Dear Jonn…

| July 26, 2023

Jonn Lilyea passed 5 years ago today.  A recent photo of his marker is above. His last post to the blog read:

I’ll admit that I have “mumbly peg” scars on my feet, but none in my chest.

Where does one even begin to write about the man?  He was eloquent:

This is the same guy that let two miniature French Bulldogs walk all over him.  Behind the scenes he was exactly like he was in the spotlight.  I found there to be very little pretense to the man.  The person many of you got to know through the blog was very much the same person you would sit on the porch with and smoke a cigar.

I found that we held common ground on many issues and not so much on others.  If you had the opportunity to sit and talk with him I am sure you would find the same to be true.  He hated talking on the phone, his hate for it grew as his ALS got worse.

Sometimes I would laugh so hard it just hurt.  Like the time we shipped Gummy Dicks to support the Shithouse Siege.  There are so many of those moments I hope you share a few too.

He was no Saint and made no claim to be so.  He got mad, even at me.  He held is ground firmly but that didn’t stop him from admitting he was wrong when that rare instance would occur.

We kept a List of other Blogs that we shared content with.  So many of them are gone, too many of the past contributors here are gone as well.  I get reminded all the time that Blogs are a thing of the past… but we plan to be here even if we are the very last.

There are the ones who do so much behind the scenes but insist on their anonymity, it seems unfair that I can not publicly rain the praise upon them they deserve.  You know who you are and we all thank you for your support.

I miss my friend, as I know many of you do too. If I could send a note it would simply read,


Dear Jonn,

We’re still here and standing strong, we hope we’ve made you proud.






Category: Administrative

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Semper Fi… always appreciated Jonn and now you Dave.


Hooah! (It’s an Army thing.) He done good.


I think of Jonn often. I met him once at a Milblog conference where he was “flying under the radar”. We had many e-mail conversations, as he was originally from my area. My blog is on the blogroll, I moved the content because I left the organization and didn’t want to hold their name hostage. Of course now it’s held hostage by a spammer, go figure. I still lurk around TAH from time to time, but rarely comment. Keep on keeping on.


Rest in Peace, Jonn, I still remember the day I checked in and saw the sad news.




I got quite a few unexpected one liner email replies that always made me laugh.

Rest In Peace John. You made the best of this time on earth that God gave you.


Jonn is very proud that TAH is still standing strong and continuing the mission. The ones that picked up The Colors and stepped into the breach when Jonn fell are to be commended…as are the ones that hung in here and the ones that have come along since. Phonies every where may have felt safe when Jonn passed, but have since found out that his work goes on.

Continue to Rest Easy, ‘Toon Daddy…We’ve got the watch. A glass and a stogie to your Honor, Good Sir.

Thanks, Dave.


Still miss him.
We all owe him a lot.

Requiem in pace, Jonn.


Five years in the blink of an eye.
Rest in peace soldier.



A toast later for you Jonn


I’ll hoist one in your honor later tonight, ‘mano. Rest easy, Platoon Sergeant.


Keep Moving Forward. I hope Jonn is at happily at rest, knowing this little corner of the internet is still kicking along. I had only 1 interaction with Jonn, through email, but he was courteous and professional. Thanks to the many who have kept this going, and for those that have come and gone.


<blockquote>”What the fuck are you talking about, dumbass?”</blockquote>

I had to double check who that was addressed to, because it could so easily apply to so many of us!

Rest in peace, Jonn, and thanks for everything.


Thank You, Dave, for remembering.

Jonn always ended his emails with “Welcome Home”.

Rest In Peace, Soldier. We Miss You!

Who could ever forget Jonn chewing out a Phony Marine by the name of Chistopher David Duke.

One minute of pure gold.

Get Em, Platoon SGT!



That is always what comes to mind when I think of Jonn.


If you didn’t post this, I would have as this is my greatest memory of Jonn.
I wanna cry sometimes but yeah, I’d hear a small voice in my head….”What the fuck are you crying about, dumbass?”

 🤔  😜 
I miss Jonn but I’m glad we’re all still keepin’ on, keepin on.

We owe it to Jonn and to OURSELVES to wake up, stand up, suit up and show up.

God Bless us….Every one.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

I got onto the site before Jonns passing and what a guy I found out what he was.
Rest In Peace Jonn


A passing reference on the old Blackfive site got me here. Jonn’s writing kept me here.


Same here


Found my way here from Blackfive and Castle Aaaargh. I’m still here.

Aussie Pusser

RIP John.

BlueCord Dad

I came here via Blackfive when my son commissioned back in 2013. I was looking for a milblog to educate myself about the military. Boy, did I get an education😎 Lest We Forget

RGR 4-78

Rest in Peace Jonn.


I can’t believe it’s been 5 years already
I discovered this place by accident… trolling the web from
Ft Lewis… it’s helped me in more ways then none
I spoke to Jonn a few times on the phone and missed meeting him in person
While trapped at the new WRMC
And again visiting in-laws in Virginia
I know you are resting well
Can’t wait to meet you in person on the other side finally

SSG Skippy


Rest in peace Brother. You will not be forgotten.


I shared some emails with Jonn back in the day when he did a story on the shit-stain formerly known as “Spooky 8” I happened to know the shit-stain and shared with Jonn that the guy applied for a position at my sheriff’s office using his altered DD-214. I told Jonn that I knew Spooky’s brothers who are all dead now. The older one was even my immediate supervisor when I was still a Sgt. with the SO, he lasted 3 months. He was also a dipshit. I miss Jonn, he was passionate about exposing phoneys, and I tip my hat to him. Rest in Peace SFC Lilyea.


I always enjoyed my interactions with Jonn. I also helped him bust a couple of USMC POSers back in the day.

Rest easy, Jonn. We have the watch.

Dave and the rest of the TAH leadership: thanks for keeping TAH on time and on target since Jonn left us.

Semper Fidelis.

Commissioner Wretched

I’m eternally grateful that Jonn allowed me to post my weekly trivia nonsense in the WOT. Thank you, Jonn … you’ll never know how much I appreciate your kind gesture.

Green Thumb

Great man.


I’m so glad for his legacy. Touched many… some in so not-so-nice ‘v ways.

Until the Highest Ground, Platoon Sar’nt.

Cheers and a thousand ‘thank you’s!


John, enjoy your well-deserved rest in the halls of Valhalla and keep hoisting those mugs over the banquet tables until some of us can join you and provide you with a well-deserved rest. That won’t be long for some of us.


By George L. Skypeck

I was that which others did not want to be.

I went where others feared to go,

And did what others failed to do.

I asked nothing from those who gave nothing,

And reluctantly accepted the thought

Of eternal loneliness should I fail.

I have seen the face of terror,

Felt the stinging cold of fear,

And enjoyed the sweet taste of a moment’s love.

I have cried, pained and hoped,

But most of all, I have lived times

Others would say were best forgotten.

At least someday I will be able to say

That I was proud of what I was…

A Soldier.

Airborne, Brother!


Mea Culpa for misspelling Jonn.

Getting too damned old, sheez! 🙄 

B. G.



The first time in a good while that I’ve stuck my head in the door, and I see this. I miss you, Jonn. I hope you continue to rest easy.