Friday short takes – Solar irony, Bama v. AF, Disinformazia

| June 16, 2023


First up, in uber-green Great Britain, they are shutting down those nasty coal plants and moving to wind and solar power as quickly as they can. However, this week they followed Germany’s lead. You may remember that Germany, unable to generate enough green power, is reactivating nuclear reactor generating plants. The UK started turning on coal powered-plants Monday – their solar arrays are getting too much sun.

Temperatures broke 30C for the first time this year over the weekend and meteorologists forecast the chance of Britain experiencing a hot summer was 45% – 2.3 times the typical figure.

The hot weather is expected to push up demand for power, as households and businesses switch on air conditioning units. Air conditioning accounts for about a fifth of the total electricity used in buildings around the world.

The Guardian

Seems solar panels lose efficiency as they get hotter, so in the kind of weather they are getting now (over 30C, 86F) their solar arrays are… well, less than stellar. Go solar and wind, they say, it’ll work they say…


Then we get to Alabama, which in its attempts to punish the Air Force for trying to deselect Huntsville as Space Command HQ, is now looking a bit petulant. You remember SEN. Tuberville, the guy holding up ALL Congressional approvals for senior officers?  Seems the House members are getting into it too.

Alabama lawmakers are tightening the screws in the ongoing battle over the relocation of the Space Command headquarters, a move that the current U.S. administration is looking to reverse due to the state’s severe anti-abortion law.

This week, Chairman of the House Armed Services Committee Mike Rogers, an Alabama rep, released his proposed bill that would not only restrict spending on the construction of the Space Command’s current facilities in Colorado but also limit funds in other areas related to the military branch.

The proposed bill would also limit the travel funds of the secretary of the Air Force until the delivery of the report.


I find it hard to pick a winner in this one – seems to me the easiest solution would just be to leave the original Huntsville decision intact, but Brandon’s administration just HAS to dig their heels in.


An article alleges that Russia still has quite the disinformation network on-line pushing Russian propaganda.

  Fake internet pages impersonating media and government sites, as well as hundreds of fake URLs on social networks are spreading Russian war propaganda, says a report by France’s Service for Surveillance and Protection Against Foreign Digital Interference (VIGINUM).

There were 355 active web domains publishing pro-Russian content or masquerading as publications from Europe, the USA, and the Middle East, from June 2022 to May 2023.

French authorities discovered more than 160 Facebook pages that had published over 600 links to fake websites and articles.

VIGINUM named Several Russian nationals responsible for developing the fake URLs in the campaign, noting that the campaign is still active, despite the exposure and measures taken by Meta (Facebook) and Twitter.

Yahoo News

What a shock, a wartime power releasing propaganda. It’s more interesting that WE are providing the means via (ahem) good American companies like Meta and Twitter. Of course, this news comes from an unbiased source – The New Voice of Ukraine.


Category: "Your Tax Dollars At Work", Media, None, Politics, Ukraine

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“Sailor Sentenced To 20 years In Prison For Selling Illegal Machine Guns In Virginia”

“A 28-year-old Navy master-at-arms was sentenced Tuesday to 20 years in prison for owning and selling unregistered machine guns from his Virginia home…”

“Petty Officer 1st Class Patrick Tate Adamiak was convicted in October on five counts related to owning and selling illegal firearms after authorities found dozens of weapons, including antitank missile launchers and grenade launchers in his Virginia Beach home.”

“At the time of his crimes, Adamiak was working as part of the Navy’s law enforcement community and assigned to the USS John F. Kennedy, a yet-to-be-commissioned aircraft carrier located in Newport News, Va.”

“As a master at arms, he provided physical security of ships and bases.”

“The Navy said Thursday that Adamiak is still employed by the Navy but declined to say whether it has begun the process to discharge him.”

“Adamiak obtained illegal machine guns that were not registered, and he sold them online between October 2021 and April 2022. The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives purchased eight machine guns from him through a confidential source.”

“The weapons sold to ATF investigators and the source were considered illegal because Adamiak had not registered them in compliance with the National Firearms Act.”

