Weekend Open Thread

| July 28, 2023

The Newsman announces that a young man on acid came to a realization in one “trip” that folks who meditate and/or study scripture take longer to conclude… That we are all a part of a single consciousness experiencing things through each of us, that death is an illusion, that our physical world is also an illusion to the soul, etc. Perhaps seeing this on the news would be better than hearing the nonsense that many journalists like to provide. Enjoy your weekend!

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YES 2 seconds!!!!
Suck it bitches!!


Knowed it was gonna be close there, Chippy, when I saw so many of the usual suspects lurking around. Have a great big ol’ kong sized rat for your efforts Good Sir. Something told me I shouldn’t give my usual 10 count before I hit post. But, in the Spirit of Gamesmanship, I did. Too bad you’ll never be FIRST in the pursuit of the affections from our very own OAM.


Sorry, not sorry, OAM…I can’t help it…


This calls for some (old) Steel Panther.

BlueCord Dad

Congrats Chip!


It is with great please and hubbleness that I take the throne blah blah blah….
And I’m not piggybacking off the First Sergeant or taking questions.
Fuck it@!
Have a great weekend!!




Speaking of that… the Tony Montana version:

RGR 4-78

Back in the saddle.

Well done.


Rats o’th’ Cong atcha, Chip.

Now, where’s my Shiner Bock?


Well, since you specifically asked, and because I’d been known to enjoy shiner back in the day, here’s just a couple of cold mouthfuls for you… 😚


Those 5L mini kegs are a trap!

I have yet to kick one in an evening.

It’s only ~15 beers ffs!

(they’re usually a heavier beer so I’m not 100% ashamed)


It ain’t that heavy. I remember the first time I tried Shiner, it was on tap at the hotel bar at the joint next to my hotel when I was doing a job at Los Alamos. I put down 5 or 6 liter drafts that night so that mini keg sounds like it’s just the right size.

Commissioner Wretched




BlueCord Dad


President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

(damned lagging blue circle of wait computer connection…)

Last edited 1 year ago by President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande
Commissioner Wretched

Well, damn … missed it by TWO SECONDS. Nice move, Chip … enjoy your week on the throne, which you earned in a photo finish! I’m just gonna drop the trivia for the week right here and let you all enjoy it. Have fun!

Did a drunken pilot win a bet by landing his airplane on a New York City street?
By Commissioner Wretched

As we begin our 351st time together, I want to take this opportunity to welcome a new newspaper to the fun!

The Dublin (Ga.) Courier-Herald is now part of the “Did You Know…?” family, so let’s all take a moment and welcome them aboard!

So we’re now in six newspapers, maybe more … and always looking for new folks to share the fun with. If you’re aware of a poor struggling paper that needs an injection of silly trivia, send me a note at didyouknowcolumn@gmail.com and I will see what I can do to spread more of the wealth.

Welcome, Dublin! On to the trivia!

Did you know …

… the man who made movies possible didn’t like the idea of them being projected on big screens? Thomas Edison (1847-1931), the inventor of motion pictures, thought that one-on-one viewing of movies would be much more profitable. (That’s Tom, always looking out for a buck.)

… the first Wimbledon tennis tournament was held in 1877? It was solely an amateur competition, with 22 men in singles events only. The first Wimbledon champion was Spencer Gore (1850-1906). (And the rest, as they say, is history.)

… the first man to fly solo non-stop across the Atlantic Ocean was probably pretty hungry when he landed? Charles A. Lindbergh (1902-1974), who completed the first non-stop solo flight across the Atlantic on May 20-21, 1927, only packed four sandwiches with him on the 33 hour, 30 minute flight aboard the Spirit of St. Louis. (Pretty tough to go 33 hours on four sandwiches, I will agree.)

Commissioner Wretched

… raisins were not originally used to advertise Raisin Bran™? When Kelloggs’ first put out the breakfast cereal in 1942, the package had a bunch of grapes next to the name of the cereal. It wasn’t until 1966, with the addition of the happy smiling character of Sunny the Sun to the box, that raisins were actually used to advertise what was in the box. (You have to wonder how many people over those years were disappointed that there weren’t any grapes in the box.)

