| August 17, 2009

I’ve been reading all day about the wonderful speech that Obama gave at the VFW Convention today;


I wonder who wrote it for him;


Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Terror War

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You wonder if George Bush wrote it for him? Why was he blubbering like an incoherent moron and mangling the English language?

Dave Thul

Amazing how the same political sentiments can be expressed by different ideologies yet be received so differently.

I suddenly had an image of Pres Obama declaring Mission Accomplished next week after the Afghan elections and being lauded by the press.


LMAO, HM2, you really ought to learn punctuation. Your second sentence reads like the 0 was the one “blubbering like an incoherent moron”. See the difference, “why, was he” as opposed to “why was he”. Not that I disagree with that characterization of Dear Leader.


I should have done a better job proof reading. That’s what I get for posting after my bedtime. Yet, i think y’all got my intnet.

I have not read the text of both speeches (assuming the Chimp in Cheif’s speeches are even available.) However, I don’t think there will be amission accompished debacle. The issue to me is one of actions versus words. We have finally begun making the troop commitments to accomplish our goals in Afghanistan. Bush was allocating those needed resources eslewhere while saying that the mission was important. It’s a mixed message. President Obama is being consistant by allocating the resources and warning against a quick fix.

I hope that any typo’s or mis-spellings can be forgiven in the name of getting back to work before my lunch hour ends. 🙂


“We have finally begun making the troop commitments to accomplish our goals in Afghanistan”. So we can fight for a tie? Because the 0 doesn’t appear to want to get a victory in Afghanistan.
Just pulling your chain about the punctuation, but you gotta admit, they’re two totally different statements without that little comma.