Politicians get credit for green initiatives; constituents’ wallets get hammered

| July 28, 2023

The politicians get credit from the left for pushing green energy initiatives. However, when it comes down to action, costs become a factor. The resources and infrastructure needed to shift from fossil fuels to green energy will require money. To address this reality, Con Edison will be increasing the price of gas and electric services to their New York customers. The need to pay taxes also add pressure on the need to increase prices. As a result, residents of New York City are set to see noticeable increases with their energy bills.

From Fox Business:

Last week, the energy company announced that the state had approved its plan to raise customer rates and acquire more than $11 billion by 2025 to fund initiatives contributing to New York’s clean energy goals.

Under the new rate plan, the average resident would see a $14.44 increase — or 9.1% — to their monthly bill beginning in August, according to the New York State Public Service Commission (PSC) analysis.

The rate gradually becomes larger, meaning that customers will be paying an additional $7.20, or 4.2%, starting January 2024 and $2.43, or 1.4%, by January 2025. A report from the New York Post claimed customers’ monthly bills could double by 2025, which McShane refuted as “inaccurate.”

“I can tell you that customers are going to see a 15%-20% increase over three years as a result of this investment plan,” Con Ed’s media relations director said. “This investment plan is going to allow us to address the effects of climate change, invest in a clean energy transition, a transition that our customers demand and want to take part in.”

But some still aren’t pleased to hear the news. Briana Delvecchio, a customer in White Plains, lives in a garden apartment with her family of three. She currently pays $305 a month for electricity and believes the plan is “ridiculous.”

“It’s upsetting. And I feel bad for my parents, they pay over $800 a month and my mom would like to retire and she can’t,” Delvecchio told Fox News Digital. “It’s ridiculous, it’s not fair. How are we going to live?”

“It’s definitely going to add to the financial strain of New Yorkers. I think that we’re all really struggling to get ahead… it’s not just the Con Ed bill, it’s also buying a car, buying a house, buying groceries. It’s impossible. We can’t afford anything,” she added.

Fox News Business has the rest of the story, video, etc., at this link.

Category: Government Incompetence, Society

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RGR 4-78

Foisting their political agenda onto the backs of the taxpayers.


Riding us like rented mules.


10% rate hike ????
Hey they been voting d-rat for decades, let them have their rot.


No sympathy for New Yorkers…
They vote for these politicians, so they get their policies…
If you’re shocked that there is NO LIMIT to the amount of expenses that Democrats are willing to heap on their constituents, you shouldn’t be.


Repeal the 16th amendment, or rewrite it with a maximum amount. Right now, there is no limit written in it.




Shaftin’ you for Green Energy– vote Democrat!


Al Capone had no comment…
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My wallet…screaming!
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Too W Kone

The cost of living in NY is the main reason I did not return when I came off active duty in 08.

My family is from an upstate county, been farming there since 1794, and still is trying. I looked for jobs that would pay enough to thrive and found none.

I visit and reconfirm I made the right choice. Everything cost more and people in my career field get paid close to the same as I do living in KY.