… a curse issued by a composer came true? When he was a boy, composer Giuseppe Verdi (1813-1901) was an acolyte in his church, and one day he missed his cue to give water and wine to the priest. Angered, the priest kicked Verdi down the altar steps. His pride wounded, Verdi reportedly responded by saying, “May God strike you with lightning!” Eight years later, the priest was killed – when he was hit by lightning. (Moral: be careful what you wish for. You just might get it.)


Next you’ll tell us that there are no grapes in Grape Nuts, either.

Commissioner Wretched

Hell, there aren’t even any nuts in Grape Nuts!


Giuseppe Verdi? He came over from the old country and changed his name to Joe Green. 


And he was MEAN


Too much caffeine from all that Coca-cola.


Yeah, but he’d give you the shirt off of his back.

Commissioner Wretched

… a drunken pilot once won a bet by landing a plane on a New York city street? Early in the morning of September 30, 1956, Thomas Fitzpatrick (1930-2009) was sitting in a bar in New York, well into his cups, when he bet another bar patron that he could fly from New Jersey to New York in just fifteen minutes. The other patron – also far along the path to inebriation – promptly put some cash “on the rail,” as they say. Fitzpatrick then left the bar, made it somehow to the Teterboro School of Aeronautics in New Jersey, “borrowed” a single-engine aircraft, and flew without lights or radio to St. Nicholas Avenue in New York, landing on the nearly-deserted street right in front of the bar. Amazingly, Fitzpatrick would do something similar one more time, five years later, swiping another plane from the same field while under the influence and landing on Amsterdam Avenue – because another drunken bar patron said he didn’t believe the first flight had happened. Fitzpatrick was only fined $100 for the first flight, as the plane’s owner – impressed with the flight – declined to press theft charges. The second flight, however, landed Fitzpatrick a six-month jail sentence. To this day, Fitzpatrick has a mixed drink named after him at the original bar, the “Late Night Flight.” (Flying under the influence, I would guess.)

… feeding white bread to ducks is really a bad idea? Sure, the ducks scarf it down, but bread is unhealthy for ducks and other waterfowl. It can cause a condition known as “angel wing,” in which bone development is stunted and the poor bird is left unable to fly. (After which, they become real angels.)


Well, old Fitzie may have been reckless, but he was a far better pilot drunk than Bernath was sober. Shitgenfeld, on the other hand, was able to land his plane without injury or damage when he got arrested for drunk flying but I still gotta give it to Fitzie for panache. 🤣

Commissioner Wretched

… the internet speed at NASA is probably the fastest in the world? It’s so fast – 91 gigabytes a second – that the average feature film can be downloaded in milliseconds. Your home internet speed, even if you are buying the swiftest available, is tens of thousands of times slower than that of NASA. (There you go, folks, your tax dollars at work.)

… a particular piece of hardware on a helicopter is called the “Jesus nut”? It’s the nut that secures the rotor blades to the helicopter. (I’ll let you guess why it’s called the “Jesus nut.”)

… the start-up sound for one version of Windows was created on a Mac? If you remember using Windows 95™, you’ll recall the sound the system made when it started. That musical note was composed on a Macintosh computer by Brian Eno (born 1948), and ironically he composed the tune on a Mac because he didn’t like using Windows machines. (Irony. Pretty ironic, right?)


Re: Jesus Nut.
Same one on both the UH-1 Huey and AH-1 Cobra.
Official name: Nut, Plain, Spine or Main Rotor Retaining Nut. Should be torqued to 650 foot pounds.

Part No. 204-010-481-1 (81996/97499)
NSN: 5310-00-624-5116

Jesus is who you’re gonna meet if you ever lose one in mid-flight./s

A Jesus Nut mounted on a plaque along with your name, unit, and tour of duty dates was a “Atta-Boy” award for surviving your tour.

Last edited 1 year ago by Claw

Oh, almost forgot to mention another small part that is just as important as a Jesus Nut and it is:

NSN 1615-00-625-0039 (Part No. 204-010-132-1/97499)

It’s called the Lock, Nut, Mast Pylon. / s

It fit into the outer edge splines on the Jesus Nut and prevented the backing off/loss of torque once installation was complete.


