Jonn Lilyea, five years since he left us – Midweek Open Thread

| July 26, 2023

It seems like recently that Jonn Lilyea was on here, cranking out multiple posts a day. Not just stolen valor articles, but articles that got the community going. We had gotten used to a steady supply of information and the engagements the posts brought about. Then there was a delay, no posts. Other contributors stepped in to provide article updates.

This was followed by a call for those who wanted to contribute articles. This was in 2017. When I got wind of what had happened, I threw my name into the hat. For a portfolio, I provided a link to my own blog, mainly articles talking about a specific individual associated with a fish, a block of cheese, and an alternative outlook on life. I received a password, and an email asking me to get a hold of Dave Hardin. This was in 2017.

I reached out to Dave and got a chance to talk to him. He turned out to be cool, willing to help, and happy to have someone else onboard. AW1Ed, ExPH2, and ExOS2 had already become article contributors by the time I reached out to Jonn. Things hummed along, Jonn appeared to get back into the swing of things, providing us with a steady stream of posts to engage each other with. Then the posts stop arriving.

It was 2018. Before we got wind of what happened, AW1Ed, ExPH2, ExOS2, and I stepped in to keep posts coming. We quicky found out that Jonn had big shoes; what was easily done by one man the four of us and others were “scrambling,” running emails back and forth to coordinate post placements and who was doing what. The urgency to work with each other, and to find posts, jumped up when we found out that Jonn had moved on to the other side.

This was on July 26, 2018, five years ago today.

Posts detailing the event popped up and the community came together. Folks who had already reduced their activity on the blog came back to pay their respects. Those of us who were present paid our respects as well.

Not long after this event, in one of my nap dreams, I saw Jonn.

Jonn looked different from what we’ve seen in the pictures and video, but enough features were there to indicate that it was him. He didn’t say anything verbally, but what he wanted to communicate “flowed” to me, like a telepathic streaming of information. I understood what he was communicating.

The impression that I got was that Jonn was grateful for what every one of us has done for this community. He was grateful for what each of us had done, and for what we had collectively done. It was like Jonn was stopping by to say, “Thank you,” and to encourage keeping his project alive.

So, whether you’re a contributor, someone who hangs out in the comments section, someone who submits links or articles for posting, donates… Whatever role you have done for the community, Jonn Lilyea is thankful and appreciative for what you do. He truly cared about us in addition to caring about This Aint Hell.

Additionally, another impression that I got from the event was that Jonn was alive. He was not “dead.” If you’ve had a dream where you’ve seen someone who had passed away, you’ll understand the thought… It’s like the person never passed away, that death is as illusionary as the “blindness” you subject yourself to when you blink your eyes.

Of course, Jonn had left us with advice, back in 2016, when he spoke on behalf of those who have given the ultimate sacrifice, and of veterans who have passed away:

Mostly, those warriors who went on before us, just want you to enjoy the life that they helped secure for you. Enjoying the time that you spend with your family and friends, doing the things with your life that make you smile is honoring the sacrifices that were made for you. I think “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” were all mentioned in the Declaration of Independence.

“It’s not what you do one day out of the year that honors veterans, it’s what you do the other 364 days. It’s not the “thank you for your service” that matters, it’s what you say to me before you know that I’m a veteran.

We honor Jonn by continuing to have a positive impact on this community, as well as by following the advice that he left for us.

Category: Open thread

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FIRST thing I saw the morning that Jonn passed was urgent messages to Ex-PH2 to check her email.

He is proud of each and every one of us.


“Midweek Open Thread”?


Rest In Peace, Jonn.

You Are Never Forgotten.



RGR 4-78

Welcome Home Jonn, Welcome Home.


Another Dirtbag lying about disability and stealing VA disabilty benefits:

“St. Louis County Man Admits Stealing Veterans Administration Disability Benefits”

“A veteran from Berkeley, Missouri, appeared in federal court on Tuesday and admitted stealing $106,245 in disability benefits from the Veterans Administration through false medical claims.”

