Haitians helping themselves to park wildlife-Pets reportedly not safe

| September 9, 2024

There have been rumors circulating on X and on TikTok of newly arrived Hatians eating pets and helping themselves to free roaming city wildlife. The residents of Springfield, Ohio, are experiencing a form of imported culture shock. Hatians, bringing their own habits with them from Haiti, have reportedly been helping themselves to ducks and geese as if they were still in Haiti. There is one post voicing complaint that Haitians took a woman’s cat and had it hanging from a tree as if it was deer during deer season. This individual’s claim is contested, but cat does appear to be on the menu for many Haitians.

From Zero Hedge:

The city of Springfield, Ohio – population 60,000, has been overwhelmed by roughly 20,000 Haitian illegal migrants, who flocked to the city – exacerbating a ‘significant housing crisis’ according to city officials, and eating pets and wildlife according to locals.

During an Aug. 27 City Commission meeting, one local resident said that Haitians were “in the park grabbing ducks, cutting the heads off, and eating them.”

Another local resident posted to a Facebook group that their neighbor had a cat go missing – only to see it “hanging from a branch, like you’d do a deer for butchering, & they [the Haitians] were carving it up to eat.”

While the cat claim has been refuted by as racist fear-mongering, others have provided receipts showing that cats are indeed part of Haitian cuisine.

Another local told the city that she “can’t take it anymore,” as Haitian migrants are littering on her yard and harassing she and her husband.

If you go down the rabbit hole on X, be prepared for some “jaw droppers”. Additional reading, X posts, X videos, images, and links:

Durden, T. (2024, September 8). “Can’t take it anymore”: Residents of Springfield Ohio beg for help after 20,000 Haitians overwhelm city, eat local wildlife. Zero Hedge. Link.

Category: Illegal Immigrants, Society

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They’re sending only their best and brightest! Add their hungriest to that list.


Hack Stone

Makes you wonder what they would do for a Klondike bar.


I won’t do anything for a Klondike bar, but I’ll do some sketchy shit for Jeep parts.


Even sketchier shit for Jameson infused bacon.

We make jokes about this situation but the reality is that these kinds of problems are just going to get more widespread and worse. 60K population with 20K added means that the Haitians are at least 1/4 to 1/3 of the total. What they gonna eat when they run out of wildlife or stray cats? Ohio Long Pork? And will they prefer the dark meat cuts or the white meat cuts? As I brought up on the last thread in re Haiti, what happened to that Global Initiative Foundation that was raising $ to help them out a few years back? If this is not a problem in your AO yet, patience Grasshopper…it’s coming…soon! It may not Haitians, it may be Somolians, Venezuelans, Mexicans, Chinese, Affies, Middle Easterners, the list goes on. Wake up taxpaying white folk…you are the carbon that the WEF wants to reduce.



I’d ask that Clinton woman where the money went, but MRS D thinks I’m too cute to die.

Hack Stone

They will provide you a PowerPoint presentation midnight tomorrow at Fort Marcy Park. It’s BYOS, Bring Your Own Shovel.


Another example of what is not just coming but is already here…

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Army-Air Force Guy

Kameltoe and Joe’s handlers are happy to hear about the sabotaging of evil fossil fuel operations. I don’t include Joe because he doesn’t even know what day it is.


Everyday is a beach day. Surfs up.


Time to declare open season on these bags of shit. They’re brave because they have people scared. Texas ahs more than enough guns, if the LEO’s there would come out and clearly say that they believe anyone killing such a criminal was engaged in self defense, and no charges will be pursued, this shit would stop quickly.


^This^! My Local High Sheriff is a very strong supporter of the right to defend one’s property and life using any means necessary. So is the local DA. Not a whole lot of Hispanics here-about…yet… and we have very little problem with them…yet. But as we’re seeing, that can change overnight. Oddly, the county that Fire Base Magnolia is located in has been yellow dog demonrat country for a good long time, yet it went for Trump in ’16 and ’20 on the National level. Being a small county I guess the (s)electors didn’t think they could get away with any shenanigans after a commissioner that had bought votes for years got voted out. Irony is, many of the folks he passed “walking around money” to voted for “The Other Guy”. I think also that a lot of them were thinking that he hadn’t done anything but play that special card and done the grift thing, packing the county payroll with relatives, long enough.