And just for Hack Stone, that Jesus Nut does have a precious metals content as the entire surface is Cadmium plated. / s


Well, Damn-It, that should be Nut, Plain, Sp”L”ine, nor Nut, Plain, Spine. Mea Culpa

RGR 4-78

Spline “nor” Spine. 😉 


Those of us that regularly flew in them whirlybirds all know why it is called the Jesus nut. It is because if it comes off in flight, you will possibly see Jesus (assuming you warrant passage of the Pearly Gates).


Jesus will see you on that date should the nut come loose.

Where you will be seated on that day is another matter.


Yes, indeed:

Commissioner Wretched

… social media plays a large role in the modern divorce rate? In 2011, more than 1/3 of all divorce filings in the United States contained the word, “Facebook.” (I can believe it.)

… a Swedish king actually ate himself to death? King Adolf Frederick (1710-1771) had always been considered a weak ruler, and he did not gain very much respect. His death was no different. The king died after he ate a meal consisting of: lobster, caviar, sauerkraut, kippers, and champagne, followed by 14 helpings of his favorite dessert. (The dessert did him in, but he went out full and happy!)

Now … you know!


Nothing good happens after midnight or over social.media.


Welcome to the ‘hood CW. Dublin is right down the road from my ‘ville, one of the little big towns I pull escort duty to. I read the CH fairly regularly. Good folks there about. My “Local Legal Organ” is owned by CH.

Tom always did favor a direct view V an alternating view.

Only thing that catches my attention in tennis is them little short skirts the (biological) girls wear.

Would them have been “Hero” sammiches that Chuck packed with him?

Prefer my grapes fermented and liquified…and I try to keep flakes far away.

Priest got lit up by the matchstick of God.

Was it Karoke Night in that bar? Did the patrons lose that loving feelin’ in addition to the bet?

What if you fed the ducks some rye?

Sooo, it’s not ChipNASA’s skilz at being FIRST, it’s his access to their inherwebz speed. Got it!

Being a Jesus nut can keep you from going nuts.

No Facebook divorces here, but there was a lot of Fake in keeping the Books from them snake headed, backstabbing, self centered, beeyotches.

No worries about overeating here today. Chippy ain’t even offered us some of them AF in flight Box Lunches he has rat holed. *sigh*

Commissioner Wretched

I neglected to mention that the Courier-Herald now owns the papers I work for up in Manchester. Good people to work for!


While Edison deserves credit for the development of motion pictures, he in no way deserves sole credit. He definitely wasn’t their inventor.

The Lumière brothers of Besançon, France, probably deserve the lion’s share of credit for making motion pictures a reality – they used the camera/projector/printer term “cinématographe” from a previous design by Léon Bouly, but the technical specs appear to be entirely unique.

In March of 1895, they projected a film for about 200 people. This is generally considered the first film presentation in history and, that December, we’re credited with creating cinema itself when they held a public screening for paying customers.

Yet, there were a great many other great minds working on the medium at the time, and it’s probably impossible to truly title someone “the inventor of motion pictures.”

Edison also didn’t invent taking credit for others’ work – but he was a master of that particular craft.

Commissioner Wretched

Thanks for the correction … I should have said “developed,” not invented. I stand corrected.


Edison also didn’t invent taking credit for others’ work – but he was a master of that particular craft.

Dude didn’t even invent the light bulb. 


I’m guessing Tesla would have commentary on the subject..


Yeah, I’m a Tesla man. Edison who?🤣

RGR 4-78

Bad Odie. 😆 


What’s love got to do with it? Those are for business.

Last edited 1 year ago by SFC D

Happy weekend!

Green Thumb

The All-Points Logistics cafeteria is serving up a Sloppy Phil and a tossed salad as the weekend special.


Good work on the original content!🤣

I think you’ve already established that Phildo works balls and tickles taint over the past 10 years. 🤣

Green Thumb

Sometimes people have a tendency to forget Skill Level One tasks without contstant reminders and repetition.


photo of yesterday’s thunderstorm here at our house….
Done with the heat
Ready for fall


And now, Florida manatees.
1 alive, 1 dead.

No one thought to separate them,
or get medical advice or assistance beforehand.

No, they just let one BF the other to death.


