Left puts foot down

| August 17, 2009

The Obama Administration let word out through Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius that the “government option” isn’t “essential” to their healthcare plan. Apparently, the rest of the left doesn’t agree. Congressman Raúl M. Grijalva, the co-chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucas issued this statement;

The public option is central to healthcare reform. Real reform, which lowers costs and ensures all Americans get the quality, affordable healthcare that they deserve, cannot be accomplished without a robust public option. As we have stated repeatedly for months now, a majority of the members of the Congressional Progressive Caucus will oppose any healthcare reform legislation that does not include a robust public option.

They sound angry, don’t they? Pretty adamant about foisting a huge debt on taxpayers. Well, they’re not alone according to the Associated Press;

“You really can’t do health reform” without allowing the government to compete with private insurers, said Howard Dean, a former Democratic Party chairman. “Let’s not say we’re doing health reform without a public option,” he added in a slap at the administration’s latest move.

His remarks were echoed by lawmakers as well as AFL-CIO President John Sweeney, who said the option was the only way to force “real competition” on the insurance industry.

The Hill writes that Congressional Democrats are warning that what they think is an attempted Senate compromise will cost Obama votes in the House.

Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-N.Y.) asserted that rumored compromises on a Senate bill to win centrist votes would torpedo healthcare reform’s prospects with liberal members of the House.

“If the president thinks he’s cutting a deal to get Senate votes, he’s probably losing House votes,” Weiner warned during an interview on CNBC this morning.

The liberal New York Democrat said that healthcare reform would be essentially meaningless without having a public option made available for consumers.

Me? I’m just buying popcorn. Democrats aren’t in the business of finding solutions, they only want issues. They did the same thing in 1993 and now we can sit back and watch them do it again.

By the way, it’s the townhall protests that are doing this to them – so don’t stop that stuff.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Health Care debate

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The evidence keeps mounting that we’re only going to have to stomach four years of “change.”


Yeah, but at what price? Double digit unemployment, hyper-inflation, soaring debt, astronomical deficits, sky-high energy costs, shuttering of small to medium businesses, unionization of virtually any industry that can squeeze an AFL-CIO retard through the door…sounds a lot like 1979 instead of 1993 to me.


Last I checked there are already two valid options for free health care in the United States.

A. Serve in the military

B. End up in Prison

Dave Thul

I’m going to my Congressman’s town hall on Thursday, we’ll see if there are fireworks.

Ironically, I will finally have a chance to ask him about falsely claiming to be an Afghan War vet, but it wont be the right time to ask it.

And Fred, only prison health care is free. Military health care is earned.

Brown Neck Gaitor

Here is what happens. Certain groups fold up their tent (blue dogs, and Rinos) in the name of compromise. Senate votes a bill through without the public option.

Goes to conference, public option put back in, sent to The One. Signed into law.


Right you are Dave

But at the same end, does anyone really think people such as Pelosi would be able to comprehend such an abstract concept as

Military Service=Earned health care for life

I kind of doubt it.

Dave Thul

Abstract concepts? Heck, I think Speaker Pelosi and Sen Reid are still pissed at the military for not losing the war in Iraq.


Now, some are saying that the dems will go the nuclear option on healthcare, changing the rules in the senate so they only need 50 votes to pass healthcare, because they know they don’t have the votes for the public option any other way.
And BNG has the other scenario down perfect.