“Prosecutors with the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Eastern District of Missouri said Charles Adams, 50, claimed to have physical limitations and applied for various benefits, but was later seen working out at a gym.”

“According to court documents, Adams applied for an increase in disability benefits in, citing degenerative disc disease and degenerative arthritis from his time in the service. In April 2017, he reported difficulty getting out of bed and problems standing up for long periods. A VA examiner reported that Adams walked slowly and had a noticeable limp.”

“When he returned to the VA for reexamination that November, Adams claimed to have limitations regarding his range of motion, rotation, and other use of his back.”

“In February 2018, Adams filed for individual unemployability benefits with the VA. He included a doctor’s notice reiterating his claims of limited mobility and a diminished capacity to bend, jump, kneel, lift, run, sit, squat, stand, and walk. Adams received another medical exam in March.”

“Shortly after that March checkup, Adams was seen on several Instagram videos performing numerous exercises of what prosecutors referred to as “high levels of resistance,” such as deep squats, leg presses of more than 800 pounds, rope pulldowns, and other movements that contradicted his prior claims.”




“Adams went on to apply for Social Security Disability Insurance benefits in August 2019, and again falsely claimed he was physically limited by injury.”

“However, federal investigators learned Adams went to a local Club Fitness gym the day before a July 2020 hearing on his application, the day of, and the day after that hearing. Adams continued working out at the gym in 2020 and 2021.”

“In June 2021, Adams was summoned to attend a VA medical review of his claims. Adams appeared at the meeting with a cane and walked at a deliberately slow pace. Prior to the review, investigators recorded video of Adams walking normally and carrying bags of trash out to a dumpster.”

“Adams pleaded guilty to one count of theft of government funds. He faces up to 10 years in federal prison and a $250,000 fine when he’s sentenced on Oct. 25.”



Green Thumb

I bet if you look deeply enough, you will find that this clown recycled a few blocks of instruction at All-Points Logistics.

Skivvy Stacker

Jonn is gone….but the dipsticks keep comin’.

Another John (McCrea) put it thus:

“Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
    The torch; be yours to hold it high…”

And so, we do.


I used to live near John McCrae’s residence in Guelph, Ontario.
It’s a beautiful city despite it’s proximity to Toronto ( Canada’s Chicago )


Put this fraud UNDER the dumpster!


Rest in peace Jonn. God be with your family today.


Do Y’All remember this 9 June 2023 TAH post that Steve Balm posted reference Darold Maxfield Jr?

“West Point Cadet PTSD Case Ruled To Be Stolen Valor And Fraud”

Well, guess what? The apple does not fall far from the tree. No wonder he is a Junior. Like Father, Like Son!

Check out what happened to his Dad, Darold Maxfield, Senior! Another Veteran!

Gee Whiz! Unbelievable!

“Jury Expected To Get Case Of North Little Rock Man Charged With Committing Fraud For Higher Veterans Benefits”

“A Department of Veterans Affairs service representative indicted in 2021 on charges of theft of public money and making false statements to an agency of the United States went on trial Monday in a case expected to go to the jury today following testimony from the defendant and closing statements from his attorney and government prosecutors.”

“It took just about two hours Monday to seat a jury of eight women and four men to hear the case against Darold Maxfield Sr., 56, of North Little Rock, who was accused of collecting thousands of dollars in fraudulent benefits beginning in 2018. Maxfield, an Iraq War veteran, was accused of falsifying documents to make it appear that his service connected disability was greater than what had been diagnosed.”

“Over a five-year period, Maxfield is estimated to have collected more than $22,000 in excess benefits, according to VA officials.

Last month, Maxfield’s son, Darold Maxfield Jr., 30, also of North Little Rock, was sentenced to four months in prison for submitting a falsified disability application to the VA in October 2018 and receiving more than $91,000 in disability payments.”