Last edited 1 year ago by Anonymous

the staff were too busy patting each other on the behind,
and calling it normal manatee behavior.

ace gary.jpg
Hack Stone

Death by Monkress? It wouldn’t be the first time. Ten years ago he killed the career of one of the All Points Logistics flunkies in the Reston VA by convincing him to attack a group of military people on the Internet to protect his secret identity.


Hack Stone,
Depending on the comic that tells the joke,
it’s either death by chi chi
or death by oogoo / ugu.



The version I first heard it was “death or bunga, bunga” and “death by bunga, bunga.”


Does that predate chi chi,
passed around National Guard weekenders over 30 years ago?

jeff LPH 3 63-66



Illinois State Senator Patricia Van Pelt (D-Chicago) is resigning after 10+ years. Why, you ask? Well, she’s claiming unspecified ‘health challenges’, but maybe it has a little to do with getting caught traveling so much (while being paid!) that she missed 903 out of 904 votes this year:


The only one she made was when she happened to be sworn in. Christ, I hope they go after her for something – that can’t be fuckin’ legal.

See also: Feinstein needing to be told to say ‘aye’:

Hack Stone

Hack posted in the first minute that the Weekend Open Thread opened, but the Vast Chicken Wing Conspiracy sent Hack’s comment to Pending Approval.

That being said, this WOT is special, as Sunday, July 30, marks the 73rd anniversary of the birth of America’s greatest actor. Hack is talking of course, about Frank Stallone. To commemorate this historic event, this weekend only, if you purchase some outdated Red Hat Software from a proud but humble woman owned business that sells software to the Federal Government formerly located in Bethesda Maryland, you will receive 1045 free hours of AOL dial up service. Quantities are limited, so act now.


Feinstein, Biden, Fetterman, now McConnell.
Mitch was HIDING his health from the public for MONTHS.

Didn’t any of them learn from that Supreme Court justice,
who was certain Hillary would be president,
and then when that didn’t pan out,
tried to outlive another 4 years, and failed?

It’s as if they all want to beat the record of Strom Thurmond,
who 20 years ago,
keeled over at age 100,
after spending the last 6-7 years being wheeled around DC
as an incoherent zombie.
A zombie with an ugly past, and an ugly ending.
Ugh. Ly.


100 Thurmond.jpg
Hack Stone

We stand for the segregation of the races and the racial integrity of each race. Unless I’m getting a piece of that ass from the family maid.

Strom Thurmond


Hack Stone,
Followed by decades of groping and boob grabs in DC elevators,
including a female US Senator.


I understand Gropey Joe was one of his understudies.


They’ll keep on keepin’ on, until they can’t. Congress is a nice part-time job for most, which offers a comfortable salary while also seemingly having some additional revenue sources. Insider trading? Kickbacks? Who knows? But it sure is funny how many get elected, manage to win reelection after reelection, and become millionaires in the process.

Health doesn’t matter, age doesn’t matter, and to a large extent political affiliation doesn’t matter. The Uniparty is comfortable with its tried-and-true career politicians and appointees. It doesn’t matter if you’re a Senator, Supreme Court Justice, or career bureaucrat/cabinet appointee, if you walk the party line, you’re upheld as the person for the job. Like Thurmond, McConnell can’t simply vacate his position because, what if someone like a MAGA extremist gets elected” He’ll serve out his term, probably run for reelection, and if he dies while in office he’ll be hailed as a selfless leader of our times.



OIP (24).jpg

I see that the Blackfoot VFW Post 9443 Book of the Face has been brought back to life and that since there is no call for a special meeting to elect a new Post Commander, I’m guessing that very Special Forces E-2 super-poser Bob Evans is going to be installed as the new HMFIC sometime in the near future.


Steven Faulkner is now VFW Post 9443 Commander-Elect.
Evans is no longer a member of the post FaceBook group.
Possibly no longer a member of VFW Post 9443.

FaceBook group admin AA is piling on with general VFW related new posts, while the June posts and comments about Evans have all been deleted.

It appears the post sent Evans packing.
Evans, on the other hand, has posted once again on his own page as well, and his phony photos are still up.

I see Elko, NV in Evans’ future. A void to fill.

