Perhaps the far left sees Obama as much worse than Hitler
As Jonn pointed out below the far left has for years directly tried to assign Bush to Hitler. Of course Obama hasn’t changed a damn thing that was so Hitler-esque during the Bush administration.
Seven months into the post racial, messiah like administration of unicorns, hopey-changey platitudes and empty rhetoric, what has The One accomplished so far?
The Republicans haven’t been more unified since Reagan.
Independents have swung right by a factor of 20 points.
And now he is losing Air America!
This is Naked Emperor News’s second video on The One’s oh-so-shady backroom deal with the pharmaceutical lobby; the first one was entitled “Obama’s Mother of All Political Lies,” a description I don’t agree with but which Air America apparently does. Watching this, it’s not just the dishonesty of his campaign promises that galls, it’s the sanctimony he displayed in misleading his cultists to believe things would be drastically different under Hopenchange. The pandering during the Billy Tauzin clip in particular is enough to make you queasy. Like the lady says, “a charming liar.”
File the fascist bit at the end away for the next time David Letterman or MSNBC or whoever wrings their hands about heated rhetoric at the town-hall protests.
To be honest Hitler is only implied by the fascist label but perhaps the left views Obama as far worse and more sinister than even Hitler.
Here’s the money quote:
“It makes me puke that we have just been ‘Cheneyed’ by a guy named Barack Obama”
If this far left “turning on their master” trend continues it’s going to become clear even to Rahm and the boys that the Chicago Way isn’t working.
The only one laughing is Jimmy Carter.
Category: Politics
whatever he is, i know that he is a pos, along with the rest of his ilk, democratic party. i will never vote demonrat!
Jimmah is just laughing because his depends are full, and he thinks it feels good, like the drool coming off his lips.
I thought that that friggin’ goober was the worst thing the leftists ever pawned off on this great nation until the “WON!” arrived.
The only thing depressing about a one-term Obama is the fact that some GOP jerkoff will replace him and we’ll get “change” once again.
Not to worry. Sarah Palin will be elected and things will once again be right with the world.
The nice thing about a Palin presidency will be the first 24 hours after she’s elected, when 1/2 to 2/3rds of the leftists off themselves.
Comment Deleted by a self-respecting human being.
Comment deleted because CRaissi is a fucking retard!
My, My. Sputtering words like that about an infant? Maybe you should take yourself back to Kos or DU? What a jerkoff.
Just a quick reminder. I can’t ban you only Jonn can do that but I can delete totally idiotic bullshit that has no place here. And I will do it…RETARD!
Thanks COB6, that really needed to be done.
Give ’em hell, COB!
The only thing COB hates worse than retards are Democratic RETARDS!
But “democrat retards” was redundant…
[…] Perhaps the far left sees Obama as much worse than Hitler – This Ain’t Hell […]
“””The nice thing about a Palin presidency will be the first 24 hours after she’s elected, when 1/2 to 2/3rds of the leftists off themselves.”””
BUT, the leftists didn’t “off themselves” under Bush II, hell they didn’t even go to Canada, where they would certainly all be dead by now because of the country’s socialized medicine and death panels, and the Republicans haven’t done it under Hopey Changey, and hell they all have guns and are willing to shoot to kill, so why would the leftists “off themselves” under Palin? Damn retards. Don’t even see they should off themselves. Idiots. That’s it, we need to change the rules of engagement, not only in Afghanistan (hearts and minds–we don’t need no hearts and minds. Kill them all and let God sort them out.), but in America. Tea party, anyone?
“hell they didn’t even go to Canada, where they would certainly all be dead by now because of the country’s socialized medicine and death panels”
Do a bit of research instead of parroting the demican party talking points and you will discover that oldsters are put on the backburner in worker’s paradises that have socialist healthcare, plus Rham Emmanuel’s brother’s comments regarding senior citizens are a tad bit disturbing as well. I live next door to Canada, lots of Cannucks stop in for medical treatment.
“hell they all have guns and are willing to shoot to kill”
Any hard data on rupublicrats shooting demicans? Oh yeah, absolutely NO libs own guns:
“That’s it, we need to change the rules of engagement, not only in Afghanistan (hearts and minds–we don’t need no hearts and minds. Kill them all and let God sort them out.)