“During a search of the sailor’s home, agents recovered 25 additional unregistered firearms, two grenade launchers and two antitank missile launchers.”

“Adamiak, who enlisted in the Navy in August 2012, was listed online Thursday as an inmate at Western Tidewater Regional Jail in Suffolk, Va.”


“What is ya stoopid or something?”

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

I don’t know which is thicker….the irony (“worked as part of the Navy’s law enforcement community”) or the stoopidity.


There is stupid, and then there’s machine gun stupid.


But, but according to our Progs, one can buy those fully automatic weapons of war at any gunshow or gun shop. And there are no penalties for doing so. If only we had the right laws.


I type this as a former Arms Room NCO and current Gun Vault Specialist in a retail chain…it takes a special type of stupid to violate the 1934 NFA, 1968 GCA, 1986 FOPA, and other federal laws. Machine guns are fun, and cool, but not federal prison cool. This young man obviously didn’t learn about Randy Weaver’s experience back in ’92. If you’re selling illegal firearms, odds are the buyer is either a Fed or a snitch.

We all have our opinions about the Second Amendment and what we should be allowed to own, but I’ll stick to my currently legal AR-15s and such. If I want the joy of shooting something with a fun switch I’ll go rent one at Knob Creek or somewhere closer, or I’ll cough up the $10k+ for a fully transferable MG.


“Accused Pentagon Leaker Jack Teixeira Indicted By Federal Grand Jury For Mishandling Classified Documents”

“Jack Teixeira, the ex-Air National Guardsman accused of leaking classified military intel, was indicted by a federal grand jury Thursday.”

“The 21-year-old was indicted on six counts of willful retention and transmission of national defense secrets in Massachusetts.”

“If found guilty on all charges, Teixeira could spend decades in prison.”


With a face like that I’m sure he’ll have lots of friends.


He better tranny up and demand to be sent to a women’s prison.


If he had just kept those classified documents in the garage, or in a closet in a building he never goes to he would have been just fine.

Army-Air Force Guy

Too bad he wasn’t a grad student at the Penn Biden Center. He’d be in the clear.


Especially if the building is in a 🇨🇳 Chinatown.


I’m in a particularly spiteful mood, but why not? Toss this kid in prison for a few decades and let the other inmates see what made him such a First-Class Airman…

We have ignorance, we have disagreements with how our government runs things and mismanages a lot, and we have our little power trips. This kid combined all of those and more, thinking that somehow, he was above the law and immune to discovery and prosecution. Being an outright traitor is bad, but if you have loyalty with another country that’s something. Being dumb is almost as bad, but if you just don’t know better, that’s something too. From my understanding Texeira was chasing internet clout with a bunch of other dumb kids, treating our nation’s secrets like they were dirty toilet paper to be tossed in the waste can.

I don’t like a lot of what our country and military does nowadays. I won’t divulge any information on what little I had access to with a Secret clearance, and even the stories I share here are limited to generalizations and not what projects I was privy to in the Joint Task Force or Acquisitions. Simply put, ain’t worth it, and ain’t worth ‘splain’ if someone happens to stumble on my words.

Last edited 1 year ago by fm2176
tom reynolds

When your CIC is corrupt you can’t expect a lot of loyalty. Look at the clowns (queers and trannys) running the pentagon. Full time schiff show…


I personally think that all of the hot air spewed out by politicians and Climate Change hoaxers is causing more problems than a power plant. I guess all of the power plants being built in Chyna will keep their emissions on their side of the globe.

Man, ya teasing us. When I FIRST (grin) saw the headline of ‘Bama V AF I thought maybe we were gonna get a sneak peak of The Tide rolling over some Airedales. Alas, it was just more “politics as usual”. Drat!

“…I’ll have more flexibility in my second term…” JEF in a recorded message to another Ruskie. Nobody knew that JEF would have even more flexibility in his third term.

Anybody that thinks the media, including social media, is not aiding and abetting for more control over We, The People, is just flat not paying attention.


Bama would never play AF in football. The program is too good compared to their normal non-conference games. Navy, on the other hand may be right at the level of their normal non-conference schedule. They might have to give up that game against the South Alabama school of small engine repair and hair dressing.