Dennis - not chevy

Here’s what I don’t get. Recently a veteran applied for membership at my local veterans’ organization. It took not 20 seconds to realize he wasn’t qualified. He came highly recommended but he lacked proof of eligibility. He was told how and where to go to get his 214 updated and was told, if he had verifiable proof, we would help him do that. If he provides the proper bona fides, he’s in. It’s just that easy.

How do the phonies get in? It’s just not that hard to keep them out if the rules are followed. C’mon they’re supposed to be service organizations not good ole boyz clubs. ‘Scuse me now, I’ve got to finish writing my yearly letter to Santa.


It’s a long known fail by VFW National,
delegating eligibility verification to the local POST level,
where failures abound.

Hell, VFW National ironically requires proof of family member / relative service for the AUXILIARY, uploadable online, but not for actual VFW memberships,
who can sign up at the VFW National website “At Large” program,
where ANYONE with a few bucks and a USA address
can join the VFW “At Large”, no proof required.

In theory, all these “At Large” VFW members should show their eligibility proof when “transferring” to a local post, but this seldom happens, as it’s well known that in Florida alone, over 6,000 At Large VFW members are on the prowl for cheap booze and gambling out of public view, and NEVER joining a local post. (Geez. Wonder why???)


A Happy and Stupendous Weekend to all.

Retired Navy Captain Hung Cao is running for Senate in Virginia. This campaign video has been going around. Sounded good to me, but I’ve seen veterans before saying one thing before an election and acting different afterwards.


Like the eye patch wearing ex army (?) vet currently in DC? His name escapes me, but someone here will know. I think he is from Texas.


You talking about Crenshaw? He was a SEAL


That’s Navy SEAL Crenshaw.

In what has he said one thing and done another?


Yup. RINO.




Graybeard, Anonymous, Mason, Odie, and rgr769,

I have the screenshots and video,
that I previously sent to VG,
and VG admin (and Mason?) have already seen.
The video is public on Rumble, and still up.

Crenshaw said something a few months ago
that pissed off some of the conspiracy theory and far right America First types.

The (ex) Pennsylvania idiot with extra medals and Phony Rambo tales, that I mention periodically, put up a Rumble podcast video,
sporting a phony cheap eyepatch,
mocking Crenshaw, while simultaneously defending (now convicted) Oath Keeper Stewart Rhodes,
who lost an eye not in war,
but doing something really really stupid.


He is not full-on RINO, just RINOish. He is definitely not a strong supporter of the 2nd Amendment.



Working on some gumbo to keep Mrs. GB happy for a night or two.

Y’all have a safe weekend.


It’s summer, and luckily that means something this weekend.

Out doing dumb with the dumber.

Composite Risk Management?


Safety squints and chin tucks are good to go!

Have a GREAT weekend y’all!


Duty RSO, Day One at my range. Dude starts to screw an oil filter on the end of his AR.


Rumor is 1/2×28 is a common thread pitch.

Just make sure to NIJ Type IIa (or greater) the family doggo if you’re going to be flaunting it [see meme]

Note to self: searching ‘doggy’ in images requires a greater level of selection skills before posting a pic. ‘Mistakes’ were almost made.

who did this?!.jpeg

Yeah, that’s about all ATF is good for. If I ran things, the mission of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms would be to make sure that every American had ready access to all the alcohol, tobacco, and firearms they wanted. It would change from a law enforcement agency to a convenience store!🤣🍺 🚬 🔫 🧨


THIS did not turn out well…🫣

How Embarrasing…🙄

“Truly Very Sorry’: Family of Fallen Marine Apologizes After Congressman Claims Pentagon Charged Them for Remains Transfer”


“A Republican congressman from Florida has walked back his claim that the Defense Department “placed a heavy financial burden” on the family of a Marine killed in a suicide bombing during the chaotic U.S. military withdrawal from Afghanistan.”

“Rep. Cory Mills, an Army veteran, told Fox News on Tuesday that after meeting with the families of 13 U.S. service members killed on Aug. 26, 2021, at Hamid Karzai International Airport’s Abbey Gate, he learned that the family of Marine Sgt. Nicole Gee was stuck with a $60,000 bill from the Pentagon to transport her remains to Arlington National Cemetery.”

