A Softer Side of IVAW

| September 9, 2009

Had to beg her to allow me to post this, but Army Sergeant made it into the paper today for something totally unrelated to IVAW. For security reasons I am not linking to where it was or anything, but I want you guys to see my frenemy as I do, not just as an IVAW member (which I still beg her daily to quit) but as an every day person, and a very loving mother. Her daughter is just precious, and refused to say hi to me on the phone because she isn’t supposed to talk to strangers.


She does need to learn however, that the umbrella is not authorized by AR 670-1.

Category: Politics

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AW1 Tim

Yup… My young’n started last week. It’s always a bit hard to see them off that first day. She insisted on walking to the bus stop by herself, and so I let her, being all worried and proud at the same time. She thinks she’s younger than she is, I think she’s younger than she is.

Thus was it ever for parents. I understand completely why my own father drank… 🙂

B Woodman

“She does need to learn however, that the umbrella is not authorized by AR 670-1.”

Why? She’s just a civilian. And not in uniform. And too cute from what little can be seen in the pic.


so cute. and a well-made point by TSO


Did they both ride the unicorn there?

Casey J Porter

Selena lights up whenever she starts to talk about her daughter. Good stuff.


That is adorable. Goes to show you, people join certain organizations for certain reasons. Not all of them bad.

p.s. love the backpack =)

Casey J Porter

I would prefer a BumbleBee backpack.