Tuesday Looney Tunes – pot, draft, vocab, racism

| July 11, 2023

There is just too much to process – Heinlein’s “Crazy Years” are in full force.

In the “If You Can’t Beat ‘Em, Join ‘Em” category a supposed conservative, Matt Gaetz (R-FL) is proposing ending testing recruits for pot.

While 23 states allow marijuana for recreational use and 38 allow it for medical use, the drug remains illegal at the federal level, and past use is still technically disqualifying for military service.

Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Fla., has filed an amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act, or NDAA, that would bar the military services from making someone take a test for cannabis as a condition of enlisting or commissioning.

Between 2018 and 2022, the Army granted waivers to more than 3,300 recruits who failed a drug test or admitted past drug use, while the Navy has given out 1,375 waivers over the last three years, according to data obtained by The New York Times.

Military.com I

Says it’s to help recruiting. Hell, why not just propose making pot legal nationwide? Honestly, its ill effects are on a par with booze, right?  Note this is just a proposed amendment to the NDAA, so may not and probably will never escape committee.


And moving to the “Equal Pay for Equal Work” category,  Tim Burchett (R, TN) is proposing that trans men, meaning those folks born with uteri and “labia, inner and outer” (another movie quote) be required to register for the draft.

“If they want to be treated like men, then they need to do what other men do and register for the Selective Service and get called up like everybody else,” Burchett said in a statement to Military.com.

Military.com II

Oh, what the heck – just register them ALL. Men, women, confused – registration is a paper shuffle. Yeah, I know a lot of you guys are thinking “Starship Troopers” shower scene – as we learned in Germany when summer hit and the nudists and sun-worshipers were out in the woods – you expect and hope for the local biergarten waitress, but what you’re gonna get is the fat burgomeister and his ugly wife.


And into the “Too Woke For Words” group – the city of Portland (the Left Coast one) is telling city staff to avoid polarizing terms like “women” “Caucasian” or “citizen”.

The guide suggested removing femininity from terms commonly used for women, including replacing “pregnant women” with “pregnant people” to be inclusive of those “who have this experience [pregnancy] but do not identify as women.”

Pregnant but identify as a man? Think they already handled eliminating the femininity there. “Chest feeding” instead of  breast feeding? Lemme know how latching on elsewhere from a breast works.

And “Caucasian”? I for one agree with that one – let’s just go back to “white”. For example, I’m a British Isles/German mix – no family anywhere NEAR the Caucasus.  Lotta heavy drinkers in my countries, but Caucasians? Hell, no. All the time spent learning to call me a Caucasian reminds me of the Harry Truman story in which a society dame, horrified by Harry’s use of the word “manure”, asked Bess Truman if he couldn’t use something else? to which Bess replied “It took me thirty years to GET him to use that word.”

But the general principle of dehumanizing the language – just to throw in another movie, all this reminds me of the pablum spoken by the citizens of Greater San Angeles.


Closing with the “it’s Only Racist If You Do It” group –  Reggie Jones-Sawyer, the Democratic chair of the California Assembly’s Public Safety Committee, has proposed a bill to mandate racism in sentencing.

“It is the intent of the Legislature to rectify the racial bias that has historically permeated our criminal justice system as documented by the California Task Force to Study and Develop Reparation Proposals for African Americans,” the proposed new section to the Penal Code reads. “Whenever the court has discretion to determine the appropriate sentence according to relevant statutes and the sentencing rules of the Judicial Council, the court presiding over a criminal matter shall consider the disparate impact on historically disenfranchised and system-impacted populations.”

Fox via Yahoo

So if you are from a ‘challenged’ group you can get a lighter sentence. Unconstitutional? Who cares – we’re making things RIGHT, right? I’m sure when someone’s kid is mowed down by yet another Cali gangbanger who gets a suspended sentence “since he is black/Mexican/gay/etc.” the victim’s parents will be proud to be part of the reparations process.

Category: "Teh Stoopid", "Your Tax Dollars At Work", Dumbass Bullshit, Government Incompetence

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The Commissariat approves of all of these measures! We support our Chinese overlords!!!


They’re just waiting the right moment.
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It’s time to make marijuana legal. Who are we fooling at this point? And quit testing for it. That stuff is better than the prescriptions for PTSD anyway. At least in my experience.


MDMA’s been better for that but who’s counting?

Last edited 1 year ago by Anonymous
George V

Newspeak is in near complete implementation these days. Who knew that both “1984” and “Brave New World” would be used as playbooks to get to a totalitarian world.


Never forget that George Orwell was an avowed socialist.


