Stating the blindingly obvious

| July 24, 2023

Lawmakers from both sides of the aisle are upset that they are not seeing all the info on UFOs and UAPs (Unidentified Aerial Phenomena, one of the newer buzzwords.) An amendment has been proposed ordering the release of such records unless deemed classified by a special review board.

The amendment was sponsored by Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) and Sen. Mike Rounds (R-S.D.), a member of the Senate Armed Services and Intelligence committees, and is backed by Rubio and Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.), the chairwoman of the Armed Services subcommittee on emerging threats, as well as Sens. Todd Young (R-Ind.), a former Marine intelligence officer, and Martin Heinrich (D-N.M.).

“UAPs generate a lot of curiosity for many Americans, and with that curiosity sometimes comes misinformation,” Schumer said Tuesday on the Senate floor.

Rubio took a fairly thoughtful stance.

“Right now, what I know is reliable people tell us that and we’ve seen objects operating over restricted military and national security airspace. They claim it’s not ours. They claim they don’t know whose it is. That’s like the definition of a national security threat,” he said.

He also commented on folks like David Grusch, whom we wrote about earlier:

“One of two things are true. Either A, they’re telling the truth or some version of the truth or B, we have a bunch of people with high clearances and really important jobs in our government are nuts. Both are a problem. And I’m not accusing these people of being nuts. That said, that’s something we’ll look at and continue to look at seriously,” he said.

The Hill

Me, I’ll take ‘C:  All of the above’ for $400. If we don’t have any idea how to do something that has been done in restricted airspace, that isn’t good. And  the other – well, after a decade working with folks who had high clearances, I’d bet a sweep would turn up more than a few nuts whose views were just a little outre. Aliens? Perhaps there is intelligent life in the universe. I’m pretty sure it isn’t here.


But the big winner is a study from Tulane University, which says that structural racism plays a role in mass shootings – then says:

The study found that in areas with higher Black populations, mass shootings are likelier to occur compared to communities with higher White populations. There are also more Black people injured and killed when mass shootings take place, the findings say.


“Likelier to occur”, implying ‘they just happen, like rain’.  No, they are caused by PEOPLE, and disproportionately by people of color. And the great reveal – in communities of color because that is where they ARE.

And to think someone is getting tenure for this kind of thing…

Category: Breaking News, Crime

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I hear that the truth is out there.


There’s something to be learned, but i’m not sure it’s as sexy as folk think.

Recall that the infamous Chupacabra cryptid (the “goatsucker,” with glowing eyes, wings, big claws and a row of fins down its spine, etc.) is actually just a hairless coyote.


If there really are aliens… they probably come here for the equivalent of cow-tipping or watching the Real Housewives of NJ from us.

BlueCord Dad

I’d say this is more likely…


Well, yeah, NJ and all… 🙁

BlueCord Dad

Hey, watch that! I resemble that remark🤣(resident of PDRNJ)


Ask this guy

RGR 4-78

So, you are saying the “White House coke” is an alien conspiracy?

Damn, Hunter has gone all intergalactic with his money grubbing.


Is intergalactic cocaine better than earth based cocaine?

Asking for the big guy.

RGR 4-78

Betelgeuseian marching powder may hold the cure for dementia.


Worked for these guys


Plutonian Nyborg

“Nose Dive!”


“Oh, wow, good Nyborg!”

Last edited 10 months ago by Anonymous

Concur on choice “C” above.

Truth is not only stranger than fiction, it’s stupider too. (Fiction has to make sense, real life doesn’t.)


Ever see something you don’t dare tell anyone about?
Yeah, me neither.


Maybe it’s just me, but I think we have bigger issues to focus on than why someone can’t see info related to UFOs or UAPs.

They are looking for a resolution to be passed, so they can then classify any info deemed secret, to be kept secret.

With all the other crap going on in this country, this is the latest shiny object to be placed before we the people.

But since Schumer, Rubio and a former marine intelligence officer are talking about it, it must be a reasonable thing to discuss.

Smoke and mirrors.


Endless coverage of UFO/UAP crap, coverage of hearings about Hunter Biden’s bullsh*t non-existent.


If Schumer and Gillibrand are for it…

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Researchers said the study did not find a link between income and mass shooting events, but further research may be needed to define how income equality and poverty have an influence in mass shootings.

