Veteran warns “Broken Arrow” ahead of expected post Title 42 illegal immigration surge

| May 11, 2023

A veteran living in El Paso used “Broken Arrow” as a metaphor to describe the degree of the negative impacts that illegal immigration is having on the border areas. Broken Arrow is used to describe situations related to nuclear warheads, such as a warhead being lost, stolen, detonated, etc. Foreigners are flooding to the border, many of them being released from prison in anticipation of the expiration of Title 42. Countries south of the US are seeing Title 42’s expiration as a way to remove many of their unhinged, crazy, dangerous, etc. citizens from their nation to the U.S.

From Fox News:

“We’re being overrun. … Broken arrow is taking place across the borders in America,” he said, explaining that many migrants are coming because they’re being told they will achieve citizenship.

Hermosillo also warned that many others are “not your typical citizen” and were let out of prison in their home countries.

“They have tattoos. They got the gang marks. And we’re so concerned with a lot of the gangs that come in from South America but during COVID, far more dangerous alliances, organizations have been formed. This comes directly from people who work within homeland security who are sharing this,” he said, describing it as a “very dangerous situation.”

He called out the city for cleaning up the streets again after reports that the city cleaned up the streets ahead of Biden’s visit to El Paso in January.

“They’ve cleaned up the streets and, the county judge comes out and says, oh, even the migrants are helping us clean up the streets. What a mockery of the intelligence of the American people as they think that they can just smokescreen us.”

Hermosillo mentioned how other countries are noticing the crisis at the southern border.

“Even the president of El Salvador, Nayib Bukele, said a long time ago we were watching America crumble right before our faces. But how is this possible? The enemy has to be from within. And I truly believe that and it’s just a sad state of affairs all the way here from our local government, all the way up to the administration.”

If this is intentional, then it would be an example of unrestricted warfare… Waged against us by the leftist elite; waged against the United States by other countries.

Fox News has additional information here.

Category: Illegal Immigrants, Veterans in the news

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If that is how it has to be…


Noticed an upside down US flag in a yard today.
I suspect it will become a widespread thing real quick.


Hope y’all bought ammo and that you won’t need it.


I’ve started to see plenty… while there is (always) some argument that our nation is in real distress, I’m fairly certain this is not what the people flying it are saying.


What is your opinion on what these people are trying to say.


From the few conversations I’ve had with those flying these flags (all claimed to be homeless, many claimed to be honorably-discharged vets but none passed the sniff test), the consensus is, “Fuck the USA.”

I asked, and listened. I didn’t rebuke; I disagreed but didn’t perceive them open to a rebuttal and, to paraphrase Friends of Voltaire, I will defend to my death their right to say it.


If their general consensus was “fuck the usa”, perhaps they would like to move somewhere that is more inline with their thinking.

Maybe take a ride on the first thing smoking out of the country, be that a car, train, plane or boat.

I personally have no use for them.


I’ve no use for them, either – but their right to their opinion and their expression remains sacrosanct.

I no longer listen to their diatribes, but I cannot abide the idea of silencing them.


Like such:
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Last edited 1 year ago by Anonymous

As “woke” as McD’s is getting…
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Last edited 1 year ago by Anonymous

They realize that we are doomed…


If so:
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I like the way you think.. Gotta love the SPAD!


This is a deliberate, intentional attack on Our Republic. I see it as an act of war and should be treated as such.

One of the primary responsibilities of the Federal Government is “…to provide for the common defense…”. The Federal Government IS NOT doing its job. It is past time to “bring every weapon to bear”.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

One reason that firearms have not been brought to bear has been the concern about women and children.
BUT….with all the illegals that are streaming across the border, it has been noted that these are all military aged young men, with NO WOMEN AND CHILDREN.
So…..I say, let ‘er rip.


Red Dawn, anyone?



If a non-uniformed person enters a foreign nation and starts to commit criminal acts….

That seems more like subversion by foreign agents than immigration. Hang ‘em high, and publicly.


The bastards committed a criminal act when they entered the country

And yes, it is my MHO that these people ARE foreign agents and SHOULD be hanged high…in public.


Entering the US illegally makes them an illegal alien. Doing anything else illegal after that makes them an enemy agent.


i.e., Democrat

Last edited 1 year ago by Anonymous
Prior Service

Hermosillo is a speaker of truth who will be labeled racist in 3, 2,…


 This is intentional, it is an example of unrestricted warfare… Waged against us by the leftist elite; waged against the United States by other countries.