Majority blaque population here and I’ve only seen 2 Kum-Hella signs posted in yards. Make of that what you will. We usually have a 90-98% turnout for voting.


Beware some sketchy benefit/employment deal that puts “migrants” in town for politicians’ benefit:


It’s called Switchboard– get yer cheap gov’t grant-supported cat-eatin’ violent “migrant” labor for your community here:


And, it’s the Migrant Support Grant program that folk, one way or another, are getting $$$ for all this.

Last edited 5 months ago by Anonymous

Mayor of Springfield has a lot of rental property in town– scads of subsidized “migrants” musg be “good for the community” or something.
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Why, yes, boys and girls, a local paper has found this to be so and ain’t too thrilled about “these weird public private partnerships” involved in this gravy train too:


“There simply are too many mass migrants here in this town, and they’re too richly subsidized. It’s pushing people out of their homes. It’s pushing people out of their jobs.”


That’s about the size of it.

Why left/libtard bureaucrats punish self defense– to keep the population cowed by violent criminals and “migrants” who run riot and make their perferred job keeping the “rabble” orderly easier.

Last edited 5 months ago by Anonymous

F*ckers from Burma, too… ate a town’s swan in NY and thought that was funny:


Import the third world, become the third world


Left/libtard elites don’t think savages will hurt/rape/eat them, just be happy peons for Free Sh*t at the rest of ours’ expense– Let ’em eat cake! /sarc

Last edited 5 months ago by Anonymous

I found many many examples of bacon-infused bourbon, but no Jameson infused bacon. There may be some experimentation in MRS D’s kitchen this weekend.


I like doing research. Do I need to bring some cat heads? You know for…research purposes. Maybe some gravy fixin’s? Dave Hardin approves this research project and has volunteered to be a taste tester.


That is where that town is headed. Before the Kumhala regime is done, long pig will be the other white meat in this failed 3rd world country.


Guess who’ll be asserting “social justice”:

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande


Yup. MRS D just bought one too. I gotta get more pockets.


Measure garage door opening BEFORE lift modifications.

Major Tuddy

Or a Scooby Snack.


Woman who got arrested for eating neighbor’s cat:

Last edited 5 months ago by Anonymous

They could move this bunch of Haitians to New York. They have a rat problem. If there going to be here, lets put them to work and clean up that nasty vermin problem around all the large cities. New York State could provide free barbecue sauce and barbecue grills. It’s a win win for everyone. Oh, and send there ass back to Haiti when the rats are gone.


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Please God let it be true. We have enough Haitians now they could wipe out the entire stray cat population in a few months. But they put them in up in $1800 a month apartments and are paying all their bills and giving them free healthcare so maybe they are just buying food at the store like everyone else?

Oh and thanx everyone for being so nice to the Haitians. They really appreciate it. Our only murder so far this year was a Haitian knocking over off one of the local drug dealers. I mean he probably did it so he could take his place but still that is one less idiot to deal with.


I’m trying very hard not to stereotype, but my sister lived in Kent Washington in the early 80’s, story at the time was that Vietnamese and Cambodian refugees that settled in the area pretty much put the county animal control department out of business.

AW1 Rod

What do you call a Vietnamese with more than two dogs?

A rancher.


Funny bone status. – tickled.


Never saw more than one dog at a time in DaNang.
And never saw more than one breed, whatever
that was.


They use to have that annual rat cookout, when they smoked/burnt off the rice fields. and gathered up what ever crawled, slithered or jumped.


All those Vietnamese dogs looked alike, didn’t they? We had one as a pet on one of the LRRP teams. It developed rabies; and we had to stand the whole company down for rabies shots. I took a chance and didn’t get them, cuz I had zero contact with that dog. The veterinarian said anyone that even petted the dog once needed the shots. After that, I made a company rule: No pets of any kind. Since the shots to the stomach were so painful, there wasn’t a problem with compliance.


