Are you prepared to pay a 1,000% excise tax when you purchase a firearm?
If a group of House Democrats get their way, taxes on the sale of certain categories of firearms will jump up. These democrats believe that the price shock would discourage gun purchase. Representative Don Beyer, Virginia Democrat, introduced this legislation. He appeared to be among the group of Democrats who tried to introduce a similar bill in Congress last year, but it did not gain traction.
From Fox News:
More than two dozen House Democrats put forward legislation Friday that would slap “assault weapons” and high-capacity magazines with a 1,000% excise tax, a change that would raise the price of a $500 weapon to $5,000 in a bid to reduce access to guns across the country.
Rep. Don Beyer, D-Va., and 24 other House Democrats introduced the legislation Friday. It’s the second time Democrats have put forward the idea.
Beyer and 37 Democrats proposed the same idea last year when Democrats controlled the House, but it never moved.
The text of Beyer’s new bill was not out as of the weekend, and it was unclear if any changes were made from his 2022 version. His bill from last year imposed the tax on any magazine or related device that can accept more than 10 rounds of ammunition.
The same 1,000% tax would be imposed on any “semiautomatic assault weapon,” which last year’s bill defined as a semiautomatic rifle or pistol with a fixed magazine of 10 rounds or more or that have other various features.
Under that rule, a weapon that normally costs $2,000 would force customers to pay more than $20,000, a change Beyer argued last year could help “curb the epidemic of gun violence.”
Fox News provides the balance of the story here.
Category: Democrats, Second Amendment
“Obay, filthy peasants!”
These people cannot be that damn stupid, Occom’s razor be damned, this is pure evil and people control.
They’re not stupid, they know precisely what they’re doing. They know that we are right, that disarming the citizens will not disarm the criminals. The dum-dums are among their supporters, who are being told that we’re conspiracy theorists so that we would be disregarded. One common argument on this site, and among most conservatives and some leftists in this country, is that those who want to consolidate more control into their own hands at the expense of the population will consider disarming the public as one of their measures.
They tried the “Disarming the Violence” program in Venezuela. As many here have argued, the law-abiding citizen is disarmed while criminals maintain the ability to obtain firearms. With armed criminals in the country, and the willingness of corrupt courts to apply different standards to the “under privileged”, criminal groups could be weaponized. No military needed to keep control of the balance of the population.
I then choose to be an armed criminal.
Hanlon’s razor. Occam’s is about the simplest explanation. Hanlon’s is about not attributing to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.
It’s Hanlon’s razor that you’re bedamning.
Thank you Hate. I blame lack of caffeine
Point of order here for Fox news. A 1000% tax on a $500 firearm would make the purchaser’s cost $5500, not $500. The tax would be $5000 + $500 for the gun.
This is actually a common brain teaser that people get wrong.
“Curb the epidemic of gun violence” ?
Impose a tax like that is how you INCITE an epidemic of gun violence.
I can’t file this under “The Immutable Law of Unintended Consequences” , these people know what they’re doing.
Still can’t see that “epidemic of gun violence” we’ve been promised.
If ‘we’ are going to use language like that, there is a definition for that:
epidemic |ˌepəˈdemik|
a widespread occurrence of an infectious disease in a community at a particular time: a flu epidemic.
• a disease occurring in such a way.
• a sudden, widespread occurrence of a particular undesirable phenomenon: an epidemic of violent crime.
It fails of those unless they’re speaking specifically of certain communities in certain areas, and not the whole.
Even if they’d like to lay that at the nation’s feet, violent crime has been trending down since for ever now and the only reason it is up is low/no bail, early release, lack of policing.
FFS, even the NAACP of Cali agrees!
Some people need to FA and FO. Hopefully it costs them everything and good folks nothing.
Unfortunately, until that happens,, it will cost a lot of good folks everything.