Oddly enough when you actually parse the data the bulk of these “mass shootings” are drug war related turf battles.

Which seems to indicate a very distinct economic relationship between poverty, income, and the subsequent influence on the use of violence to over come poverty by any means necessary.

Taking the drug war out of the mass shooting equation is like removing Pi from geometry equations as what you’re left with doesn’t make sense because you can’t explain how you arrived at your conclusion.

Prohibition hasn’t worked in the country at any time for any good or service. Especially as our government isn’t actually fighting a drug war so much as it is prolonging a drug war.

There’s a lesson there if anyone cares to learn it, but I doubt that’s likely to happen during the balance of my lifetime.

More’s the pity as the only consistent outcome of the drug war has been further restrictions on the rights of all Americans, more dead bodies, and more people incarcerated all while drugs continue to expand throughout the nation.

The only real conclusion one can draw is that the War On Drugs is a lot like the War on Terror…you know that one, where we fought for 20 years to replace the Taliban with a better armed version of the Taliban…and now we have Mexico on the verge of becoming a narco state (if it’s not already there) and a recognition that we are incapable of preventing 100,000 deaths every year due to drugs…at what point do we admit it’s an abject failure?

Until we can talk about all that honestly the “research” into mass shootings will continue to be about as useful as the Italian M13/40 tank of WW2.

Last edited 10 months ago by Veritas Omnia Vincit

A long list of authoritarian, self-enriching Dons were rumored to have said, “Any day now those fucking windmills will be getting theirs!” before heading into the lizard person circle jerk hosted by the ghost of CIA head GHWB and Bidenbot v.1.

Featured speakers: Dick “I love the UN and their drug policy” Nixon and LB “those [bad words…]”J.

Look, if we just stop warring with drugs a whole bunch of letter agencies will be made homeless, their kids will go without braces or summer camp, their wives’ breasts unaugmented, hunter biden ‘golf club memberships’ unpaid…

Dogs and cats living together, MASS HYSTERIA!


I don’t know if you noticed the weed smoke circling every major city, the huge murder and crime rate increase, the massive increase in homeless, zero bail, zero time for drug offenses, San Fransisco Emptying out of their entire retail sector (and other cities), psychotic people wandering everywhere, the completely open border, but the war on drugs stopped about three years ago.

Hell, the President’s son is crack head. They find coke in the White House and nobody GAF. They didn’t just lose the war on drugs, a lot of them went to the other side.


What sorrow is the combine harvesting now?

One typically builds a machine to use it. Wait for the trojan horse of ‘beyond zero tolerance’.

“Prepare” –KoB

jeff LPH 3 63-66

So the Govt. tells Clinton when he wanted the lowdown on UFO’s thats UFO’s not another name they are using. Mr. President, your here for a limited time and this UFO stuff is on a need to know basis and you don’t need to know.


“I hire for diversity,” says new CJCS nominee:


General, we pay you to hire to win wars, and protect the Constitution.

Nothing else.

-Nothing- else.

Just leave those stars on you desk on your way out. You were not using them anyway.


“ Either A, they’re telling the truth or some version of the truth or B,”,, or C,, let’s talk about UFOs rather than our open southern border, Cochin in the White House, a POTUS that has accepted and pressured for bribes, election fraud, illegal spying on American citizens, record high inflation, the economy in toilet, perverts and pedo’s are “coming for our kids”, everything and everyone is a racist or white supremacist or a homophobe or a transphobe, etc. etc.

But, let’s worry about UFOs!🤦🏼‍♂️


Cocaine not cochin!


On NewsNation, you can tell when something bad for Democrats has happened when coverage switches to UFO/UAP sh*t all day.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

I heard basically the same thing on My radio WFTL 850AM to draw the attention away from when their is a demoRat problem. In the magician’s circles, it’s called misdirection


Look a squirrel… uh, UFOs!

I’m sure even the aliens are tired of all the coverage want to get back what stupid sh*t the humans are up to now, too.

Last edited 10 months ago by Anonymous
President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

A poor actor who struts his hour upon the stage,
All sound and fury, signifying nothing.

(apologies to Will S)


Distractions from the real threat of the illegal aliens pouring thru the Southern Border.