No, we don’t think Obama is Hitler

| August 22, 2009

I don’t think anyone at This Ain’t Hell thinks Obama is Hitler. I don’t think any of us has ever made the absurd comparison that any Democrat is a Nazi – however we have suffered the “Bush is Hitler” chant from the intellectually-impaired over the years.

Those who thought that Bush is Hitler should be calling Obama Hitler, too, though, since Obama hasn’t changed one thing Bush was doing – oh, except that Obama said he won’t let anyone be waterboarded. Bush didn’t say it, but no one has been waterboarded in the last five years or so – except protesters who demonstrated the process and surprisingly survived their ordeal.

That PATRIOT Act which was the main reason the Left screamed about our civil rights being rolled back is still in force and hasn’t been altered one iota. Bush wasn’t Hitler for signing it (after nearly all of Congress approved it) nor is Obama Hitler for continuing it.

A more apt comparison to Obama would be Venezuelan strongman Hugo Chavez. Obama has taken a page from Chavez’ book by using his Organizing For America, SEIU and ACORN zombies to go around the democratic process to deliver money directly to communities without input from elected officials. Chavez has entrenched himself in office by using the same method to buy patronage.

The assault on Kenneth Gladney at a Missouri townhall meeting is also reminiscent of Chavez’ tactics. While opponents of Chavez peacefully protest in Venezuela, red shirted Chavez supporters, assault them. Some have been known to fire on crowds with weapons.

Now, I’ll grant that assaults from the Obama thugs have been few and far between so far, but I suspect that it could escalate – especially since some from the Right are foolishly (albeit legally) bringing weapons to peaceful protests. The intellectually vacant left will see that as an excuse to escalate violence.

I don’t see internment camps or reeducation camps in our future. I don’t think we’re going to be marched to the ovens or gas chambers. I do, however, see a large number of people being disenfranchised, I see endless taxes, I see an increasingly intrusive government and an incompetent management of the economy. Like Hugo Chavez’s government.

ADDED: If you want to see who is REALLY calling Obama Hitler, you need to go to El Marko’s blog Looking at the Left. Of course, they’re also calling for Obama to be hung, and they’re taking up a collection for the colonization of Mars. Oh, and they’re not Republicans.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Hugo Chavez, Liberals suck

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AW1 Tim


Here’ the thing, though. Obama and the leftists will not need to build any camps, because they won’t need them. By the time Cap & Trade, and ObamaCare is passed, they’ll nave enough control over our lives to track us and punish us no matter where we live.

We already have to show proof of our identification to ride a train, a bus or an airplane. The states up in New England, and down through NY & NJ are looking to replace all the tollbooths with EZPass boxes, so they’ll have your name and vehicle ID on file. They also want to put a GPS tracking device into every vehicle and tax your mileage (and also be able to see just where you have traveled!).

Now they want “smart” meters and thermostats in every home so the power company can see how much energy you are using and “adjust” it to appropriate levels if you don’t voluntarily do it.

ObamaCare would like to have all your medical records on electronic file so as to better “monitor” your “wellness”.

Big grocery & chain stores already use your discount cards to track your purchases and how they are ;aid for. How long until the Government demands access to those data bases to also monitor your “wellness”.

I’m tired of it, Jonn. Bone-achingly tired.


I don’t think Obama is Hitler, I’m leaning more towards Bozo the Clown.


AW1 Tim:

AMTRAK won’t even allow firearms in checked luggage. I rode with my mom to New Orleans to help her move, then caught a train back to Atlanta. They told me absolutely no firearms, under any circumstances, on their trains, even though my Georgia Firearms License is recognized under reciprocity agreements between Georgia and the states of Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama. WTF am I going to do, fly a train into a tall building?

Absolute insanity. Abortion is a “civil right” while the Second Amendment, an actual fucking amendment to to the Constitution, is negotiable. Liberals think health care is a civil right while the right to bear arms is an antiquated concept. This state of affairs is utterly pathetic. Bone tired isn’t the appropriate description. I’m nauseated. Federalism is killing our republic.


Tim, don’t forget, Obama also wants access to your checking/savings accounts. So, they can dock you for your “free” health care.


Of course Obama is NOT Hitler. Hitler didn’t have a Teleprompter



Just a quick clarification:

Federalism is not killing our republic. It is the failure to abide by the type of Federalism our Constitution set up that is killing our republic.

What’s killing us is an out of control Federal Government which is going beyond the bounds set by the Constitution.