When we read this, we really thought it was a JOKE…

Seriously? What planet has this woman been living on?


And of course, “Extreme Republicans” are to blame…


“Bill Would Ban Discrimination in Military 75 Years After Racial Integration”

“Policies barring discrimination in the military based on race, gender and other innate characteristics would be enshrined in law under a bill being introduced by a Democratic lawmaker Wednesday to mark the 75th anniversary of the racial desegregation of the military.”

“The bill from Rep. Marilyn Strickland, D-Wash., would ban the Pentagon from discriminating on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, gender identity or sexual orientation. Someone’s eligibility for service could be based only on their ability to meet occupational standards, the bill adds.”

“We have seen over the past several years that some extremist members of the Republican Party are trying to undermine decades of efforts to improve racial equality, address extremism and attract a wider group of recruits,” Strickland wrote in a letter to other House lawmakers seeking co-sponsors for the bill.”

“While the department prohibits discrimination by instruction, service members deserve to know that discrimination is prohibited by the law,” she added in the letter..”


Late to the party on this one, but anyway, this is the Chick that touts her Korean Hertiage by weaing a “Hanbok” (Traditional Korea Dress) to her swearing in ceremony. Of course this dosen’t surprise me as with a certain political party it’s all about pimping race.(as wonder if I should rock a kilt if I ever run and win…)


I seem to have missed something here.
What happened to EX-PH2 ?
I miss her too.
Jonn was great, he helped me out just when I really needed the help.
Thank you to all those that keep the fire burning.
I get all kinds of emotions when I read stuff on this, the best MilBlog in the known Universe.


What happened to EX-PH2 ?

I’ve been wondering the same.

Dave Hardin

She is just fine, talked with her today.


Thank you Dave for keeping in touch with our gal.

Dave Hardin

No worries, good to see you.


Thanks Dave. I enjoy her writing.
I would bet that the Cannon Cocker has her tied up in his basement to make her cook some of her great food for him.
He’s Arty, so nothing perverted, that’s AFAF territory, and they don’t have cannons in the Chair Force.
Any bets on that ?
At least she can talk to Dave.


I admit nuttin’, ‘stixx. Call my lawer. Oh, btw…you want a slab of cornbread to go with that bowl of beans ‘n smoked sausage? Some chocolate lava cake for dessert? Sausage gravy with biscuits?


What a GREAT Feel Good Story!

After 55 Years, These US Army Military Police Soldiers FINALLY Received The Bronze Star Medal For Their Time In Vietnam!

“Out Of The Shadows’: Military Police From Vietnam War Receive Long-Awaited Awards”

“Members of the 720th Military Police Battalion’s B Company had been sent to Vietnam to provide security for fighting troops.”

“But for three years, they joined soldiers on the front lines, conducting patrols and ambushes, participating in search-and-destroy missions and defending local villages.”

“Their unique service from 1967 to 1970 marked the first time a U.S. military police battalion took part in infantry duties, according to unit accounts. Officially, however, it went unacknowledged by the Army.”

“That changed Monday in a long-awaited ceremony in the U.S. Capitol, where 35 former “Bushwhackers,” as the military police members called themselves, were awarded Bronze Stars for their service. The medals also honored the scout dog handlers of the 212th Military Police Company.”

Please read the rest of the article for more details. Articles also includes pictures.

Thank You!


I thought that since they were put in the role of infantry, trained as infantry, and received OJT as infantry, they’d also qualify for the CIB, but I was wrong:

Aurelio and other former Bravo Company members said they initially had hoped for the award of the Combat Infantryman Badge, or CIB, but were told by the Army that they lacked the 11B infantry military occupational specialty to be eligible. The service also ruled out the Combat Action Badge, which was created in September 2001.

Too bad!


I would have thought that they had at least been awarded 11B as a secondary MOS through the OJT/OJE/Duty MOS pipeline, but I’m guessing not. After all, awarding of a secondary MOS during that timeframe only needed a Company Commanders recommendation/endorsement.