Wasn’t “real Socialism” when Stalin did it, you know.


Alcohol remains much more deadly than marijuana. Problem with THC is that they are finding out that it makes you schizophrenic if you use it regularly. On the physical side it also increases your likelihood of having a heart attack or stroke as well as, not to the degree of alcohol but still significant.

I say the schizophrenia is bad enough to not want it associated with military members. Don’t know of any other OTC medications that cause schizophrenia.

On the upside, I find the people that smoke marijuana a lot are very easy to control until they enter the paranoid schizophrenic state. They also tend to be less violent. Once they go into the paranoid schizophrenic state they typically are no longer productive members of society and are kind of useless. They find it a challenge to hold down a job, Even at McDonald’s or do anything productive, unless it involves getting more marijuana. They’re pretty much helpless for the rest of their lives and often become homeless or involved in the drug trade.

Past marijuana use hasn’t been a disqualifier for military service in a very long time. It can prevent getting a high clearance. Current marijuana use on the other hand is a disqualifier. As I pointed out previously, the record number of youth are smoking marijuana now.


Baby Boomers:


The more things get Looney, the more things I Tune out. I can really relate to my Hero, Yosemite Sam…”I’ve had alls I can stands and I can’t stands no more!”

Pot heads, confused people, and entitled ones are running this sh^t show. No one is coming to save us. “Gentlemen, prepare to defend yourselves.”

If you won’t listen to my advice, at least pay heed to SgtMaj Plumley.

Prepare. Oh…and btw…Good Morning FedBoi monitors. Did you sleep well? As y’all know from my emails, I have an appointment with Chancre Mechanic Doctor J, Ms Thang this morning. Hope she does the “turn your head and cough” test today.


Get rid of the Draft or have everyone register for it.

Do we still need it?

Just because something is “legal” does not necessarily mean everyone will partake (putting something in the body).

When one reaches a certain again, purchasing and drinking alcohol is legal.

When one reaches a certain age, purchasing and smoking or dipping or chewing tobacco is legal.

Overeating is legal.

Not everyone cares to drink alcohol, use tobacco products or overindulge in consumption of food.

Most likely, alot of folks may not care to use MJ. Why not make it legal and tax it at State and Federal levels just as taxes are implemented on alcohol, tobacco and food?

Which goes back to another thought reference the Draft, serving in the military…

Always thought it was ironic that those who join the military at the age of 17/18/19/20 are too young to purchase/drink alcohol or purchase/use tobacco, but are “old enough” to die for our Country.

Am curious how other TAHers feel about all of this.

BTW: I have never tried MJ. Have never been interested, just as I never liked the taste of alcohol or tobacco.I have been at concerts where I smelled MJ. Because I involuntarily “smelled” MJ at these concerts, does this mean indirectly I “tried it”?

Inquiring Minds Want To Know.



If you smelled it, there’s a very low chance that you may have been slightly affected by it. Most of the active ingredient THC is absorbed into the bloodstream through the lungs. Most of what you were smelling is going to be the exhale. Most studies show that being in the same room with somebody smoking marijuana will not raise you to the level of becoming intoxicated by it.

When you inhale, the pipe, the bowl or the cigarette, the char on the drug gets much more oxygen, causing it to burn more of the drug. All of this is directed towards the inhale. The exhale smoke has very little THC in it, It isn’t zero, but it isn’t really enough to get you high either. Marijuana users love the smell but I think it stinks.


Always remembered MJ smelled like burnt hair. Not pleasant.

Heard MJ is worse on the lungs than cigarettes.

Also heard MJ causes “Manboobs.”


In the meantime, have not heard one peep from the current Commander In Chief about the discovery of cocaine in The White House.

We are getting the impression the liberal news media is “blowing” the discovery off.

The Elephant In The Room.




“Joe Biden Sings Johnny Cash-Hurt”

(Official Video).

So Sad. For Our Country. Not For Ole Brandon Boy and His Corrupt, Lying Family and Staff.



Funny, yet heartbreaking.

“Everyone I know goes away in the end…”

No one wants or fucking needs your ‘Empire of Dirt’, Bastard Joebot.



The video IS heartbreaking..

When I saw it, I kinda felt sorry for Joebot, especially the scene where Obama has the audience’s attention.

The other ninja family member said “I don’t have ANY sorrow for him. Once a Dirtbag, Always A Dirtbag…(“Empire Of Dirt”).



Ninja, the antidote for your sympathy for Joe is to remember that the sorry piece of shit has been selling out our country for his treasonous 10% cut for decades.

