Wallace; Obama Administration “childish and petty”

| September 19, 2009

You might have heard that President Obama is going on ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN and Univision morning shows tomorrow and he’s skipping Fox News Sunday. Chris Wallace explains why he thinks the Obama Administration is avoiding the biggest and fastest growing cable news network;

Just like Chavez wouldn’t go on Globovision.

With nearly half of the country voting against him, you’d think Obama would want to reach out to those who don’t agree with him, rather than preaching to the choir. I guess that reaching across the aisle shit only gets mentioned before the election.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Media

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I think the childishness of this administration is news in and of itsself.

Frankly Opinionated

Reaching across the aisle, as John McCain suggested he would do is for pussies that do not understand the democrat politician. That would work about as good as trying to negotiate with UBL. As the scene has been set by the liberals, this is war. Make the other side of the aisle come crawling, begging, sobbing, etc. Any Republican who thinks that a moderate stance will gain democrat support is on drugs. Any democrat that takes a moderate stance is already dead. Americans that want the america that they grew up in will have to accept that, until such time as “we” regain a congressional majority, this is no different than war. The liberals have no intention of preserving the values that made this the best damned country on the planet, (in all ways, including healthcare).
That Obummer won’t allow himself to sit in the hotseat, is typical of him and his.
“Learned all I need to know about Islam on 9/11!”


“I guess that reaching across the aisle shit only gets mentioned before the election.”

Yep. Obama blew major smoke up a whole lot of people’s butts. The man appears to be a habitual liar. My take is that he’s beginning to wear thin for a significant number of Americans. Including Americans who happen to be black.


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