VA’s Tech Office playground
DefendUSA sends me this link from Townhall about an IG report from the VA which details the antics of the VA’s Technology Office;
In scathing reports this week, the VA’s inspector general said thousands of technology office employees at the VA received the bonuses over a two-year period, some under questionable circumstances. It also detailed abuses ranging from nepotism to an inappropriate relationship between two VA employees.
The inspector general accused one recently retired VA official of acting “as if she was given a blank checkbook” as awards and bonuses were distributed to employees of the Office of Information and Technology in 2007 and 2008.
One supervisor struck up an “inappropriate relationship” with an employee in Florida and flew that employee back and forth to Washington – your cost; 37 grand. The official who ran the office, Jennifer S. Duncan, also charged some educational benefits to the tax payers for her family – to the tune of 140 grand.
You’ll be happy to know that Katie Roberts, a VA spokesperson reassures us that, “VA does not condone misconduct by its employees….” I was wondering.
There’s little wonder at this point about why there’s a backlog of caseloads at VA, i wish I could blame Shinseki for this, but apparently it’s been going on for a few years. Let’s see if he can straighten it out – without buying a few billion dollars worth of hats from China.
Category: Military issues, Veteran Health Care
Yeah, tell me about the backlog. My application for an increased rating was put in last October. 🙂
And these are the same bureaucrats who want to run the ENTIRE healthcare system. Oh, joy.
But, Sparky, they can run it with “compassion”. Not ability, but certainly with “compassion”. We’re doomed, I think.
VA Office of Technology and Information? WTF? Have those geeks ever had any dealings, or contact with a Veteran? IOnce upon a time I worked for the VA. I’ve never heard of them before. What do they do? And how does it have any bearing on the care of …. Veterans. I know the VA has a lot of dedicated, and sometimes frustrated employees. It also has some lazy, corrupt and incompetent employees. But does the VA also have a bunch of totally irrelevant employees?
The bureaucrats at the VA couldn’t give me a letter to my mortgage company saying that I was LIKELY to receive my benefits for at least three years. I am a below the knee amputee– guess they are concerned about my leg growing back in the next few years. This is what everyone can look forward to if Obamacare strips away our right to make our own decisions about healthcare.