Works for ol’ Poe… 😡 


I’ve been talking about how sad it has been for years.

At least Cash had accomplishments he could look back on with pride. Cash also had a close relationship with God where he understood that we are fallible, we all make mistakes, we all deserve forgiveness and none of us are getting out of here alive.

His rendition of Hurt is one of the most powerful songs of this century. Out of context of Cash it is a nihilistic pity party, coming from the mind of a lost 20 something drug addict.

In context of Cash though it takes on more power. A man who had everything that mattered in life; love, friendship, wealth, respect, talent, humility, he had everything. In the end death claims us all. We take with us exactly what we came in here with, which is nothing. But what we leave behind; that matters, especially the ones we leave behind.

In the context of Biden, it is just sad.


Why, yes– due to how pot’s been cultivated, not regulated/QC-ed except for THC content, etc. over the years, it’s loaded with tar, carcinogens and other unealthy smoking-type junk than any tobacco is today. Worse than cigarettes.


Bill Clinton, of course, was lying that he “didn’t inhale” thereabouts.




Way back when I was a Unit Prevention Leader, the question was asked of the post drug and alcohol boss if a “contact high” was actually a thing. Mr. Bowles said “Absolutely, but… you’d have to get into a phone booth with 3 of your friends who were smoking heavily, and do that for an hour in order to inhale enough second hand smoke to cause a positive urinalysis”.

SFC (R) Blizz

I’ve always believed that if your old enough to fight for your country, you should be old enough to purchase and consume alcohol.


I’d rather get rid of the draft than have everybody register. I always thought the draft was a terrible idea. Nowadays most parents register their people with the government before they are even old enough to know about it. But they have to if they want to get the tax benefits.

I say hold the government accountable to their stupid foreign policy by making it a volunteer event. You don’t want any part of it? don’t sign up. Something new comes up so you don’t like? Get out when your contract is up. Stop loss? That was also part of the deal if you don’t like it don’t sign up.

75% of Democrats have already stated that they will run away if the US is ever invaded. No draft is going to change that. Do you really want to be on a fire team with somebody who’s first instinct is to run away? I say let them run and never let them come back. It will be a vast improvement to the gene pool here.


Draft registration needs to be everybody or nobody.


Welcome to the club, trannies… you wanted it:
comment image


Could not find a meme that states”

Still Waiting For The White House To Explain The Discovery Of Cocaine”

Need help from thebesig….



That is nothing, you should see the guy waiting on the Hunter Biden laptop investigation or the Joe Biden classified documents investigation.




Bingo on the German nudists.
I never met a German nudist, that after 2 seconds didn’t make me want to
gouge my eyes out on the spot.

Italian nudists are a completely different story.
A pleasant afternoon at the beach in Torvaianica in 1985.
Anyone can get photos, if you’re nice enough to ask.
Even with the language barrier,
a polite approach, some hand language,
and approved to snap away. Some will even pose.

On this beach, everyone can spot the Americans,
always wearing shorts or trunks,
and often needing to sit or lay down to hide the boners.

1 month after our group of 306×0 Air Force crypto guys
returned from our NATO/BID training course at Latina, Italy,
our 1964th CG Chief of Maintenance (LTC) returned
from visiting this SAME BEACH.
He had photos, too.
However, the LTC’s photos all had green and blurry on the sides,
clearly showing that he took his pictures while hiding in the dunes.
We laughed our asses off,
when he brought his own nudie photos to our workcenter to show off.

Torv Nude Beach Italy 92842-7.jpg
Last edited 1 year ago by MarineDad61

Did you say beach?



Did you say beach?



He said beach not bitch!




RGR 4-78

So, you like whale watching?


That could be the retired LTC today.
The other photo could be his (then) future ex wife.


Speaking of beach….
Wait until the Chris Christie campaign builds some steam,
and the old beach(ed whale) photos make a major comeback.

No one wants to see that on the Torv beach.

Christie beach abc.jpg

Did you say beach?


21017 (1).jpeg

Now that’s what I’m talking about! gabn/gabaf/rtr/hbtd


I’ve never seen an Italian nude beach, but I rode the tailgate on a Chinook from Albania to Italy in 1995, and our pilots flew semi-low and slow along the Italian coast. A veritable plethora of topless Italian bathing beauties

Prior Service

So, if you belong to a certain group you warrant lenient sentencing? How about if you belong to any demographic that statistics say commits the most crimes then you get more heavily sentenced under the assumption you’ve done more crimes but weren’t caught?


All are equal; but some groups are more equal than others, comrade!