“But Gee’s family said they were not billed by the Pentagon at all. Since the article was published, Mills issued a statement saying the family was confused in its grief, and Fox News edited its headline and story without noting a correction. On Friday, it appeared the article had been removed entirely.”

“We did not have to pay any bill and never had a bill presented,” Christy Shamblin, Gee’s mother-in-law, told Military.com on Friday via social media.”

“The original Fox News story spread on social media and was used to lambaste the DoD for its apparent callousness and blame the Biden administration for its handling of the tumultuous withdrawal from Afghanistan — and its tragic aftereffects. The story’s central claim was repeated by other outlets like the Daily Mail.”

The Fox News story was headlined, “Family forced to pay to ship body of Marine killed after Pentagon policy change: ‘Egregious injustice,'” before it was muted with softer language.


Reminds me of late January 1991.
We’re in Saudi Arabia, the air war is going on,
and our company recently moved from Khobar Towers condos
up northwest to Log Base Alpha,
not near anything but empty desert.
Oh, and a building with hot showers down the road,
that we caught two 2LTs using,
while we only had cold water buffalo showers set up.

We have perimeter security set up,
which includes bullets being counted and clipped as the security shifts change every few hours (24/7).
The only ammo issued at that time,
was the clips for the security points.

(We all walked around with empty clips and M-16s,
until the day we left Alpha for Hafar Al Batin / Log Base Echo.)

A “phone tent” shows up down the new road,
and we are allowed to go, 1 HMMV at a time, to call home.

Someone called home (in Spanish language),
and whatever he told the wife,
the next day,
the Allentown, PA newspaper and TV 69
are reporting that our unit is
“on the front lines with no ammo”.

Unit formation by an angry company commander.
Phone tent privileges taken away until Log Base Echo.

The next evening,
I went outside my GP medium tent for a 2am piss,
and saw an idling HMMV at the perimeter.
I walked over, and BOTH guys on perimeter security were ASLEEP.

I banged the hood of the HMMV with my flashlight,
and ran off into the dark.
They never knew who woke them up.
But there were no sleepers on perimeter duty after that.

Good times ……


Great story! We have two for you.. During the beginning of OIF, we were able to read CNN news via NIPRNET. Two articles caught my eye. The first article was about a Mother giving an interview to CNN about her “poor Son” who was stuck in the middle of a desert, with no running water, “inadequate” food, no internet or PC, just a typewwriter… She told CNN that the US Army was not taking care of their Soldiers..and that she had to start mailing him “snacks” such as candy bars, Slim Jims, bottled water, etc. etc. Well, guess what. That “Son” was a LTC/O5. The “middle of the desert” was Camp Doha in Kuwait. That O5 was bunking in a trailor with airconditoning. He slept on a bed, not a cot. He shared a shower with another O5. He had access to a DFAC, a PX, a computer, internet. He NEVER went to Iraq. He was an Aviator. I recognized his name and called him AND the PAO and one of his Chain of Command (a 2 Star) and asked him point blank how his Mother came up with that story. He hemmed and hawed and said his Mother exaggerated to CNN. We then discovered another newspaper article from his hometown where he claimed to have flown numerous times to Bagram to do “dustoff” missions, i.e. taking care of the local Bagram civilians who were injured. I started questioning him about Bagram. He hemmed and hawed on that one and finally admitted he never went to Bagram. Once again, he said his Mother made up a story. Shortly after, that O5 “disappeared” and was never seen again. He lied to his Mother with his embellishment. The 2nd story was another CNN article that came out a month after the invasion of Iraq. Some E4 in Iraq told his Mother his unit has ZERO water and that his unit had to dig a “well” to get drinking water. His Mother did a funding event and had her community buy bottled water for him and his unit. Once again, CNN depicted the… Read more »



I notified the PAO, a 2 Star Logistician and the E4’s Chain of Command of the CNN story. I asked the E4’s Commander and S4/G4 to please explain what what they did with the bottled water we bought and shipped to them.

The E4 said his Mother was lying.

Turns our, the E4 was lying. That unit had lots of water. There was no well. He was trying to get out of his deployment with that bogus story.

Fake news existed in the early 2000s. Sadly, these “men” wanted attention, especially from their Mamas.


Who needs a LTC dipshit causing problems?

