SOTU irks Chinese, lies about vet deaths

| February 11, 2023

Turns out the Chinese are offended by the use of the word “competition” used to describe the relationship between them and the US.

Biden, in his State of the Union address, referred seven times to “competition” between the US and China.

China does not fear competing with the U.S. but is “opposed to defining the entire China-U.S. relationship in terms of competition,” Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mao Ning said at a daily briefing Wednesday.

“It is not the practice of a responsible country to smear a country or restrict the country’s legitimate development rights under the excuse of competition, even at the expense of disrupting the global industrial and supply chain,” Mao said.


I am NOT a Chinese linguist, and hope someone here can help out – but I would bet that when you say “competition” you are not just talking about where two sides strive against each other, but connote that it is confrontation and a ‘winner’ vs. ‘loser’ situation. I do know it’s a different culture – a boss may yell at a subordinate but among equals, asserting superiority, getting pushy or confrontational, tends to make Chinese folks very uncomfortable. And Biden not only pushed that button (probably unintentionally) once, but seven times in his speech. This is the sort of thing that lays the ground for international conflict. Doesn’t start anything per se – but sets the stage.

But Biden also jumped on the “vet suicide” bandwagon. He’s real proud of his administrations efforts in reducing vet deaths:

Biden singled out Veterans Affairs Secretary Denis McDonough during his speech and praised him for work thus far to help prevent veterans facing mental health crises.

“We were losing up to 25 veterans a day on suicide,” Biden said. “Now we’re losing 17 a day to the silent scourge of suicide … more than all the people being killed in the wars.”

Uh, Joe?

In the early 2010s, before reliable census data was made public annually by federal researchers, veterans advocates frequently cited the veterans suicide statistic of “22 a day” based off partial estimates of deaths from a small number of states.

But those statistics don’t match annual reports from the Department of Veterans Affairs, which show a 20-year high of about 19 veteran suicides a day in 2018 (6,796 veteran suicide deaths nationwide).

The most recent statistics — from 2020 — put that figure at just under 17 a day (6,146 total deaths)

Military Times

So Joe inflated the high end by 30% from 19 a day to 25, and then credits his lackey for reducing the rate. Just a few problems with that: McDonough wasn’t there in the VA until 2021,  and that “17” stat Joe is quoting dates from the Trump administration in 2020. Nothing to do with him and his appointed guy.

When I hear Biden, I am reminded of Harry Truman’s quote about Nixon “He lies so much that if he ever caught himself actually telling the truth, he’s have to quickly tell a lie to feel right again.” So much for Biden telling the truth occasionally…

Category: Biden, China, Politics

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Fuck China…They are the enemy and if they are butt-hurt tuff shit…Calling them competition is taking it easy on the Communist Shit bags…


See above. It offends their pride to keep saying that they don’t rate.

They don’t. They bluff and bluster, like a flasher showing their actually limp wang.

Once upon a time, my then 5 year old niece, having wandered away from her mother, got flashed by some old perv.

Chip off the family block, she pointed and hollered “How PATHETIC!”

Others, thus expressed disdain savagely.

140 IQ, bless her.

Don’t give the jerk the satisfaction.


Bravo for your niece!
 😂  🤑  😂 


She is a real pistol.


Others, thus expressed disdain savagely.”

A good thrashing was in order.


Hear hear! Chicom bastards.


China is jealous that we consider Russia a “peer” opponent, and China merely an attempted “competitor”.

They lose Face from that. We do not show proper fear of and deference to The Central Kingdom, as they wish to be seen a global power.

Xi would need medical attention to relieve priapism if Biden called China “the main enemy” and “peer opponent” openly. Xi would publicly bask in the achievement of epic Face.


The proper descriptive should be “b*tches” for ’em.

A Proud Infidel®™

Oh well, FUCK Communist China. JUST where is it said that WE are duty-bound to perpetually make the commie snowflakes feel special about themselves?


Back by popular demand (get yours before Democrats jump on the bandwagon to look like the weren’t bootlickers before):
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Last edited 1 year ago by Anonymous

I’d like to know what “legitimate development rights” they are stalking about? Because building artificial islands all over the South China Sea and then using them to claim half the Pacific does not appear to be legitimate to me.


I remember when Trump was asked during the debates what he would do as president. He replied he would punch China in the mouth. Or nose, it’s still part of the face.

Did Joe havie a Trump type moment when he said competition 7 times and the Chinese got their panties in a bunch?


Did Joe havie a Trump type moment when he said competition 7″… Considering that it’s sleepy joe, I’d say it’s more of a Max Headroom moment..


There is no competition; China is superior they feel.
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USMC Steve

That really didn’t work out so well with them the first time. Actually, their army hasn’t ever won a war they got into since the civil war in 1948. They even got their asses kicked in Vietnam by what was the Vietnamese equivalent of the national guard/reserve forces.