But even with that, the question still remains: Would they have been eligible for award of the CIB via the secondary MOS? Maybe RGR 7-69 can provide some insight into that.


“3 Marines Found Dead Inside Car Parked at North Carolina Gas Station: ‘Tragic Loss'”

“Three men found dead Sunday at a gas station in North Carolina have been identified as Marine lance corporals stationed about 30 miles from Camp Lejeune.”

“The Pender County Sheriff’s Office said in a statement that the men were found dead around 9 a.m. inside “a vehicle located at the Speedway convenience store in Hampstead, North Carolina.” The discovery came after a report of a missing person was filed, the sheriff’s office said.”

“Their cause of death was not immediately known. Sgt. Chester Ward of the Pender County Sheriff’s Office told the Associated Press that the department is awaiting the results of an autopsy because the cause of death “might be something that we don’t see.”

“Ward said that no drugs were found in the vehicle and that they “do not suspect any foul play in that matter.” The department added that “there does not appear to have ever been any threat to members of the community.”

“The sergeant told The New York Times that they did not appear to have died by suicide and that it “seemed like it was more like an accidental death.”

“Autopsy results are expected to be released by Wednesday evening, per the newspaper.”

“The men were identified as Tanner J. Kaltenberg, 19, of Madison, Wisconsin; Merax C. Dockery, 23, of Pottawatomie, Oklahoma; and Ivan R. Garcia, 23, of Naples, Florida…”

“The men were motor vehicle operators with the Combat Logistics Battalion 2, Combat Logistics Regiment 2 and 2nd Marine Logistics Group at Camp Lejeune.”


I so miss my monthly chats with Jonn. He was my sounding board on some of the stolen valor stuff I was working on. You folks have done a great job keeping his legacy alive.


I found this site after Jonn had left you. I can only imagine how he would feel about how things are currently in the military and its Command structure, top to bottom.

In other good news, per gateway pundit and conservative tree house, hunters plea deal has been pulled by his own defense team. Waiting for more info on this, or maybe somebody here with legal background can chime in to explain.

So much for his sweetheart deal I suppose.


One thing that stood out about Jonn was his “love” for senior military ranks, especially those in the E9 paygrade. While we NCOs largely lack the influence and authority to screw things up the way GOs and FOs do, the Army CSM is a special breed that seems more hellbent on enforcing dumbass standards than actually leading and mentoring troops. I’ve had some good ones, but many have simply become like their officer counterparts, meaning that once they receive a BDE they’re already looking for that nominative position.

As for Hunter, he and his father should lead by example and show exactly how effective these gun laws are. Since Ol’ Joe likes to brag about the ’94 AWB so much and continue to push for more restrictive gun laws, his son should get the new max of 15 years for lying on the 4473.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Sad times indeed, but also positive because so many stepped in to help.

But you folks do the heavy lifting these days and it’s greatly appreciated….

Great community, even when we disagree it’s still great in my opinion. The wide variety of opinions and the wide variety of viewpoints and the respect between the posters is enjoyable for me every time I come here.

Not been around as much lately, but still glad to see the hard work you all do keeping this site running.

Green Thumb

Great man.


That day felt like there was an empty chair at the head of the table. I still feel that.


Good to the last drop!

RGR 4-78


Somebody needs remedial training on how to successfully hook up their static line.


I’m not airborne, but what the fuck…


Isn’t the hook supposed to stay with the plane? Not a paratrooper, nor did I stay at a holiday Inn, but I seem to recall the idiots who jumped from a perfectly good plane left those behind.

RGR 4-78

The static line is supposed to be hooked and pinned to the anchor line cable inside the aircraft.

There is a whole series of commands that are adhered to in order to maintain safety.

This would have to be a deliberate act or an extreme in-flight emergency.