We were lucky,
no Major Malfunctions or Captain Kangaroos
in our unit in 1990-1991,
although half of the LTs required babysitting or close supervision,
mostly by the unhappy other half,
which took time away from paying attention to their own platoons.

Some nearby units had shaky types,
including WOs who ran rampant.

Our “Barbie” 2LT,
who married her lawyer boyfriend
shortly before leaving the USA for Saudi,
hid out most of the time in an air conditioned trailer,
and put on at least 30 lbs.

Afterwards, when we landed in NJ,
dozens of us had our eyes on him,
to see his expression
when she was 1 of the last to get off the plane.

He didn’t disappoint. Triple take.
The expression of “I didn’t marry that!”


Overseas in the sandbox we always had water (bottled and/or otherwise) provided out the *ss– literally for some folk who had the sh*ts, too. Having to dig a well? Media please!

Last edited 1 year ago by Anonymous

Rest In Peace.

“Plane Crash Near Aberdeen Proving Ground Kills Army General”


“An Army General died when his small private plane crashed near Aberdeen Proving Ground in Maryland on Tuesday…”

“Major General Anthony Potts, who recently oversaw the Army’s Program Executive Office for Command, Control and Communications-Tactical, or PEO C3T, died when the single-engine Piper PA-28 Cherokee airplane he was piloting crashed in Havre de Grace, Maryland. He was the only person in the craft.”

“It’s unclear what caused the crash, and the incident was still under investigation Friday.”

“Potts, a father of two, was commissioned into the Army as an aviation officer in 1987.”

“He served much of his early career as an AH-64 Apache pilot. His awards include the Legion of Merit, Meritorious Service Medal and Air Medal with Valor.”


F*CK! This was the PEO in my last unit. He started as an Army Aviator before going to Acquisitions. I went to his house on Belvoir a few times for mandatory fun, like a Christmas party and other gatherings. Always felt odd hanging out with the other E7s while the field grade ACQ types cozied up to MG Potts. I never had any issue with him, though, and admired his drive and determination.

He loved flying and probably my biggest achievement under him was planning and coordinating a big training event at AP Hill, to include getting 12th AVN to provide helicopters for MG Potts and the other officers. I was worn out and not really feeling the whole ACQ thing, but my time spent as a lead planner and my networking contacts from MDW paid off for that last hurrah.

My thoughts and prayers are with his wife, Jen, and children. Rest in peace, Sir, it was an honor treading some of the same ground as you.


FINALLY! Quit wasting out tax dollars appeasing The Woke!

“House Republicans Vote to Block VA From Changing Motto To Include Female Veterans”


“The Republican-controlled House voted late Wednesday to block the Department of Veterans Affairs from updating its motto to include female veterans.”

“The VA would not be able to “modify or remove any display” of the mission statement it adopted 64 years ago under an amendment passed as part of an annual VA spending bill. The motto refers only to male veterans and was based on a line in President Abraham Lincoln’s second inaugural address: “To care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow, and his orphan.”

“The new motto chosen by the VA hews closely to the original but acknowledges women who have served the country, as well as other surviving spouses and family members: “To fulfill President Lincoln’s promise to care for those who have served in our nation’s military and for their families, caregivers and survivors.”

“VA Secretary Denis McDonough announced the motto change in March, timed for Women’s History Month.”

“Republicans have bristled at what they claim are efforts to “erase” Lincoln’s quote.”

“It’s a good quote,” Rep. Chip Roy, R-Texas, who sponsored the amendment, said on the House floor. “It’s an historic quote. The fact is we should not use taxpayer dollars to allow this administration to unilaterally change the VA’s historic motto and erase the words of President Lincoln to appease the radical left and advance yet another one of their cultural revisionist efforts.”

“The amendment, which was approved on a nearly party-line, 221-212 vote, would effectively prevent the VA from adopting the new motto.”

“The VA has estimated the total cost to replace or remove all plaques, stationery or other signs bearing the old motto will be less than $2 million”.




Ditto. I am so sick of this DEI/gender crap.


Race Card Continues To Be Played….


