Busy day for a Friday

| September 18, 2009

I’m sorry I’m so delinquent posting today. I spent an hour and a half on the phone with a reporter from Stars and Stripes doing an information dump on the subject of the IVAW. I don’t have high expectations for the resulting article, but I take a measure of comfort in the fact that at least he asked me about them.

While I get back to the business of blogging, here’s some interesting links I ran across while catching up;

My mentor, drinking buddy and pal Matt Burden (otherwise known as Blackfive) has announced what some of us have known for a week or so; he’s running for Illinois State Representative.

I felt bad that I didn’t cover the story about SFC Jared Monti’s Medal of Honor Award ceremony yesterday, but Tankerbabe does a better job than I could anyway.

Our buddy, DanNy from Gathering of Eagles NY has a great post about a Civil War soldier returned to New York from the Antietam battlefield where he died in AMerica’s bloodiest day.

The Washington Post finally notices the ACORN sting more than a week after it began.

Fox News reports that centrist Democrats are applauding Republican efforts to shut down ACORN.

The Washington Times charges that the Obama Administration canceled the placement of missiles in Eastern Europe as a precursor to nuclear talks with Russia.

Stars and Stripes/AP report on the first woman to lead the Army’s drill sergeant school.

Gabriel Malor at Ace of Spades reports that the Baucus bill got booed by Democrats. Gateway Pundit says 56% oppose the health care bill.

The irrepressible Michelle Malkin writes about “ACORN’s illegal alien home loan racket

If you have more links, leave them in the comments.

Category: Bloggers, Link fest

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An Army reservist was recently beaten in front of their child.



I’m so excited about Matt running for office in that Godforsaken place, I can hardly contain myself.