Ooooooo, poor Xi.
Did the mean man hurt his fweelens?
Go snuggle with your Pooh doll.


He should lie in his own poo.

Only Army Mom

Remember when I mentioned the average age of veteran suicide was 59.5, with a bimodal distribution with peaks at 70+ and 34(+/-)? And that is changing, dramatically, since Aug. 2021.

Obviously, this info made its way into the Joe Show script. IOW, get out ahead of it by claiming the exact opposite. Narcissist’s accusations are confessions. Every. Damn. Time.

I’m waiting to hear how they are going to propose cuts in Social Security and government gimmes, their current accusation confession. Maybe tie it in with making ineligible “enemies of the State”.

Who? That’s Trumpsters, Climate Change Deniers, BLM opponents, aka those who question their fundraising or respond with “All Lives Matter”. And we can’t forget those who object to CRT or trans females in girls’ sports.

I’ve heard -in person- every one of these and more as potential identifiers of those unworthy of inclusion in societal benefits. Of course, they would still be taxed the same, or better, even higher.

Only Army Mom

China’s complaint is another harbinger. I’ll know when things are changing when our government and/or the MSM reports China’s complaints with derision. Or, sees a China complaint as a compliment that “we” are doing what we are supposed to for “us”.

China you are not our equals. Your culture, society and system of government are antithetical to everything we know that is right, good and just. The model we follow has lifted more people out poverty and into independence than any other in history.

In our system, power rests in the hands of the individual, not the collective State. We will succeed, survive and thrive only if we remember and rededicate ourselves to this founding principal.

Last edited 1 year ago by Only Army Mom

Yes, at the current time we haven’t “always been at war with Eastasia” yet.

Only Army Mom

Where is that quote “always been at war with Eastasia” from?





Suggested reading assignment: 1984 by George Orwell.

Written in 1948, meant as a horrifying warning of the dystopia of socialism/collectivism, today’s Left appears to be using it as a template.

This is one of those essential things to read to understand the enemy of western civilization. Similar in importance to Animal Farm.

Key item for ” We have always been at war with …”: everyone is expected to believe and action whatever the Party says, even if it is the opposite of what was said 15 minutes ago.

1984 is also the source of recurring quips about Big Brother (is watching you), Newspeak, and Doublethink.

Only Army Mom

11B – thanks, I have read Orwell, and several other dystopian themed tomes many times through the years. My question was due to a mistaken assumption Anonymous was attributing the quote to me or the content/intent of what someone posted here.

In other words, I didn’t want a brain fart-mine or theirs-to become a public shart all over another commentor. One of the best things about TAH is the overall respectful tone of even heated disagreements, with a few notable exceptions (here’s looking at the pigeon and a few trolls).

So, I posted a query as innocuously as possible. And was respectfully answered by several. And laughed in chagrin.

I did not respond further as there was no need, beyond a thumbs up to both Dave and Anonymous.


“Remember when I mentioned…”

No, I don’t. Interesting, though. You have piqued my curiosity.

Oddly, to my way of thinking anyway, the VA found that *one of the factors that may increase the risk of suicide is low cholesterol. Fortunately (or not) I have dodged that bullet.

I find that amusing. Given that I am 70+ and have a few other pro-suicide factors, perhaps my high cholesterol is all that is keeping me alive. I must mention this to my extensive staff of medical professionals; “Lay off the bad cholesterol lectures, doc, that’s what is keeping me going!”.



Got somethin’ fer the “woke”-sters:
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Only Army Mom

Not only did you did not issue a spew alert, you got me on something “mom” should not comment on or react to, you jerk.

I’m stealing this, edited of course.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

And what word would you replace (as if I couldn’t guess), and what would you replace it with?

“Jerkoffs,” is my choice.

Drag Racing Maniac

Is this on a T-Shirt? Because I would totally buy this shirt. 😀 


There is one altered slightly (in wording but not intent) and merged with R. Lee Ermey, too:


Pretty much a known fact to anyone that has been paying attention, Prezzy Sniffy Creepy has been a lying, grifting, sniffling back stabbing son-a-bitch for his entire life. He is a looter and a pillager. He is the worst enemy this Country has ever had in a (s)elected official. He WILL piss down your back and tell you it is raining, and, no, he does not even have the common decency to give us a reach around. I will read his obit with the greatest of pleasure. He is bought and paid for by his Chinese Communist Masters, but the jury is still out as to whether he is owned more by them or the Z Man from the ‘Kraine.

I fight back in the only way I can right now by making a very spirited attempt to not purchase any product made in Communist China. Just as Japan threw our scrap metal back at us during WWII, the Chinese Communists are using the money we spent on their junk in order to buy politicians and build up their military.