“NBC Report Ridiculed For Touting ‘Safe Spaces’ For Black People To Camp, Hike: ‘Outdoors Is Racist'”


“A NBC report claiming Black people needed “safe spaces” to enjoy the great outdoors was heavily mocked on Twitter…”

“NBC BLK reporter Char Adams described several Black-led outdoor groups working to “provide safe spaces for Black people to enjoy outdoor activities and dispel myths that the outdoors doesn’t belong to us” in her report. She explained these groups were founded to combat racism from the Jim Crow Era barring African Americans from National Parks and stereotypes that Black people did not enjoy outdoor activities.”

“The NBCNews.com report’s focus on racially segregated “safe spaces” to avoid “harassment” and “trauma” from White people, such as the presence of “Trump flags” flying at campsites, sparked a strong reaction online.”

“Another Twitter user lashed out at the article describing its author as “fragile.”

“I promise you guys. The Black community is not this fragile. We’ve been going outdoors since the dawn of time…This was written, by some oversensitive gender studies major, who’s probably never set foot outside of their crime ridden Democrat run city,” he added.”

Here is the NBC report. You Be The Judge.

“Meet The Black Outdoorsy Groups Reclaiming The Joys Of Nature”


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“Marines Found At Gas Station Died Of Carbon Monoxide Poisoning”


“Three Marines found unresponsive in a car at a North Carolina gas station died of carbon monoxide poisoning, the local sheriff’s office said Wednesday.”

“Deputies from the Pender County Sheriff’s Office found the three men Sunday morning in a privately owned Lexus sedan parked outside a Speedway gas station in the coastal community of Hampstead. Autopsies performed Wednesday by the North Carolina Medical Examiner determined that all three deaths were the result of carbon monoxide poisoning, according to the sheriff’s office.”

“The Lance cmCorporals, identified by the U.S. Marine Corps as Tanner J. Kaltenberg, 19, of Madison, Wisconsin, Merax C. Dockery, 23, of Pottawatomie, Oklahoma, and Ivan R. Garcia, 23, of Naples, Florida, were stationed at nearby Camp Lejeune, 29 miles northeast of the gas station. They were motor vehicle operators with the Combat Logistics Battalion 2, Combat Logistics Regiment 2 and 2nd Marine Logistics Group.”


Are you a fan of NSNs, or generic electric music with a heavy bass line, or washers?

Perhaps all 3!

Well, you in luck:

Hack Stone

The new annual tradition of watching the greatest film ever made on Frank Stallone Eve will be held this evening in the auditorium of the world corporate headquarters of a proud but humble woman owned business that sells software to the Federal Government formerly located in Bethesda Maryland. The first 50 attendees will receive some limited edition corporate swag and a personal guarantee from Phil Monkress that if you go on line to defend his claims of being a US Navy SEAL, he will “have your six”. And by having your six, he means that the All Points Logistics Weenie will be six inches up your ass as he leaves you twisting in the wind.


On this day [but a day late, oops], “Bonus Expeditionary Forces” (BEF) evicted from Swampville:

On July 28 [1932], Attorney General William Mitchell ordered the DC police to remove the protesters from government property. At the time, about 50 protesters occupied buildings along Pennsylvania Avenue. When police arrived to move them out, a riot erupted, and police shot and killed two protesters. After that, the Army was called in to restore order.

General Douglas MacArthur led the Army troops, along with his aide Major Dwight D. Eisenhower and an able tank commander, Major George S. Patton. Under President Hoover’s orders to drive the protesters back across the Anacostia River, the Army was in position in the late afternoon. Once the order was given, the troops advanced with tanks, fixed bayonets, and tear gas to drive away the crowd of veterans back across the bridge. 

[bold mine]

Hoover twice sent messages to MacArthur to not cross the bridge, but MacArthur ignored them and continued pressing into the BEF camp on the Anacostia Flats on the far side of the river. The camp was still inhabited by about 10,000 people, who were driven off by the cavalry with tanks and tear gas. Then the infantry followed, setting fire to the shanties. DC’s hospitals were overwhelmed with the wounded. Operationally, the exercise was seen as a success by the Army. The Bonus Expeditionary Forces had been dispersed permanently.

NPS dot gov link

A Proud Infidel®™

Damn, I forgot it was Friday and forgot to announce myself “PRESENT” and award myself Honorary First once again, so here you go!
