $787M dollars if it had ANY evidence whatsoever to support the false claims it made in its broadcasts. “News” agencies are given huge latitude to be wrong in their reporting. They only need to show a shred of evidence that indicates their reporting could have been correct and therefore reasonable to report.

Not only did Fox not have anything to support their false broadcasts…but discovery showed hundreds of internal communications showing Fox KNEW their broadcasting about the election was false.

You are a fucking mark. A fool. You have been conned and you are still idiotically defending the con-men.



Naw clown, I ain’t defending no one, I’m but a weather man and:

Well the highway is alive tonight
But nobody’s kidding nobody about where it goes
I’m sitting down here in the campfire light
With the ghost of old Tom Joad

(the Rage FOR The Machine version, because fuck you, you’re all hypocrites)


Take a breath, calm down find your meds and relax.


You’re sure here a lot for a guy that repeatedly says he’s never coming back. It’s like getting rid of dogshit on the sole of your shoe, you clean it off but it still lingers, lurking. And on that note, how’re things in that progressive utopia you call home? Newsome taking good care of his loyal liberal minions? You still living the dream? A sad little man with a sad little existence. Keep screeching into the void. You’re a one-man echo chamber.


I am doing you all a favor telling you this. If you nominate Trump you will lose in 2024. Badly.

Recent election results at state levels make it clear that 2024 is the last election Republicans have a chance of winning for a while.

Boomers dominated at the polls for three decades.

They are no longer the largest voting demographic and the Republican party has not shifted to gain support of young generations.

On Republican sponsored issues we are seeing districts with young demographics vote as high 98% against Republican initiatives. In moderate states like Ohio.

By 2028 Gen Z and Millennials will dominate at the polls.

Most of you are pretty old. If you don’t win in 2024 you may not see a Republican president in your remaining lifetime.


How is it that states’ Republicans have gained seats?

Odd, that.

Right doesn’t have a party and The Republic will endure.

You are living in a bubble and have no idea what it’ll do to you and your tribe when it pops.

Learn to swim


You’re doing no one any favors. You’re under the illusion (what you’d call a “fever dream”) that Trump has 100% re-election support here. I doubt that’s accurate, although I think it’s safe to say most of us would support Trump as a nominee over Biden. You can’t tell the difference between people objecting to the political weaponization of the DOJ, FBI, ATF etc. to campaigning for Trump. Your judgement is clouded by an orange haze of hatred toward anything and everything to do with Trump. Liberalism used equate to open-mindedness. Now, it’s blind rage against anything you don’t like. A bunch of chattering, poo-flinging, perpetually butthurt monkeys.


Sorry millennials are getting older and more conservative, minorities are starting to realize that they get shafted by Democrats every election and gen z isn’t as screwed up as the media wants you to believe. The horrible results of this administration are felt throughout the range of demographics and only the dumbest people who believe in the victim hood oppression bullshit are excited about the new socialist Democratic Party. I’m not saying that there’s not enough dumbasses to fall for the crap the dems are selling but don’t count on the young and minorities to blindly follow anymore. You can’t screw up this bad and not change a few minds.



“iTs NoT cRiMiNaL wHeN wE Do iT”

Also, Comrade Neverhadarealjob’s wife (with whom he shares 3 houses, no shade) torpedoed a college that had a large legacy fund, plenty of assets and land.



If Trump cult nitwits weren’t completely submerged in right wing propaganda and ever left their damn echo chamber they would know the election was not stolen.

They would also know Trump is a fraud and a career con artist. A criminal.

He committed most of his crimes publicly. And has admitted to most of the crimes, on television, but is too arrogant and stupid to think there would be consequences.

In the past he was always able to avoid consequences by shifting the blame to others, using legal defense mechanisms to only be held civilly accountable for criminal actions, and using the Trump organization as a shield so it would be charged “criminally” but not him.

Last edited 1 year ago by Commissar

Acquitted twice.

Election was stolen, in many states, by changing rules and ballots to fucking-no-one.

Pallets of them.

Broken water mains.

We seen it.

Couldn’t question it.

They staged a ‘insurrection’?

People will hang.

Get on the right side of history.

You are running out of time.


They’re ALL acquitted.
The only 1 that would not have been,
chose to resign the presidency and GTFO of DC,
almost 50 years ago.

If/When Congressional Republicans vote an impeachment against the current President Biden,
don’t expect anything but more of the same.

No way the Senate removes Biden (either).
Not because he isn’t guilty.
Because Senators on BOTH sides look out for their own re-elections first.


A jury trial is a far cry from an impeachment that requires republicans to throw their political careers away for betraying the cult if they vote against Donald.



Oh! So you’re saying that justice is a doormat and the parties are so divided that any attainment of recompense is seemingly impossible?

Since we’ve agreed upon the symptoms, let us find common ground of the dis-ease?

No? Well, I think we’ve found the cause: you.

Illiberal fuck.face.


Seriously seek help. Maybe a voluntary commitment. Not even trying to be funny, you’re seriously messed up.


No, just informed.

The world makes a lot more sense if you are not in a cult.

For your understanding of the world to be true everyone needs to be lying except Trump.


Show us on the doll where it was that the Bad Orange Man hurt you. Wondered what took you so long to show up on this thread. You are entitled to your own opinion but you are not entitled to your own facts. News flash for you, Spapos…the useful idiots are buried in the trench alongside the Patriots they they ratted out. May your chains rest lightly until then.

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“…media coverage of Donald Trump” and a super-serious “existential” threat to liberty democracy the Eurodollar MIC Empire.

We’ve been warned.

‘Get ready?’

Full Cylinder.jpg

Funny thing about cults. The people in them don’t believe they’re in one, and rage against those not in it with them.. For example, the cult of liberalism. In evidence, I present… You.


Most investigated man in U.S history and still nothing has stuck. Let’s just keep throwing shit against the wall eventually something will stick. Is that the kind of country you want to live in? Eventually it will be your side or maybe even you that gets railroaded. What goes around comes around. I am embarrassed by the banana republic legal and political system the left has created, you should too.


Just for you, Major Spapos Moon Bat. BFYTW

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The real “cult” is populated by people who worship this kind of statist shit.

A Proud Infidel®™

NOTHING says “I’m a Fascist” like persecuting your political opponents via using Government entities!

A Proud Infidel®™

HEY THERE Major Moonbat, once again you prove to what extent we and Donald J. Trump live rent-free in the heads of you and your ilk, especially the propaganda harlots in the mainstream media!


Yo Ninja(s)! Might have to do a rehash on the data here:


More news is out and it seems this was over the definition of ‘is’ is.

Fucking Fort Bragg. Ung-ddamnbelievable


[There are 19 defendants and the indictment is 98 pages:

Rudy Giuliani, Trump lawyer
Mark Meadows, White House chief of staff
John Eastman, Trump lawyer
Kenneth Chesebro, pro-Trump lawyer
Jeffrey Clark, top Justice Department official
Jenna Ellis, Trump campaign lawyer
Robert Cheeley, lawyer who promoted fraud claims
Mike Roman, Trump campaign official
David Shafer, Georgia GOP chair and fake elector
Shawn Still, fake GOP elector
Stephen Lee, pastor tied to intimidation of election workers
Harrison Floyd, leader of Black Voices for Trump
Trevian Kutti, publicist tied to intimidation of election workers
Sidney Powell, Trump campaign lawyer
Cathy Latham, fake GOP elector tied to Coffee County breachS
Scott Hall, tied to Coffee County election system breach
Misty Hampton, Coffee County elections supervisor
Ray Smith]

[Trump among 19 indicted by grand jury in Georgia]