Naw, we need to leave the tribal barbarians to their own devices, they have no desire for a nation state as WE envision it.
Jeffy boy, we are in trouble because you republicrats and demicans created the Fed and an economy based on fiat. Keynesian economics is imploding. BTW, Your socialist mecca in Europe is imploding!
“It makes me puke that we have just been ‘Cheneyed’ by a guy named Barack Obama”
Good line! I love it! And coming from the SocLibLeft, too. Such irony. That’s a hot one.
Jeff Steele: “”” “hell they all have guns and are willing to shoot to kill”
JuniorAG: “””Any hard data on rupublicrats shooting demicans? Oh yeah, absolutely NO libs own guns:“””
The answer is no. What I meant is that Republicans weren’t offing themselves and they have the guns to do it. (disclaimer: this is a stereotype, I know). Damn Homeland Security report.
The point is that democrats didn’t kills themselves or move to Canada, and neither have the Republicans killed themselves or any Democrats. We are at peace here in America–thank God–but the world is not and we’re no small part of it.
The American Legion has a revamped website called The Burn Pit, a name not universally liked. If I had my way I’d subtitle the blog: We didn’t start the fire, but we carry the flame!
The flame of war just does not seem to want to go out, I fear it is eternal. The American Legion was founded after “the war to end all wars;” there is one American “doughbot” left: Frank Buckles. When he dies The American Legion was supposed to die with it.
Now, rumors of the death of the American Legion have been greatly exaggerated, of late. And the Legion has just developed a blog to appeal to our newest warriors, some of whom will probably suffer some nondiscript disability as a result of the Burn Pits.
Damn it, this wasn’t suppose to happen! Let’s admit that much between friends.
Jeff Steele, I stand corrected. Wouldn’t mind if my post was deleted.
It will indeed be a beautiful day for liberty that the left and right in this country realize that we’ve been turned against one another for the explicit purpose of destroying ourselves. aka: United we stand, divided we fall.
The blog, Right Wing Nut House, asks the following question after seeing an American Spectator article called: “Obama’s Plan to Desecrate 9/11”:
“Is 9/11 seen as a “Republican” day? Only if you’re an idiot liberal, paranoid about the political opposition to the point that you equate expressions by citizens of love for America with love of the Republican party. In the end, maybe that’s the problem in a nutshell. The kind of nationalistic outpouring on 9/11 is rejected on the left because they see nationalism as a form of fascism.”
And nationalism is a form of fascism when it is accompanied by the use of military force. If wars continue to rage on in perpetuity than Hitler and the Nazis will have won a victory over us in the end. Hitler, after all, feared that the rise of modern democracy would exterminate the war-loving aristocratic masters he idealized and so he chose to role the dice, fight a war, and ultimately succumb to a Greek tragic death–fighting the good fight to the last real man, as he saw it.
America, which wanted to live in peace and freedom, mediocrity and crass commercialism, was inauthentic, again as he saw it, and should be wiped off the face of the earth. Hitler tried and failed.
But when do WE, not just you and me here in America, get to live in peace and freedom? Even if you believe that wars still need to be fought, I hope you would at least acknowledge that when we fight, instead of live in peace and freedom, then Hitler was ultimately more right than wrong about the world–war was a principle of the world and eternal, as it should be.
And you wouldn’t want that now, would you. So, to conclude, America must remain committed to the values of peace and freedom and someday, hopefully soon, we can be done with war.
Tell me guys, Is this war worth continuing?
From (AP) – 4 hours ago:
[Story:] Mullen doesn’t shy away from poll about Afghan war in remarks to The American Legion
LOUISVILLE, Ky. — The nation’s top military officer says he welcomes debate about the war in Afghanistan on the heels of a recent poll showing diminishing support for the conflict.
Speaking Tuesday to the American Legion’s national convention in Louisville, Adm. Mike Mullen said Americans should “take a good, hard look at this fight we’re in, what we’re doing and why we’re doing it.”
Mullen says he’d rather see the country argue about the war than ignore it. The admiral also says rebuilding Afghanistan is just as important as military might.
Mullen’s comments come amid signs of diminishing support among war-weary Americans. Just more than 50 percent of respondents to a recent Washington Post-ABC News poll said the war in Afghanistan is not worth fighting.
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