That’s good.


In the jungle in the Viet of the Nam, I discovered how protein deprived my Kit Carson scouts thought they were. We encountered a large hollow tree trunk with a family of ring-tailed lemurs. The scouts went nuts trying to hack into the tree to kill and harvest them for food. I was surprised they didn’t try to shoot them, but maybe they didn’t want to alert their NVA brothers to our position in the jungle. Of course, I made them desist. The animals went up the tree out of range of their frenzied machete attack. On another occasion, they found a stream with little fish about five inches long in it; the scouts cut bamboo spears and went into a frenzy trying to spear them. After killing a couple of them they roasted them over some heat tabs and ate them whole, like sardines.


They should try Rattlesnakes and Cottonmouths instead !

Last edited 5 months ago by 26Limabeans

Maine was pretty much all white five years ago. They had the lowest crime rate in the country. We will see how it goes.


Even the Somali refugees that settled in Lewiston are
pissed about open borders. I find that amusing.


Only so many hands will fit in the pot.


If I must live with a cat eating alien, I would vastly prefer ALF

Hack Stone

Embrace the diversity.



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Why arrest him? Put a bullet in his head, and feed him to the hogs. These shitbags were criminals before they came here, and only came here to continue their criminal ways. They will never reform, and never positively contribute to this nation. Kill them quickly and ruthlessly, before they turn this nation into where they came from.


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Hack Stone

If the recent rumors of the Haitian gangs eating their victims is true, perhaps they will turn to the homeless population once they run out of cats.


IDK about that, but I’d be guarding the bus stops when the kids get out of school if I lived anywhere near those gangs.

Hack Stone

Just a matter of time until Joe Biden tries to connect with the audience by telling of the time that his car was eaten by Haitian immigrants. No joke.


Or a Vice President, just saying.

Hack Stone

Hack meant to write cat, but it would be damn funny if Joe Biden said a Haitian tried to eat his Corvette. Not a joke.


Especially, if there were still some highly classified documents in the trunk.



Slow Joe

Which AI image generator did you use for that one?


Stolen on FAkBooK.

Slow Joe

Snoop Dogg Channel gave me this one, with no cats, and I included two cats in the prompt.
Worst AI evah.

Last edited 5 months ago by Slow Joe
Slow Joe

Now I got a big cat, but only one, and no Haitians


In fairness the AI was probably HAF.


Off Teh Interwebz…
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Last edited 5 months ago by Anonymous

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Hack Stone

Dat’s a good one.


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My neighbor was a Bridgeport, CT detective for many years. Said the Haitian community there routinely got busted for straight up voodoo witch doctor shit. They found human and animal body parts in apartments set up in little candle lit shrines. All kinds of sick, bizarre shit.

And this was as recent as the 2010s.

This article doesn’t surprise me one bit. Haitians are some backwards ass people (I use the term “people” verrrrrry loosely.)


Haiti and Liberia are tied for leading “4th World” country status. (Neighboring, yes 3rd World, countries sent peacekeeping forces to Liberia because they didn’t want violent dumbassery to spread– i.e., we have paved roads and electricity, unlike those jackasses who eat people!)


Start doing it…NOW!

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Hack Stone

If 94% of your tourism dollars are senates by UN Peacekeeping Forces, your country just might be a 3rd World Shithole.

Hack Stone

D’oh!!!! Change “senates” to “generated”. Hack Stone Publishing regrets the error.


Everything I know about voodoo I learned from The Serpent and the Rainbow.


I learned everything I know from Pedro Cerrano and Jobu.


Speaking of which, Ol’ Jobu needs a refill…

One of my favorite movie lines – Are you trying to say Jesus Christ can’t hit a curve ball?



I was working a project in North Miami Beach circa 1989, and one of our local liaison guys was a Jamaican, I will call him Carlton. He was a laid-back, funny, and an all around nice guy. We reviewing some plans on-site when a guy came up next to Carton speaking Creole, and he just exploded. “I aint no mud-a-fuckin’ Haitian!” in his accent. Two guys had to restrain him he was so upset. I never saw someone so pissed. As you see, Carlton did NOT think to much of Haitians and proceeded to give laundry if why they’re all bumbaclots!


