Orly Taitz news

| September 19, 2009

NHSparky dropped off a link to this about the Orly Taitz saga;

Apparently Taitz’ client Captain Connie Rhodes didn’t authorize Taitz to appeal the decision the other day according to the Columbas Ledger-Examiner;

Army Capt. Connie Rhodes, who filed a complaint Sept. 4 in U.S. District Court that sought to stop her deployment to Iraq by arguing that President Barack Obama can’t legitimately hold office, says in a Friday letter that she never authorized her attorney to appeal a Wednesday ruling against her.

Additionally, Judge Clay Land – who denied Rhodes’ request and threatened sanctions against her lawyer, Orly Taitz, a national figure in the “birther” movement – states that Taitz has two weeks from Friday to explain why he shouldn’t impose a $10,000 penalty against the California lawyer.

Rhodes has come to the realization that she’s been a tool all along;

“I became aware on last night’s local news cast that a motion to stay my deployment had been entered on my behalf,” Rhodes’ Friday to Land states. “I did not authorize this motion to be filed.

“Furthermore, I do not wish for Ms. Taitz to file any future motions or represent me in any way in this court. It is my plan to file a complaint with the California State Bar due to her reprehensible and unprofessional actions,” Rhodes states.

Rhodes says she is currently deploying to Iraq, and that it’s evident her initial complaint was “full of political conjecture, which was not my interest. I had no intention of refusing orders nor will I. I simply wanted to verify the lawfulness of my orders.”

So now Oily Titz is filing lawsuits in other people’s names without their permission. Where are all of her defenders these days? I hope any other Army officer will take notice before they start challenging their orders on political grounds.

CPT Rhodes, just go and save lives like you’re trained and leave the conspiracies to the civilian cranks.

Since this pipeline is drying up for Oily, she’s decided to branch out according to her blog;

there is a case being heard by a 3 judge panel in DC. An employee of the State Dep is suing Hillary Clinton, saying he cannot serve under her, since it would violate his oath of office. It has to do with an obscure requirement, where one cannot get an office, where she voted to increase salary for that office. As a senator Hillary voted to increase the salary of sec. of state, therefore she cannot occupy this office. I forgot the last name of the plaintiff. It is a long name, something like Rodomar. Can someone find it. I need to get actual caption and holding on standing.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, General Whackos, Military issues

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[…] Orly? Doesn’t that mean nutty in French? Explore posts in the same categories: Judges […]

Joe Wilson

You lie!!!

Anonymous For Cause

Is she single? Isn’t there another lawyer around who could use a good hookup? AXIS OF CRAZY LAWYERS, BOOYAH.