Dave Hardin

That’s going to leave a mark.


That boy has a lot to think about for the next few seconds.


It’ll probably go something like “1… 2… 3… 4… FUUUUCK!”


Somethings wrong?

sar jump.jpg

Helocasting! Been there, done that – but without fins and mask; jumped with an RB15 and M16. Lotsa fun!! And I got paid to do it. Y’know …. people actualy pay to do this stuff!


Oh f*ck!


Long drink:
2 oz Engine gin* (or whatever…)
12 oz grapefruit seltzer
1/2 lime, juice of, fresh squeezed

*I thought Engine would be a gimmick(see image), but it’s damn delicious.

Me and gin have a past. Please stand-by for a request for bail between the hours of now until 0500 hours.

Hoisting a drink to Jonn, time now.

Last edited 1 year ago by Roh-Dog

I’ll see your carbonated gimlet and raise you this:

2 oz Stillhouse Original 100% Corn Whiskey



Repeat again

And again

And again



NH sells that at the booze stores on the toll roads, very convenient


I first ran across this site when we got notice about planned mass protests at recruiting centers in 2009. USAREC sent out a memorandum (which, being a smartass, I promptly altered to read something else and left on coworkers’ desks) and I did a little research, leading me here.

Hard to believe it’s been over 14 years since I found TAH and five years since Jonn passed. Way back when we had the likes of Adam Kokesh, Code Pink, and ANSWER taking up webspace, then we got the holy grail of Master Sergeant Soup Sandwich and the crop of phonies that truly (from what I recall) brought this from an anti-antiwar blog to a military phony exposure site. Of course, we can’t forget heroes like Dick Stoops busted : This ain’t Hell, but you can see it from here ( A younger, Active Duty version of me was pounding away commenting a bunch of nonsense even way back when.

Jonn seemed like a great guy, but one that would tell you straight up what he thought about you. He shared at least one story I provided: Phony female soldier in Baton Rouge : This ain’t Hell, but you can see it from here (, and given the chance, I have loved to have met him and maybe gotten some advice for the latter part of my career.

He left way too early, and despite not knowing him personally, his death hit me hard, as I was already struggling with a toxic environment in which I finally “took a knee” and got help. You might say that he was the “Platoon Daddy” for not only his former Soldiers and this site, but for some of us still serving who looked forward to his opinions and advice.

RIP Jonn, your memory lives on through this site and in the hearts of those who knew you.


Phony female soldier… we got plenty of those now, enlisted through upper echelons.

Reading all comments on Jonn, I wish I could have read his stuff.

A Proud Infidel®™

Jonn also put up with a lot of crap from the likes of the Dutch Rudder gang and I still hear his voice in my mind telling someone busted here on TAH to “Go unfuck yourself!”, Jonn didn’t take shit from anyone!


APF, those were the days of Bernath and his cronies. I remember them well.


Who had the line, “rustle, rustle, rustle”???

Jonn called me on the land line and pumped me up when I was named by Bernath — may his soul continue to rot in hell. Another court case Bernath failed to win.

God bless you, Jonn!


A Proud Infidel®️™️

IIRC Bernath NEVER won even a single case and had more than one Dismissed With Prejudice!

The Bush

Ahem…THAT is MY line!
*Rustle Rustle*


James F

Jonn was one hell of a writer, soldier and friend. Although I didn’t know him well, I had the opportunity interview him on the radio and send other journalists his was looking for advice, guidance or quotes.

He will be missed and remembered.


I have enjoyed all the articles, been following the site since I enlisted back in 2013.

Hope it continues for many decades more.

RIP John and thank you to all the staff involved.

Last edited 1 year ago by Inspector

I cried that day, and I will always respect what he has done then and now. In one of my darkest hours, he talked me off the proverbial ledge. For that I love him as a brother and a friend.



I still think of Jonn… miss him a lot.

Five years? Seems like just a few days ago…

Rest well, dear friend…