Blue Dogs and VSOs saved vet health care in House

| August 17, 2009

For those of you skeptics (namely Brandon Friedman, formerly of VoteVets) who said that Democrats wouldn’t harm veteran health care, take a look at this morning’s Wall Street Journal;

We’re still sorting through the health-care deal Henry Waxman struck with Blue Dog Democrats recently, but one 11th-hour revision stands out. Namely, veterans will now be “exempt from the requirements of the legislation.”

That’s how Mr. Waxman’s staff put it in a memo to reporters earlier this month, announcing amendments that the House Energy and Commerce Committee included before passing the bill 31 to 28. These changes were designed to assuage the “grave concerns” of the American Legion, Amvets and others about how their members could be penalized by new taxes and insurance regulations.

We’re delighted service members will be let off this particular hook, but why doesn’t everyone else warrant the same dispensation? Or to put it another way, Mr. Waxman is conceding that his plan will interfere with all insurance arrangements that aren’t exempted, including private options that are working well.

Yeah, see, if the Blue Dogs (and Republicans, btw) hadn’t held out, and if the American Legion and AMVETs hadn’t made such a stink, the Democrat Congress would’ve gone merrily on their way to make veteran healthcare too expensive for most of us. I’d like to think that it was out of ignorance, but I tend to think it was completely thoughtless.

For decades, Democrats have attempted to fund their attempts to buy political patronage with money meant for veterans and the military. I’ll admit that so far, this administration has been very good to veterans, but that hasn’t come without vigilance as regular readers of this blog know.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Veteran Health Care

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Alright! For once, they’ve kept their word. Can’t wait to stuff that in the face of the buddy fucker from Scranton, whose ass will be mine soon enough. He’s a VV freak who constantly berates the Legion and every bf gets their due.


Thanks! For keeping vets like me informed Jonn. This is an issue I will watch very closely to see which politicans try to sale out the vets. I will say one thing thank goodness for for the blue dog democrats for keeping us out of the socialist camp for awhile.

Blue Cyclone

I’m glad to hear that language coming from Rep. Waxman’s staff. Thanks for the update Jonn. Be assured that The American Legion will continue to monitor the legislation dealing with health care reform. We consider it one of our responsibilities to protect the veterans of this country from the “unintended consequences” and overlooked effects that so often pop up after legislation is passed. Thanks to all those who helped make sure that time was available to do the analysis and provide that protection.

AW1 Tim

I hope this administration keeps it’s word, but to date, it has a history of changing it’s mind. It seems like all of it’s promises have expiration dates.

I depend upon the VA for my health care. Thios is a time, more so than many other situations we have all faced, where ALL veterans need to stand together and speak with one voice.

We kept our part of the bargain, but it seems that such a concept is lost on the current folks in power. To them, we are something to be used, to score points with, or to be cast aside in an off-hand manner if it suits their agenda.

I appreciate everything that the Legion and every other VSO has done on our behalf. However, I, also, will not let my guard down. There is too much to lose.

Thanks for posting this, Jonn. And thanks, Commander, for taking the point. Leadership by example!


The administration has been very good to vet’s???? They have done nothing but let GWB’s policys (the few they couldn’t kill in six months) take effect..They (President O’Dumbo himself)actually proposed requiring wounded vets to pay for their own care.


I’m hoping Obama gets a less than rousing welcome when he appears at the national VFW convention today.


Well, with no respect to Mr. Waxman’s staff, I’ll believe it when the bill is written, and posted for everyone to read, before any vote on it. Much like I’ll believe that a “public option” isn’t in the bill.
As for the 0 at the VFW, he should be given only the respect due the office of President. But I’m sure some will be applauding their heads off.
And, I too joined the Legion because of what they’ve done, especially since January.

Dave Thul

The fact that the administration tried to bill wounded vets for VA care and even considered putting vets on the public option is troubling.
I think the Legion will find that fighting for vets is a full time job under President Obama.