Buy ammo while you still can, and then it’s “Get off my lawn”.


Stock up now, don’t wait for the rush! (Your cat will thank you.)
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Knee deep in ammo & weapons manufacture stocks.
This ponzi scheme and genocidal cabal ain’t gonna unass itself.

Reb, sing the song of our people!


This one?…More to choose from up coming…




We Ride At Dawn! This time…Together!


Amen. May we all be more free, by our gifts of reason and voice. And if we shall fail that test of humanity, God grant us clarity of purpose. I pray, with relentless servitude to you Lord, that any fractures be short and painless for the innocent.



Testify! So mote that it be!

He told us to…Prepare…Psalms 144:1

And placed us upon The Horse…Rev 19:11


“Join under the Flag…with your musket and your bag…”


Hank Jr singing The Truth to Power…


Will feral wild hogs eat Haitians?

Asking for a friend.


Probably not. even hog have standards..


Even a crow won’t eat a dead crow.


Wonder if they are going to swim back after NOLA is destroyed again.


It does not stop at cats. They are going into the grocery stores, filling up their bellies and just walking out. A no pay buffet, if you will. People will soon vote with their feet and leave that soon to be hell hole. It will be a skid row in Ohio.


Violent, selfish sh*t-producing dorks who never had it so good in life and won’t get any better because why should they?






Real Ranger (qualified), (fake) CIA Director, Baseball ghost, and most powerful Sith lord in the universe (voiced).

Makes me wonder what he did in his free time!


Hack Stone

Hack Stone went onto Al Gores Amazing Internet to find a link regarding when a baseball announcer reported the passing of James Earl Jones when in fact it was James Earl Ray, the (alleged) assassin of Martin Luther King, Jr. No luck on finding that, but he did stumble across this one. If you’re going to fuck up, fuck up big.



Never mind all the kitties the Chinese illegals must be eating

AT1 ret

China hates when people cut into their racket.


So they eat ducks? Duck is good! Not sure about cat…


I’m confused. All the news reports say they cut off the head
but don’t say what they do with it.
I’m thinking they eat the head and toss the rest.


Well, that explains why Haiti is a third world shit hole.


Yes, it does.


Calling Haiti third world is practically an insult to third world countries.


Good thing that lady stepped in to save him and help fight his battle.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Said it before on another site (this one?), time for the people to quit’cher bitchin’, get up and do something.
If The Gooberment won’t protect you, time to protect yourself.
Dress up like PantyFags, in all black, gloves, masks. Carry your weapon of choice: baseball bat, cricket bat, 2×4, etc. Then hie thee forth after dark, and accost those that are oot and aboot.
I leave the rest as an exercise for the student.


Blame those who voted for Biden – Harris ticket.

Major Tuddy

“Mr Biden, build up that wall.”

Ronald Reagan, if he were still with us.

Forest Bondurant

Heres one…


NBC Nightly news is having a major coniption fit over this. They are crying foul most loudly, and yet I didn’t see any reporters on the ground in Springfield OH.

Looked like they phoned it in instead.


There needs to be an open season on illegals. No bag limit.


By the Reddit user who took the photo of a man holding a goose.

The photo (that thebesig used) isn’t even from Springfield.
It’s 48 miles east, in Columbus, Ohio.

How many of YOU fell for this ???


Last edited 5 months ago by MarineDad61

And that makes it better? because it’s in a different zip code?


It’s not a zip code issue, when it’s 50 MILES away.
That’s farther than the distance between Wilmington, Delaware and Philadelphia, PA, and you won’t find anything happening in 1, and anyone connecting it to the other city.

This whole fake thing is supposedly about tens of thousands of “illegal” Haitians now in Springfield, Ohio,
and going after public animals and birds, and people’s pets.

Go check out that other debunked detail.
The Haitians are in the USA on a protected status,
and are NOT considered “illegals”.