Seal the Borders.
Build a Wall.
Shoot on Sight…
It worked until it didn’t and it WAS effective.


I agree. Been there

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President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

I wasn’t there, I never personally saw that.
BUT…I remember when it was big news.

“Come on over, come on over!” (Komm’ rüber!) the West Berlin crowd on Bernauer Strasse chanted. 

East German soldier Conrad Schumann was immortalized in this 1961 photograph as he leapt across the barricade that would become the Berlin Wall. The photo was called “The Leap into Freedom”. It became an iconic image of the Cold War.

Before the wall’s erection, 3.5 million East Germans circumvented Eastern Bloc emigration restrictions and defected from the German Democratic Republic (East Germany), many by crossing over the border from East Berlin into West Berlin; from there they could then travel to West Germany and to other Western European countries. Between 1961 and 1989, the Wall prevented almost all such emigration.


You are being replaced.

And they all get a mail in ballot.


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Until the weakest link of that system breaks.

Remember ballots in dumpsters, ditches, and ‘accidental’ mailbox fires?

(this isn’t advocating erlection tampering FBI-is-azzwhole, just an observation. Calm your teats)


Just like Fidel emptying his jails in ’80.


It’s worse now, those in power actually want a complete breakdown of civilization in America, they might just get it.
Which means only one thing…..



And in 94.


Billions of US Taxpayer dollars to Ukraine when they were invade…
Nothing but empty, hollow words from an empty, hollow administration.
5/11/23 was the LAST DAY of United State of America…
Tomorrow thousand upon thousand upon thosands of who knows who will invade this country, and not a single person in DC did a damn thing about it…




It’s truly worrying to think about the direction this country in headed in. We’ve had troubling moments in the past–the British in 1812, the Civil War, Mexico in the 19th and early 20th Centuries, the Red Scares, Pearl Harbor, the Cold War, 9/11, etc.–but by and large we pulled together and tackled those issues together. While some of those events and wars were less serious than others (in retrospect) we always had the common bond of being patriotic Americans willing to do what it took to maintain our evolving traditions and way of life. As a patriotic American in 2023, it’s hard to stay optimistic, though.

Our politicians are as corrupt as ever, with the difference between them and former political machines like Tammany Hall being that they now have global reach and influence, and in turn are easily manipulated by foreign entities. Our populace is split between two extremes, Populist “MAGA” sorts and Socialist Leftists. I’d venture to guess that the average American lies somewhere in between, but their voices are drowned out just as Antifa attempts to destroy everyone and every symbol they don’t agree with.

Our government is mostly comprised of Unipartyists who cater to themselves at the expense of their constituents and taxpayers in general. They’ve got their comfy chairs in the Capitol and White House, six-figure salaries that somehow make them millionaires within a few years and are well-protected against the dregs of society. Illegal immigration isn’t too worrying for them, because they have little enough interaction with the dirty masses and know their lives will be unaffected by the influx of illegals, who they’ll patronize for future votes.

We’ll see how this works out, but I have a feeling it’s going to be a cluster…


I hate to agree with you, BUT, as opposed to the drivel we see from someone ELSE here, this is probably the most astute and sucinct observation fo the situation I’ve see of late.


Last edited 1 year ago by ChipNASA

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Alejandro Mayorkas…. 1600 Friday…

A Proud Infidel®™

The Enemy Within has embarked on unrestricted warfare on our Freedom and liberty.


Okay when left/libtards do it but “racist” to complain about.
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Anna Puma

Mariel Boat Lift Part II

Instead of huddled masses yearning to be free, it will be gangs of thugs. And like Carter, these Democrats have no idea that these gangs have their own agenda that does not match the Democrat agenda.


One thing certain, when this all finally starts shaking out, and it will, it’s gonna be a mess.
What can’t go on forever won’t…
We are just so doomed…
Doomed, Doomed I say !!!!


Was in El Paso last Friday
you can see the slums from I-10 and TX-375
the sea of people massed up on our border made me sick
we really are in our twilight years as a nation
it was a good run while it lasted


My hometown for much of the 70s & all of the 80s. Graduated HS there. Sad what a disaster it has become. Yeah, I know lots of jokes about ‘Hell Paso’. Pipe down you dog faced pony soldiers.😘 Will the city mostly still keep voting D’rats, no matter how bad the sitch gets? Unfortunately, yes.


We like El Paso
me and my wife
no issues with it
they are lucky during Covid they were in Texas and not New Mexico the later totally screwed up the economy there, so much so we decided to move


Bus/boat/fly them to Marth’s Vineyard, McLean VA, Malibu CA ,The Hamptons NY, and other elite liberal enclaves. Send them by the tens and hundreds of thousands. You all need to take a huge bite out of this $h1t sandwich.

Forest Bondurant

So much for the idea of being a sovereign nation.


Or seperate State.

Last edited 1 year ago by 26Limabeans
Daisy Cutter

Mark my words – although the left is struggling to come up with a term, they eventually will relabel what is happening to sound nice and progressive.

Population inclusiveness, diversity redistribution. etc.


For the greater good.




My own opinion…

I think that REAL Americans…not Liber, urban, progressive elite folks, those of us that are Conservative AND those of the middle class, fly over, Middle America, *regular* 9-5, factory, Republican and Democratic and Independant but AMERICANS….farmers, factory workers, waiters, waitresses, Teachers, mechanics, plumbers, accountants, bankers, policemen, grocery clerks, bus & truck drivers, construction guys and gals, landscapers, trash collectors, office managers, scientists, liquor store and 7-11 managers, AMERICANS….are going to have just about ENOUGH of this shit and then it’s game on and it’s gonna go down and, THAT’S the America I served 23 years in the military for. The one that I feel still lives and survives outside of the D.C. Beltway and NYC and San Francisco…
When WE The People have had just about enough and when the liberal press and politicans can’t spin it anymore…..we’re all going to become rooftop koreans and then, THEN you’re going to see a real shift and we’re going to (painfully but eventually or die) clean fucking house. Unless Trump and the Conservative “new” right take back over and right this apple cart. I have hope that the 300 years ago, Templars, Freemason, original deep state that put this country in place, won’t let this candle be snuffed out.
That or the fucking aliens are going to land and then shit’s going to do down.

go time.JPG
Top W Kone

One possible positive. In the Cuban boat lift, Castro released a lot of his prison population to go to the US.

While in prison they got involved in gangs they had ended up in prison because they would not be good comrades.

I’m sure some of the freed may be like that.


A local restaurant just announced it’s grand opening on facebook. It’s located very close to the AZ-Mexico border, the wall is in plain view (I can see Mexico from my table!). One of the first commenters asked if they’ll have an outdoor dining patio, so we can watch the high-speed chases on HWY 92, as CBP, DPS, and the county sheriff pursue load cars. It’s only gonna get worse.


Who needs a TV, when you can watch a live-action drama unfold before your very eyes?🤣


It’s life on the border, baby!


This is such an idiotic take.

Title 42 did not stop border crossing…it used Covid as a pretext to stop asylum seekers who were trying to cross LEGALLY.

Illegal border crossings were not stopped by Title 42. Only LEGAL attempts were stopped.

And it made desperate people who would have tried to cross legally more likely to cross illegally.

It was an idiotic policy intended to make ignorant fucks think that the borders were more secure under Trump.

Last edited 1 year ago by Commissar

If someone wears socks on their hands are they now mittens?

Mittens is a dog abuser.

Abuser looks like a buser.

The parasites are moved on busses, and WEF is their travail agent.

They, like you, don’t belong here.

Pack a bag, fairy dust. You, Bain Capital, and the otherother leech-class gotta gtfo.

Can’t wait, accelerate.

Have a fine day, clownface.

Last edited 1 year ago by Roh-Dog

The borders WERE more secure under Trump. I worked for CBP under Trump and Obama. There was a huge surge in crossings at the end of the Obama administration, then a huge drop when Trump took office. Your Lord and Master Obama can actually make the claim that he “deported more illegal aliens than any other President”. How can he make this claim, you may ask? It’s simple. In true, progressive-liberal-democrat fashion, he changed the definition of the word “deportation”. Under Obama, any illegal alien who returned across the border after being spotted and pursued by CBP was scored as a “deportation”. Fraudulent accounting, something I’m quite sure you’re well versed in. And a minor point of fact, if you travel to Mexico in order to come to the USA and claim sanctuary as a refugee, you’re not doing it legally. Legally, you must claim asylum in the first country you reach after leaving your country of residence. Anything else is… wait for it… Fraud.

You may go now.


SFC D, you’re using facts and logic… you know that’ll make commissar go full retard in his TDS…