Bama v AF there are high schools in Bama that would kick AFs ass.


“Grand Jury Indicts Daniel Penny in Chokehold Death of New York City Subway Rider Jordan Neely”

“A man charged with manslaughter for putting an agitated New York City subway rider in a fatal chokehold has been indicted by a grand jury, an expected procedural step that will allow the criminal case to continue.”

“Daniel Penny was charged by Manhattan prosecutors last month in the May 1 death of Jordan Neely, a former Michael Jackson impersonator who struggled in recent years with homelessness and mental illness.”

“Grand jury proceedings are secret and spokespeople for Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg declined to comment Wednesday, but the indictment was confirmed by New York City Mayor Eric Adams.”

“I appreciate DA Bragg conducting a thorough investigation into the death of Jordan Neely. Like I said when the DA first brought charges, I have the utmost faith in the judicial process, and now that the Grand Jury has indicted Daniel Penny, a trial and justice can move forward,” Adams said in a statement.”

“Penny, 24, was released on $100,000 bond following his May 12 arraignment. He will need to return to court to be arraigned on the new indictment.”

“Under New York law, prosecutors needed a grand jury indictment to move forward with the case.”

“If convicted, Penny could face years in prison.”


And in the meantime, OJ is still a free man, Jussie Smollett is still not in jail, the Nashville shooter manifesto has yet to be released and the Bidens are getting away with corruption.

You Be The Judge.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

IIRC, OJ is in prison, not for the murder of his wife, but for assaulting and robbing someone who posessed/was selling OJ memorabilia (that OJ thought was his and he wanted it back)

OJ got out of prison in 2017 was on parole until 2021. Now he’s a free man.

Set the Juice loose!

Green Thumb

My favorite was Althea Bernstein. By the way, she was never charged with filing a false report.

tom reynolds

Neely imitated a dancing pedophile. Will Penny get a harsher sentence for that?

Top W Kone

There is a formula for how much production efficiency is lost as temps increase on solar panels.

Every degree above 20c you lose 0.5% production. So at 30c you are down 5%

A 5 mWh plant is only going to produce 4.5 mWh

So when the heat goes up demand goes up and production goes down not a good plan if you don’t have peek power supplies.

tom reynolds

The plan is to destroy our country. The useless solar panels being less efficient is a perk.


The UK Green power grid is very poorly designed for the UK.

Firstly, the UK is not very sunny. A certain amount of solar makes sense, But not the way that particular solar farm system is designed. It doesn’t operate well outside of the normal temperature ranges for the UK.

Secondly, for some reason they went with offshore wind. Offshore wind is ridiculously expensive, difficult and expensive to maintain, less reliable doesn’t make sense from an economics standpoint.

Finally they should have replaced their coal plants with combined cycle gas. It’s a lot cheaper, more efficient and less pollution.


Huntsville is just as good as Colorado Springs so far as a place to locate.

However, Huntsville is a lot cheaper. So what they are saying is we will spend billions of extra dollars so a couple of women maybe, won’t have to drive to Tennessee, which is like an hour away, to get an abortion of that space baby, that the abortion pill won’t kill.


Huntsville makes more sense, as it is home to Redstone Arsenal and NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center, plus a number of relevant manufacturers have facilities close by.

Green Thumb

And the False Commander “Phony” Phil Monkress (CEO of All-Points Logistics) has a branch there.

tom reynolds

Hold on now. Are you saying that only women can get abortions. Better be careful,I think that’s a hate crime now. LOL


Federal watchdog opens investigation into offshore wind impacts amid whale deaths
Offshore wind development will ‘permanently transform our marine environment and seascape,’ put ‘tourism-drive economy at grave risk,’ NJ congressman says
Thomas Catenacci
Fox News


For a minute there I thought Chris Christie died…..


Too easy.


This is another reason not to have it. Barely begun to capitalize on the land-based wind power. The only advantages to having it offshore is that the “land” is free and there is a lot of wind. Everything else about it is upside down.