Understood about the “protected status”. Of course given the current regime, they don’t really consider the millions they’ve let across the border. So sure, if, as others above have pointed out, you want to believe the story they put out, and go along with the idea that these “people” are legal, then go for it. Doesn’t mean that the reports are inaccurate. It seems that more and more you show up just to be contrary. Maybe your time would be better spent working for the Harris campaign?


Nice try. But a fail.
Trump should win the debate,
and win the election in November.

But when he brings up Springfield and cats during this debate this evening, he’s not helping himself.

And claiming he has Pennsylvania election facts on his side from 2020, was a mistake.

IMHO – Both are doing poorly in the debate
(90 minutes in),
Kamala is weak and wishy washy, as always,
and Trump is losing his cool,
and speaking in Rally speak, way too often.



Last edited 5 months ago by MarineDad61

Haitians been known to eat anything and lots of ducks/cats/dogs missing since they moved in there.


I hope you all watched the debate.

Maybe the moment Trump repeated this bullshit like an idiot, it gave some of you insight into how stupid you look amplifying false and racist stories like TheBigSig did with this blog post.

To most Americans he looked like an idiot repeating this shit. And so does posts like this.

One crazy woman that may not even be Haitian and doesn’t live in Springfield stomps and eats a cat in a fit of psychotic rage and suddenly you all think all Haitians are eating dogs and cats.

Centuries of Haitian immigrants and generations of Haitian Americans not eating dogs and cats, but suddenly it is a thing everyone should be afraid of and a major party presidential candidate is warning Americans about….

All because of some Facebook post about what someone’s daughter’s friend said, and a news story about a a woman with mental health issues.

The Republican Party has brain worms at this point.

Trump has turned you consrvates into demented clowns.

Last edited 5 months ago by Commissar
Major Tuddy

In fairness, both major parties are clown world these days.

How about this for an alternate? I suspect that you’d like a lot of it.


Last edited 5 months ago by Major Tuddy

Haitians eat cats, dude. Town’s over-run by selfish, violent idiots you wouldn’t want to be stuck with either, so Trump’s not “racist” for calling attention to it.

Last edited 5 months ago by Anonymous

Here ya go, Commissar. You need some fun. I hope this helps, love ya!



Hey, go easy on those Haitians, they’re soyboibun’s larsie’s favorite people !!!
He’s been taking cooking lessons from them for his holiday parties !!!
Between them and Hannibal he should be able to have a smackin’ good food spread this Holiday Season !!!



— ‘It just exploded’: Springfield woman claims she never meant to spark false rumors about Haitians
The woman behind an early Facebook post that helped spark baseless rumors about Haitians eating pets told NBC News that she feels for the immigrant community.

SPRINGFIELD, Ohio — The woman behind an early Facebook post spreading a harmful and baseless claim about Haitian immigrants eating local pets that helped thrust a small Ohio city into the national spotlight says she had
no firsthand knowledge of any such incident and is now filled with regret and fear as a result of the ensuing fallout.

“It just exploded into something I didn’t mean to happen,” Erika Lee, a Springfield resident, told NBC News on Friday.
Lee recently posted on Facebook about a neighbor’s cat that went missing, adding that the neighbor told Lee she thought the cat was the victim of an attack by her Haitian neighbors.

— The neighbor, Kimberly Newton, said she heard about the attack from a third party, NewsGuard reported. 
Newton told Newsguard that Lee’s Facebook post misstated her story, and that the owner of the missing cat was “an acquaintance of a friend” rather than her daughter’s friend. Newton could not be reached for comment.
Lee said she had no idea the post would become part of a rumor mill that would spiral into the national consciousness. She has since deleted the Facebook post.

— Other posts have also contributed to the false allegations, including a photo of a man holding a dead goose
that was taken in Columbus, Ohio,
but was spread by some online as evidence
of the claims about Springfield.

Graphic video of a woman who allegedly killed and tried to eat a cat was also found not to have originated in Springfield but in Canton, Ohio, and
does not have any connection to the Haitian community.



Townhall meeting at Springfield… resident got chased by “migrant” with machete, police didn’t even respond: