Drone strike inside Iran

| January 29, 2023

An Iranian facility related to its military experienced an explosion as a result of a drone attack. The Iranians claimed that the drones carried bombs and targeted an Iranian Ministry of Defense workshop in Isfahan. They reported that some damage was caused. They also claimed that air defenses hit one drone and defense traps destroyed a couple other drones.

From Fox News:

Defense Ministry statement said three drones were launched at the facility, two of them successfully shot down and a third striking the building, causing “minor damage” to its roof and wounding no one, the ministry said. Isfahan is located 215 miles south of Tehran.

There have been reports of additional drone strikes, including a comment from Iuliia Mendel, a former spokesperson for Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

Mehrdad Khalili, the director of IRNA in Lebanon, denied these reports.

“There is no truth to the occurrence of explosions in different areas in Iranian territory,” he wrote in a translated tweet. “The only incident is the thwarting of an attack by drones on a factory for the Ministry of Defense.”

No person, country, or entity has claimed responsibility for Saturday’s attack.

Just days earlier, on Wednesday, officials announced joint exercises between the U.S. and Israel, which are said to be the most significant bilateral show of force between the two nations to date.

“Juniper Oak is a Combined Joint All-Domain exercise which improves our interoperability on land, in the air, at sea, in space, and in cyberspace with our partners, enhances our ability to respond to contingencies, and underscores our commitment to the Middle East.” Gen. Michael “Erik” Kurilla, commander of CENTCOM said in a statement.

The statement added: “These kinds of exercises — which CENTCOM routinely conducts with our partners — develop interoperability between military forces, increase military capabilities, and are important to the security and stability of the region. The lessons learned during these exercises are exportable to our partners across the region.”

Foundation for Defense of Democracies’ Center on Military and Political Power, a non-profit research institute, said the “scope, complexity, and size” is intended to send a message.

“The Biden administration wants Tehran to understand that the United States has both the military means and the political will to stand with Israel, secure American interests in the region, and conduct successful large-scale strikes if necessary,” said Ryan Brobst, an FDD research analyst.

Brobst’s report added: “The scope, complexity, and size of this exercise should assure Israelis, Americans, and their regional partners, while making adversaries think twice before initiating aggression.”

Fox News has the rest of the story.

Category: International Affairs, Iran

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jeff LPH 3 63-66

Drone strikes inside iran, well I’ll BEE Hogwhistled.


For Iran:
comment image


“No person, country, or entity has claimed responsibility for Saturday’s attack”

Probably their own drones. Exercise gone awry.

A Proud Infidel®™

That would not surprise me one bit. They could barely hold up to Sadaam Hussein’s Army and look how quickly we ran over them twice!


The Iranians managed to hold off the Iraqis for eight years. I seem to have missed our two wars with Iran

RGR 4-78

Iraq-Iran tie

U.S. 2- Iraq 0


Sounds like a good start to me. Hell, release another swarm. “ON TARGET…FIRE FOR EFFECT!!!” I’m sure that the Ministry of Defense for Iran is a “target rich environment”. And I’m sure that it is just a co-inky-dink that we are conducting “Joint Training Exercises” with Israel.


Say ‘shalom’ to my little drones.

RGR 4-78

Qasem Soleimani was unavailable for comment. 😉 



RGR 4-78

He goes to pieces over your meme. 😆 


Soleimani’s favorite song? “I Fall To Pieces”.


Mallard, Mallard. Duck dammit !!!

Libtard 464.jpg

It’s Always Trump’s Fault…

“Dems Propose 8.7% Pay Raise For Federal Workers To Make Up For COVID, Trump”


“House Democrats proposed legislation this week that would give more than 2 million federal workers an 8.7% pay raise in 2024, a raise they say is needed because they suffered through both the COVID pandemic and the Trump administration.”

“For years now, federal employees have risked their health and safety working on the frontlines of this pandemic,” said Rep. Gerry Connolly, D-Va., who sponsored the bill. “They were subjected to the Trump Administration’s cruel personal attacks, unsafe work environments, pay freezes, government shutdowns, sequestration cuts, furloughs, and mindless across-the-board hiring freezes.”


Had enough yet?

comment image


I’m a federal employee, under both Trump and Biden. Life was far better under Trump. And not every federal employee is getting that 4.6% increase, only GS employees. Wage Grade employees won’t see it till March or April. While I’d definitely like another 8.7%, it ain’t gonna fix Joe’s economy and it ain’t Trump’s fault. Hell, I was a federal contractor under Obama and it was better than under Joe.

Last edited 1 year ago by SFC D

Same, life in the military and civil service is better under republicans.

Fuck Dems


Trump made up for all the pathetic raises under Obama, who screwed the military for years.


Same here. Adjustment does nothing compared to inflation. Plus my step doesn’t go up until next year. So, it wasn’t exactly all that great.

Of course, could be worse. Could be out only my luck in an economy that is getting ready to take an inevitable and drastic downturn from all the continued bad choices of this administration. Count your blessings and all, I guess.


Yeah, they suffered through the pandemic with full pay while pretending to work from home.


“wounded no one”

Really? Not even one little rogue Islamic terrorist nuclear scientist?


Shoulda nuked the site from orbit…it’s the only way to be sure.