Then why don’t they just slap a draconian tax levy on murder? Wouldn’t that solve the problem? And the money brought in by the “murder tax” could go towards hiring “violence interrupters” to dissuade the Ultra MAGA White Supremacists wreaking havoc in our inner cities, like the three killed yesterday in DC. At least we assume the shooter or shooters are Ultra MAGA White Supremacists, as President Biden said that they are the greatest threat to America.
Will never happen. Totally unconstitutional.
Do you really think that being unconstitutional is a problem for these criminals MC?
“Constitution? We don’t need no stinkin’ racist Constitution!” –Democrats
Congress pases and the president signs into law unconstitutional bills all the time. That is the main point of the SCOTUS. Things like these are why the Dems have really targeted them so hard the past few years and want to engage in a packing scheme just like they tried under FDR. They are fully aware that what they are doing is unconstitutional and a violation of civil rights. But they never really cared about either one before.
Congress votes on bills, written by lobbyists and lawyers, and collect a nice fat stipend for doing the work of their masters.
Congress doesn’t even read the bills. Just ask Nancy Pelosi. We have to pass the bill to see what’s in it.
As we all know, they wait until the wee hours of a Friday or Saturday so no questions can or will be asked.
9000 page bills can’t be read in just a couple of days.
Time to bring back the line item veto.
NONE of the current crop of ‘gun control’ laws is Constitutional.
Yet there they are….
Sounds like Virginia needs to review their American history curriculum. I recall reading something about a handful of Virginians objecting to excessive taxes somewhere. Didn’t end well for the oppressor.
Perhaps a 50x tax increase on those who vote Democrat would be in order?
The meme states what I have preached loud and long for decades. IT HAS ALWAYS BEEN ABOUT CONTROL OF WE, THE PEOPLE!
Again, as so many others have said…”They would not be wanting to take away the guns unless they were planning on doing things that would make We, The People want to shoot them.
I grew up in Virginia, and spent 8 years of my military career there. They’re a POC state, meaning that background checks for firearms go through the State Police as opposed to the FBI NICS system. I always got a Delay, and though it normally only took a matter of minutes it was inconvenient to say the least. Now I live in Louisiana and work in the retail business. Despite being the ATF Compliance guy, I still get a Delay about 50% of the time, and though it takes days it’s not as bad. After all, I work there and can just put whatever I’m buying in the Vault to pay for later. Virginia has been turning Blue for decades, and Northern Virginia, where Beyer’s district is, is worst than ever. I’m reminded of how restrictive VA gun laws already are every time I have to file a 3310.10, or place an FN or Springfield pistol out. I got called out by an off-duty deputy working security years ago for open carrying a revolver, being told I could be arrested for carrying inside city limits. Checking the state code, I found that it is illegal to carry in a large city, but that the definition of “firearm” for that law is one equipped with a magazine carrying more than 20 rounds, or with a threaded barrel. Also, I had to time my purchases over my final few months in thar state due to the one handgun a month law. Down here, you can buy as many as you can afford. We’ve had customers buy six or more handguns at a time, and handguns like the FN 509 come with 24-round magazines that are perfectly fine to carry. This tax, if it were to pass, would not only be unconstitutional, but would be entirely ineffective. Yeah, straw purchases are a problem, but anyone willing to have someone buy a gun for them, and those willing to make that buy, probably won’t hesitate to pay the extra money. Regardless, it doesn’t matter if it’s 1000% or 1%, anything over the already exorbitant… Read more »
I’m morally concrete in some ways, yet/if the dotgov makes it so a beat up AR will have a street price of 5-figures drill press is gonna go brrrrrr.
The only thing keeping most folks on this side of legality is weighing outcomes.
Money talks, bullshit [laws] walk.
Just remember, ‘Moral’ and ‘Lawful’ are NOT synonymous.
So…are the street dealers gonna charge this tax on guns they steal and resell?
Just another reason to buy all the guns and ammo!
My life’s goal: the vault will be so full and I’ll be able to swim thru my ‘stockpile’ like Scrooge McDuck.
