Obama urges Paterson to stop run

| September 20, 2009

The New York Times wrote yesterday that President Obama is urging David Paterson, the accidental governor of New York, to end his run at the governor’s office next year;

President Obama has sent a request to Gov. David A. Paterson that he withdraw from the New York governor’s race, fearing that Mr. Paterson cannot recover from his dismal political standing, according to two senior administration officials and a New York Democratic operative with direct knowledge of the situation.

The decision to ask Mr. Paterson to step aside was proposed by political advisers to Mr. Obama, but approved by the president himself, one of the administration officials said.

So the Chicago Machine is dipping it’s fingers into New York politics. I mean New York politics isn’t squeaky clean either, but this can’t be good for my home state.

Coincidentally, a story that that was near this one in my news reader was one about a New York woman who had been kidnapped and faced with certain violent rape, she threw herself from a moving car.

That reminded me of my situation ten years ago, when after New York elected Chuckie Schumer as their Senator, they began to talk about electing Hillary Clinton as their other Senator in 2000. Faced with imminent violent rape, I threw myself from the moving car.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Usual Suspects

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