Saturday FGS

| February 11, 2023

Colt M1895

Washington man shot dead by armed father at dog park after trying to ‘endanger’ child’s life: police
Charges have not been filed against the shooter who police say was legally carrying a gun

By Andrew Mark Miller | Fox News
Police in Washington state say that an armed man with his child at a dog park shot and killed an attacker in an incident where police have not filed charges.

The Yakima, Washington Police Department said in a Facebook post that they had received 911 calls on Sunday from the Randall Park Dog Park with callers saying a man acting erratically had been confronting another man and his child at the park.

“The erratic subject attempted to endanger the life of the small child with his words and actions, at which point the child’s father protected his child from the threat,” the post said.

Police explained that the father gave verbal commands to the individual to stop the harassment and attempted to leave the park.

When those attempts to deescalate the situation were not successful, police say the 28-year-old father shot and killed the aggressive individual with a legally owned firearm.

The victim was later identified as 28-year-old Daniel Ortega.

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Fox News

Dad did everything he could until he had to act decisively. His fate now lies with the Yakima County Prosecutor.

Armed North Carolina man attempts home invasion, gets shot in neck by homeowner: police

Greg Norman
A North Carolina man is in critical condition after being shot by a property owner during an attempted home invasion, police say.

The Mount Airy Police Department said Joshua Murphy, 41, was at home Tuesday afternoon when Daniel Brown entered through his front door armed with a handgun, the Mount Airy News reported.

“Once Brown came through the front door, he was confronted by Joshua Murphy, who fired one shot, striking Brown in the neck,” police said in a statement obtained by the newspaper.

“Officers responded to the residence and located the homeowner, Joshua Wade Murphy…standing in the front yard of his residence armed with a shotgun,” the statement added.

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I’ll see your poodle-shooter and raise you 12.

Houston would-be robber runs out the door after hotel clerk pulls handgun: ‘I ain’t playing with you’
When the Houston hotel clerk pointed a handgun at the suspect, he fled the scene

By Adam Sabes | Fox News
A man in Houston attempted to rob a hotel while carrying a rifle, but appeared to be shocked when the hotel clerk pulled out a handgun of her own.

The incident happened on Jan. 16 when a man entered the hotel lobby.

Houston police say that the suspect went to the counter with a rifle and demanded that a hotel clerk give him money from a cash drawer.

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Fox News

Don’t miss the video- the rifle screams “Airsoft.” Thanks to our own David and Gun Bunny for today’s links.

It’s easy being a humorist when you’ve got the whole government working for you.
– Will Rogers

Category: Feel Good Stories, Guest Link

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Yakima police think narcotics may have been involved… Do tell. All the parks in the once great state of Washington are over run with homeless drug addicts. I certainly would never take a child to one.

So far as the Houston robber the magazine does indeed look to small to hold regular ammunition, not in a “bet my life” kind of way, but enough to make wonder if it is Air Soft.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Narcotics? NO! REALLY!? Do tell!!

John Seabee

Dear Daniel Ortega…

Well... BYE.jpg

BZ, Citizens! Fight back! No one is coming to save you but yourself. Better to be judged by 12 than toted by 6.

Nothing at all funny about how the grubemint is working…on destroying the American Republic.

You knew I’d get lost in that linky, didn’t ya! Well played.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Looks like Mr Brown got his Big Brass Ones rung like a bell by the homeowner.
What a pain in the neck!
Murphy’s Law ruled the day.

Last edited 1 year ago by President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande
Skivvy Stacker

“Yeah, dat’s right, I’m bad, I’m bad…I got dis big ol’ rifle gun, I knows what I’M doin’…gimmie da munny, move it…NOW…I…awwwww SHIT!”
They can find him by following the trail of piss on the floor.