The Democrats got their nose under the tent with the NFA. Then the GCA of 68. Their purpose seems to be eroding the 2nd Amendment so they can cancel the 1st, 4th and 5th Amendments. I’m older, and have a modest collection, but now I’m worried if I will be able to pass them along.
Sure, you can pass them along… long as it’s not in writing, and everyone keeps their mouths shut.
I’ll gladly take them off your hands, if you so choose.
We don’t know the voting record on the NFA as it was never recorded. It does seem likely that it was mostly Democrats as both houses were dominated by Democrats and the bill was introduced by a Democrat.
Their whole slavery thing had fallen through. They needed to do something to hurt others in the name of the greater good.
Exhibit 1,396,274 why EVERY vote in BOTH houses of Congress needs to be a recorded roll-call vote, and a matter of public record.
IF (and a mighty big “IF” it would be) this 1000% excise tax goes through, it would put a dent in the gun manufacturing and sales (and too many good gun companies would go out of business).I
BUT…..with 80% lowers and even 0% lowers and mini CNC machines; electro barrel rifling; (I’m looking forward to home 3D sintering printing any time now)……anyway…….where there’s a will and a need, there’s a way to make and own guns.
Even if it all reverts to the technology of the Pennsylvania rifles (flintlock). The technology of the cap-and-ball Colts. There will be a way.
Need to invest in a primer machine.
I also always worry when the libs say they have to pass a law for the “children”. To me it means they are up to something blatantly unconstitutional.
As well as gain them more control over people.
I remember when anti-personnel landmines became verboten outside Korea (w/o command det). My initial thought was, if I want to deny an area but can’t do it with mines… I could avalanche a mountain or divert a river.
I don’t need firearms to be dangerous, I need them as the lowest acceptable limit.
HA HA 🤨💩🤡🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕
I wonder what Half of the NRA members whom are Democrats plus democrats that aren’t members have to say about this
Usually, what I hear from the occasional dem while I’m out and about, if this comes up, is “They’ll never pass this”. They usually shut right up when I point out that they’re depending on Republicans to keep dems from actually doing what they want to do.
Here in Michigan, the dems aren’t waiting to pass “gun control” to go after the 1st Amendment. HB 4474 will, if passed and signed by Gretch, criminalize free speech and most religions.
IF Gun Control Laws are such a panacea for violent crime, then why are locales with strict GCL’s such violent hellholes?
We know the answer to that. The left, not so much. They also think “buybacks” work.
Sounds familiar to a $200 tax ($4500 todays dollars), established in 1934 for certain weapons. Essentially to de facto ban them from everyone but the wealthy. The intended purpose was originally designed to ban handguns hence the language and why we have SBR’s, SBS’s and AOW’s on the NFA.
Why don’t they just penalize crime?! You know, ’cause they you could also slap the criminals with Tax Evasion!
It’s how they got Capone, sarc.
Former LEO 20 years, mil, fed, county, state and muni. Gypsy cop almost, TFO. It’s a disgusting cycle of elected officials trying their on take on a solution without knowing the outcome or consequences. I’m in Alaska, so SB91 destroyed the Alaska judicial system akin to the rest of the left coast. COVID created a backlog for cases. Our former “independent” gov was a champion of extreme leftist causes in the state level. Reduced or unsecured bail even O/R for a first time C felony.
Federally, The AUSA and the feebs are inept in Alaska, gave them silver platter cases, guy making unregistered machine guns with a drug nexus, 924c all day long….. ehhhh that’s not sexy enough. Straw purchaser buying firearms for someone that has to check yes for every block of the 4473 minus illegal alien, not sexy…All they want is asset forfeiture. Why they (a 3 letter alphabet agency) will slap a case on people early because of regardless of what agency gets the case the first one gets the forfeiture. I’ll get off my soapbox now.
Phorniquate THAT noise.
The Dems/Prog/Nazis (but I repeat myself) -want- a Civil War.
But they have no idea what that means, yet think they can win.