Wednesday FGS

| August 9, 2023

Pfeifer-Zeliska .600 Nitro Express

Memphis home invasion bandit captured 17 years after victim chopped off his finger at crime scene
Robbery suspect Terence Stewart lost his finger to a sword-wielding victim in the 2006 home invasion, court records allege

By Michael Ruiz | Fox News
He left more than just his prints at the scene, police say.

A Memphis home invasion suspect who lost his finger when a victim fought back and sliced it off with a sword in 2006 has been captured after eluding justice for nearly 17 years, according to court documents.

Police arrested Terence Stewart, 45, on July 27 at the scene of an accident after discovering multiple active warrants, a Memphis Police Department spokeswoman told Fox News Digital.

In the early morning hours of Saturday, Nov. 4, 2006, Stewart and another man barged into a home guns blazing, firing shots and demanding money from the eight people asleep inside, according to the original criminal complaint.

The suspected home invaders allegedly pistol-whipped one victim, identified as Guillermo Tobar, knocking him out before dragging him into another room, police alleged at the time.

They took cash and wallets from four other victims.

But Tobar woke up.

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Fox News

Not a sword to a gun fight. Mr. Stewart and friend used their guns as props to terrorize the occupants- no fight involved. Now Mr. Tobar, just recovered from being pistol-whipped, grabbed a weapon and counted coup. He brought a sword to school.

Man armed with knife dies during police-involved shooting on Roosevelt Island: NYPD

By Rebecca White, Kerry Burke and Thomas Tracy
Cops shot and killed a man armed with a knife during a close-quarters clash inside the lobby of a Roosevelt Island apartment building, authorities said Saturday.

The officers were responding to a call of a domestic disturbance inside the Main St. building on the East River island about 11:30 p.m. when the 21-year-old suspect charged out of a lobby elevator, Assistant Chief Christine Bastedenbeck, the commanding officer of Queens North, said.

Three of the four responding officers had just stepped onto one elevator as the emotionally disturbed man ran out of the other, Bastedenbeck said.

“(He) moved quickly to the officer securing the door, swinging the knife at the officer, who retreated out the lobby,” Bastedenbeck said at an early morning press conference. “He then moved toward the elevator and the officers inside the elevator.”

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NY Daily News

For contrast.

Caution- Graphic.

Thanks to our own Gun Bunny and Old Tanker for the links.

The truth is that all men having power ought to be mistrusted.
James Madison

Category: Feel Good Stories, Guest Link

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Finally those Stormtroopers will get expert marksmanship coaching from a recently retired celebrity.

RGR 4-78

Alec Baldwin was unavailable for comment.


Unlike Rapinoe Alec hit something.


When Officer Friendly says “Drop the f-king gun!”, consider carefully your response and its consequences.



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President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Blue helmets and berets make such GOOOOOD targets
(and pretty, too)

Last edited 1 year ago by President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Took ’em long enough to finger the perp. What two (2) things do metro areas seem to have in common?

Mamas don’t let your babies grow up to be dumbasses.

The Founders weep at what the corruptocrats have done to our Republic.

“Here’s a cartridge…now…build us a weapon to put it in.” Kinda like how the A-10 Warthog came about. Our beloved AW1Ed keeps bringing up these examples of crew served belt artillery and I’ll be able to shore up that North Wall…from the next county.

Skivvy Stacker

The Pfeifer-Zeliska .600 Nitro Express…
Home defense to stop the burglar breaking into the house of that friend of yours living on the other side of town.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

I would imagine that the helmet is to protect the shooter from shockwave concussion.

More likely to keep the muzzle from whacking you on the forehead!

Don’t believe that is legal in the US, seems to me any centerfire handgun over .50 is verboten?


They just need a BATF exemption, like the .950 JDJ


Ol’ Poe’s heard of perps fingering themselves…

But unfingering? 😏 


Now -this- is a feel good story:

Dang! Somebody draft this dude for Infantry. He is above sports.