Cycling leads the way!

| July 15, 2023

Okay, I know some of you are typical ‘get the hell off the road’ mammoth-vehicle driving Neanderthals who can’t STAND to slow down for 10 seconds to pass a bike rider. That’s OK, some of my best friends – okay, acquaintances – well, people I have met and dislike – are like that. But occasionally, even the most irrational have to admit that them crazy Lycra-wearing skinny boys get it right.

Female transgender athletes who transitioned after male puberty will no longer be able to compete in women’s races, world cycling governing body the UCI said Friday.

“From now on, female transgender athletes who have transitioned after (male) puberty will be prohibited from participating in women’s events on the UCI International Calendar — in all categories — in the various disciplines,” the international federation said in a statement.

The UCI said Friday it “has taken note of the state of scientific knowledge, which does not confirm that at least two years of gender-affirming hormone therapy with a target plasma testosterone concentration of 2.5 nmol/L is sufficient to completely eliminate the benefits of testosterone during puberty in men.”

“Given the current state of scientific knowledge, it is also impossible to rule out the possibility that biomechanical factors such as the shape and arrangement of the bones in their limbs may constitute a lasting advantage for female transgender athletes,” the UCI added.

NBC News

They’re not saying they can’t compete, just that they can’t compete against bis/biological/birth/whatever women.  Actually, this is probably the most reasonable stance a professional sports group has taken – far smarter than swimming’s allowing Lia Thomas to obliterate his her competition, or the Para games*.

Hey, y’all have a lot to thank cyclists for – you know those nice paved roads we like to much? Were it not for an 1892 petition brought by the League of American Wheelmen led by Albert Pope (a Civil War Union Army vet),  roads would not be paved. So next time you want to run those bastards taking up a couple of feet of lane off the paving – remember, were it not for them you wouldn’t HAVE paving.  LOAW blog

*in Friday’s news:

Valentina Petrillo, a 49-year-old biological male, has won a women’s 400 metres bronze at the World Para Athletics Championships in Paris. The Italian, who was 18 years older than any other competitor in the race, denied Morocco’s Fatima Ezzahra El-Idrissi a place on the podium in the T12 final for visually impaired athletes.  Telegraph

Really, a 49 year old beating almost everyone?


May not be much of a landmark, but according to the stats, this is my 400th column since I started. Thanks for your patience!


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Thank you for the article and HAPPY 400!!!


I love the feeling of spandex around my “empirical evidence”…


🤣🤣🤣Me too!!!!!!!


Bicycle riders are a mixed bag with me. The area I live in has miles (literally) of rails to trails bike/walking paths. A couple of them run alongside the Mississippi River on top of the levees. They don’t ride along the levees bike paths, where they are A) out of traffic and B)where the views are better. Nope, right along the shoulder of a 4 lane divided highway, 3 abreast because they apparently like to talk to each other. One of those riders are invariably in a lane of traffic because who knew 3 side by side riders can’t fit on an 8 foot shoulder.

The group riders who like to ride on country roads are worse still. Hills and curves, many of them blind, the hills and curves, 2 abreast oblivious to their surroundings. Throw a farm tractor or combine in the mix, and you have quite the maddening experience. Down hill, the riders can get speeds faster than the Farm implement. Uphill, they can’t maintain the same speed farm implement was going downhill, so farm vehicle has to slow down to match speed of bicycles. The cycle continues for the group ride and anybody unfortunate to get stuck behind or in the middle of said ride.

So no, it doesn’t take 10 seconds to pass them. Depending on terrain and opposing traffic, you could be looking at some spandex filled with an asshole for quite awhile.

On a brighter note, congrats on your 400th


Plus, stop signs don’t seem to apply to them.


If there was a gal, in spandex like in the photo, I wouldn’t complain as much.


Who says that is a gal?


Nowadays, who knows. But with my cheaters on it still looks like a female.


I gots something she can sit on.


I regret that I have but 1 thumbs up to give.


If only they all looked like:


You’ve just hit your stride.


In my area, that “10 second slowdown” compounds until you have a temporarily slow-moving gridlock of drivers having to slow down for someone that didn’t factor in the law of gross tonnage into the cost and benefit analysis of peddling on a lane during busy traffic times. Instead of “10 seconds,” we’re looking at minutes to accommodate a knucklehead that can’t figure out that it would be safer for him/her, and more efficient for vehicular traffic, if he/she used the sidewalk during busy times.

It’s not so bad when traffic is light, then one could shift lanes and maintain speed. However, it becomes nerve wrecking when you can’t safely do that because there are a lot of vehicles behind you in both or all lanes… And you’re waiting for those in front of you to overtake the person on the bicycle.

I have seen a group of cyclists peddling together, but in the mornings during the weekend, when they would not be interfering with the traffic that is already on the road. I never saw this group during rush hour.

My area is bad for gridlocks and inconsiderate drivers… The increase of “cell phone + driving” does not help make things better for either car or bicycle.

The bicycle race, 1910, Alrbert Joseph Penot.jpg
Last edited 1 year ago by thebesig
Skivvy Stacker

“I like big BUTTS and I cannot lie….”


On the list of entitled assholes:

BicyclistsDC politiciansLexus driversBicyclists in DC are extra special…So are the Lexus drivers.

Last edited 1 year ago by MCPO USN

Hey Master Chief,
What’s the difference between a Porche and a porcupine?
Porky has the pricks on the outside.


Saw this yesterday and it fits perfectly with your post:
South Korea
Transgender cyclist wins female race to prove males are physically superior to women, has message for trans athletes: ‘They’re being selfish’”

“…Na is not “honored” by winning the race but used her moment on the podium to send a message that athletic committees should include a “third gender” category for transgender athletes.
“It could be like how we have many weight divisions in some sports … Under the current binary system, women athletes will be discouraged, and their hard work might not be recognized due to the participation of transgender athletes,” she relayed to the outlet….”

Na-Hwa-rin-3.jpg .tiff
Skivvy Stacker

“May not be much of a landmark, but according to the stats, this is my 400th column since I started. Thanks for your patience!”

Report for performance enhancing drug screening immediately.


Used to be 3 older gentlemen who rode in my neighborhood daily, always 3 abreast, ignored the traffic behind them, and generally ignored any and all traffic laws. I pulled up beside them on a nice Saturday morning and yelled “If your grandkids rode the way you three do, you’d take their bikes away and whoop their asses!” Next time I saw them, they were single file, stopping at stop signs …


Lesson learned.


Now that’s a woman.
